The ugly, dark, and bitter heart of the so-called “birther” movement is a frightening thing to behold. Because what’s beneath it is pure, unbridled racism, the kind that created the segregated South, the KKK, Jim Crow, and all the other detritus of the legacy of slavery in our country. These people cannot accept that Barack Obama is our president, in simple terms, because he’s Black. Pluto in Capricorn, as we’ve mentioned, is likely to be a time of rising fascism. With the governor of Texas threatening secession, Southern Republicans totally losing their minds and trying to make healthcare Obama’s “Waterloo”, and the birther movement getting actual traction in the media, we are clearly in dark times.
As a totally personal aside, I have never in my lifetime been so demoralized and ashamed to share my heritage with another human being than the crazy rightwingnut Israeli who is also the de facto leader of the birther movement. May she be dragged over the coals and exposed for her disgusting racism. How DARE she invoke Nazi Germany in this wholly imaginary farce of a “movement” whose motivation is paper thin hatred. It’s clear that she’s completely and totally nuts, off of her meds, and in need of desperate psychiatric assistance. But the fact of her heritage is a clear and present danger for other Jews. The Glenn Becks and Rush Limbaughs and Lou Dobbs of this world are gunning for a race war, and with Pluto in Capricorn, they just might get one. Thank god we at least have the Jewish genius Jon Stewart lay it on the line for us.