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November 28, 2017 0 Comments

day 38 penn white lace


Mercury and Saturn are in a crash collision in Sagittarius right on the Galactic Center at the start of the week. Have you felt the weight of reality testing crashing in? Sobering –even depressive thoughts? Feeling critical of the way others communicate or fail to communicate with you? Negative thinking? Wanting to quit or commit? Wanting to just give up on the area where Sagittarius falls in your chart? This is all exaggerated by the square to the Moon in Pisces merging with Chiron in Pisces. The feeling of doubt, restriction or fear can just add salt to some our deepest wounds. It’s essential to keep the faith now and remember this too shall pass. Don’t act on anything yet, because you’d be acting out of pain, fear or negative thinking. Plus, Mercury is in his retrograde shadow. Wait and watch for a bit. Come back to your center. Remain humble and vigilant as we get closer to the Full Moon this Sunday in Gemini coinciding with Mercury Retrograde on the very same day. There’s quite a whirlwind of a week ahead. Read for your sign and rising sign.

Photo: Irving Penn.


Weekly 26 November – 3 December 2017


It might feel like time is slowing down and speeding up at once this week, Aries. That’s because Mercury goes out of phase early Sunday morning – the prelude to the last retrograde of the year could be super weird and confusing. Not only will this have an effect on the way that you communicate, but it will also complicate your travel plans. If you’re going out of town during the next four weeks or so, plan carefully and triple-check your itinerary before you get on the road. Also on Sunday: the Full Moon arrives in your house of talking and thinking. Conversations could be dramatic.


The stars are getting a bit weird this week, Taurus. Even though the big astro-events won’t happen until the weekend, you’ll feel them building up days before. You get a special bonus: the Moon is in your own sweet sign from Thursday to Saturday – use your peak energy phase for all it’s worth. You’ll need it because Mercury goes retrograde early Sunday morning, throwing your schedule into a potential tailspin for the next three weeks. On the very same day, the Full Moon alights in your money zone – bringing an important revelation about a financial issue. Even if it’s stressful, relief is on the way.


Brace yourself, Gemini – this is going to be quite a week! Your ruler Mercury enters his last retrograde phase of the year early Sunday morning – in your opposite sign of Sagittarius. This means that relationships are more than just your number one concern during the next three weeks, but they could be wracked with miscommunication. You can avoid this by tuning into your ability to listen with your whole heart. Later that day the Full Moon in Gemini arrives – a major culmination. This is your six-month check in since your birthday last spring: did your wishes come true? If not, tweak your game plan.

This week is jam-packed, Cancer. There is so much intense astrology, and even though the bulk of it doesn’t happen until the weekend, your sensitive soul will begin to sense it as early as Monday. Mercury Retrograde begins on Sunday morning – for the final showdown of 2017. This time, your slowdowns and breakdowns are likely are to happen at work. Your schedule could be quite wonky, so be extra careful not to double and triple-book clients and customers. Later on Sunday there’s a powerful Full Moon in your dream zone and it will surely bring all the feels. Be extra good and kind to yourself, darling.


There’s a brief break in the astro-intensity early this week, but it won’t last for long, Leo. That’s because the cosmic events of the weekend have a rather long lead-time. Mercury Retrograde (the last one of 2017) arrives early on Sunday morning, and because it’s hitting your romance zone, you might experience a veritable parade of exes returning out of the blue. Whether you get a call, text or email, don’t be shocked if someone from your past returns – ditto for creative ideas. Sunday’s Full Moon in your house of friends can bring up some drama with your besties: handle with care.


It’s time to get grounded, Virgo, because your ruler Mercury is heading for his final retrograde of the year. This planet is so closely connected with who you are and because you’re such a sensitive sign, expect to feel the retrograde reverberations long before it officially arrives early on Sunday morning. Over the next few weeks, there will be a major focus on home, family, and domestic activities, and issues from the past can reemerge. Here’s a secret: this is all happening so that you and your loved ones can finally heal. Sunday also brings a Full Moon in your career zone – get down to work.


You may feel pretty unsettled as the week progresses, Libra, so consider this an essential reminder to prep in advance. What you’re prepping for arrives over the weekend in the form of Mercury Retrograde – the last one in 2017. For the next three weeks, communication could be a bit bonkers on multiple fronts. It will require you to slow down, listen, and review all your messages before you hit send. It’s equally important to have patience with those who misunderstand you. Sunday brings a Full Moon to your travel zone, so expect some wanderlust – probably a whole lot of it.


The stars are strange this week, Scorpio, but that’s par for the course leading up to Mercury Retrograde, which begins early Sunday morning. You’ll feel it coming days in advance, so plan to shore up your resources and triple-check all your financial data and accounts. This retrograde will happen in your money zone – which can bring cash owed to you, on the one hand, but can also cause problems with receiving income that’s due to arrive in your bank. There’s a Full Moon in your house of intimacy later on Sunday – this is amazing for your sex life.


Whoa, Sadge – this is going to be quite a week! Many planets are in your sign already, and on Friday, Venus joins the mix, creating a beautiful, romantic aura around you. But early on Sunday morning, Mercury Retrograde begins, and since it takes place in your stars, you’ll feel it in every fiber of your being. Prep in advance if possible: clear channels of communication, back up your data, lighten your schedule, and fold lots of time to relax into your days and nights during the next few weeks. The Full Moon alights in your relationship zone later on Sunday: avoid drama with your significant other.


As November becomes December, the stars get a little bit weird. Slow is the new fast as Mercury prepares to retrograde this weekend. It’ll be particularly interesting for you, as the communication planet will be moving backward through your dream zone. Expect things to feel less realistic and more ethereal for the next few weeks. Later on Sunday the Full Moon alights in your house of work. This might be the six-month culmination of a project or series of projects. The stars order you to relax, Capricorn, even if you feel like you’re just getting started. Your mind-body connection is strong right now.


What a week, Aquarius. During the next seven days there might be a few major ups mixed with a few downs. Mercury is about to go to retrograde, and even though it doesn’t happen until the weekend, you’ll feel it near the beginning of the workweek. The communication planets will be moving backwards through your house of friends and social life, so collaboration could be a bit messy. Be extra careful to convey your true feelings and to listen carefully. Late on Sunday there is a Full Moon in Gemini, your sister air sign. This is extremely romantic and pleasurable, not to mention pretty creative.

Pisces:It is indeed an interesting week in the stars, Pisces. Mercury is preparing to retrograde for the final time in 2017. It doesn’t happen until the weekend but you’ll surely sense it long before. This particular retrograde will move through your career zone. Now that might sound intimidating, but there’s no reason to fret. Look at it as an opportunity to revive projects that have gone stale over the past year. You can make the changes that you need to move your professional life forward in early 2018. Sunday’s Full Moon in Gemini brings your attention (and love) back home again.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.