By now we’ve all heard about Neda and watched the graphic, wrenching images of her death by Baseej snipers over the weekend. She has become the face of the new revolution in Iran, her bloodied image affixed to flags waving in protest all over the world. Neda was 27, born in 1982. Although her actual birthdate is still unknown, her Saturn Return would have begun this fall. The country of Iran is in the midst of a collective transformation. As Ahmadinejad’s violent rhetoric increased, so did the intensity of Iran’s Saturn Return. Now, as the exact return of Saturn separates, the anger and hunger spills out into the streets. Neda, whose name literally translates to “the call”, is no cosmic accident. If she’d lived her life would have been about justice, as her Saturn was in the sign of Libra. When Saturn moves into Libra this October, the calls for democracy will only get louder and more vehement. Neda didn’t have a political candidate in mind — she just wanted freedom for her fellow Iranians.
Stefanie Weiss
Stefanie I. Weiss, M.A. is the author of nine books and an astrologer in private practice in New York City. Her latest (non-astrology book) is Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable (Crown Publishing/Ten Speed Press) She's the co-author of Surviving Saturn's Return (Contemporary Books) and Fate of Your Date (Chronicle Books). She is the author of Spirt Animals: Unlocking the Secrets of Your Animal Companions (Chronicle Books, 2009). Her other books have covered yoga, veganism, grief, the beauty myth, and much more. To learn more about Stefanie, visit her websites: &
Astrology’s Big Moment
January 27, 2011