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VERNAL EQUINOX HOROSCOPES MARCH 20-26TH, 2017 – The Saturn Sisters VERNAL EQUINOX HOROSCOPES MARCH 20-26TH, 2017 – The Saturn Sisters


March 20, 2017 0 Comments



MARCH 20-26TH, 2017


Spring arrives on Monday, making you the stars of all the stars, Aries. It’s the beginning of your birthday month, so even if you’re an April-born Ram, this is the time to get your celebration on – and keep it going for the next thirty days. This is the astrological New Year, making you into a New Year’s baby of sorts (just like Capricorns are under the Gregorian calendar.) But back to you – even though the week begins on a bright note, by Thursday and Friday it get a bit tricky on the communication and relationship front. Don’t worry: Saturday’s romance makes up for it IN DROVES.


Spring is here on Monday, and you couldn’t be more ready for the turning of the season. After all, even though your birthday month is about thirty days away, spring is your moment to come back to life. As you begin to shed layers over the next few weeks, pay special attention to your inner world – your dreams and secret desires. The Sun will highlight this part of your life, which can make you more reflective and quiet, but the purpose is to prepare you for your birthday debut. Thursday and Friday are tricky, so don’t start anything you can’t finish – be realistic.


Happy spring, Gemini! The season of new beginnings (and your birthday, in a few months) is officially here on Monday. Even if it’s still cold outside, the stars are setting an amazing agenda for your social life during the next thirty days. It’s all about creating collabs that can help your visions and goals come to life. Your ruler Mercury is VERY cantankerous on Thursday and Friday, so make sure that pugilistic vibe doesn’t affect you. It’s really easy to let your frustration get the best of you – don’t say anything you’ll regret. Saturday brings mega-romance and loads of fun with friends.


Spring blasts onto the scene on Monday – and it’s about time! The next month is supremely positive for all things related to your career. The Sun will highlight your professional zone, helping you to achieve the status you’ve been working so hard for. Note: Mercury goes retrograde in early April, so get to work as soon as possible. Thursday and Friday of this week bring a bit of aggressive energy in the realm of communication – be careful what you say, and avoid being overly sensitive about what you hear. Everything improves dramatically by Saturday, Cancer, so don’t stress it.


Spring has sprung! At least it will do so on Monday, initiating a month of glorious, fiery ferocity in your life. Even though you’re a summer baby, the first thirty days of spring feature the Sun in Aries, your sister fire sign. This puts you in the mood for travel and adventure – it’s all about expanding your mind and getting stamps on your passport. If you can’t get away immediately, at least do some serious planning. The last two days of the workweek bring Mercury into conflict with a few other planets, straining communication. No worries, Leo – love and romance return full force on Saturday.


Spring arrives with a blast of energy on Monday, just when you need it most. Even if it takes a few weeks for the temps to rise, it’s definitely getting hotter in your bedroom for the next thirty days. That’s because the Sun is in your house of sex and intimacy between now and late April – you’ve got a month to get the most of out this hotter than hot astro-influence. The end of this week is a bit tricky as your ruler Mercury duels with Pluto and Jupiter on Thursday and Friday. Have no fear, because Venus will cure all that ails you on Saturday.


Spring is here, and your relationships are blooming. The season of flowers and renewal arrives on Monday, bringing the Sun into your partnership zone for the next four weeks. This is an incredible moment to get to the heart of your love life, whether you’re currently single or attached. In other words, you’ll know what you want – what you really, REALLY want. Important partnership will change and grow over the next few weeks – if you pour your heart into them. Thursday and Friday are a bit stressful, especially on the communication front – but by Saturday your ruler Venus brings back the sweetness and joy.


It’s finally here! After an immensely challenging winter, spring arrives on Monday, bringing the renewal you’ve been craving. The Sun moves into your house of work, where it will provide fantastic opportunities over the next thirty days. Your health is also a focus now – it’s high time that you achieve the mind/body balance you need – because it will help you to be even more productive. The last few days of the workweek are intense, especially when it comes to communication and finances. Try to avoid having difficult discussions about money with your lover. Saturday’s far better – and pretty damn romantic.


Spring is here! The season of total renewal arrives on Monday, bringing the Sun into Aries – your sister fire sign. The astro-news couldn’t be better for you, Sadge! The next month offers a deep immersion in the best things in life: love, romance, pleasure, fun and creativity. If you need more of any of these (and who doesn’t?!) then feel free to indulge. The week gets wonky on Thursday and Friday, when Mercury clashes with a few other planets – communication might be challenging. This is the worst possible time to put your foot in your mouth, but by Saturday, everything feels a whole lot better.


It’s finally spring!!!! The brand new season arrives on Monday, starting the week on the right footing. The next thirty days are all about your roots, Capricorn: your home, family, and everything and everyone closest to you. With the Sun in this part of your chart, you can renew these vital relationships and do a bit of healthy nesting. You might get the spring cleaning bug, or take it up a notch and do some redecorating. Thursday and Friday are super intense, especially around technology and communication. It could feel like it’s Mercury Retrograde for a second, but everything passes by Saturday.


It’s that time again, Aquarius: time for SPRING, that is! Pretty green buds are shooting up all over the place, and as the Sun moves into your communication zone for the next four weeks, you’ll notice many opportunities to speak, write, and share your profoundly convincing opinion. It’s all about saying what’s on your mind now. But note that Thursday and Friday are uncomfortable, to say the least, on the communication front. This is when you should be wary of saying too much too fast, and inadvertently hurting someone’s feelings. The weirdness fades by Saturday, and the romance floods in.


Your birthday month is ending, Pisces, but you get an amazing consolation prize: the arrival of spring! The Vernal Equinox brings the Sun into your money zone on Monday, setting you up for thirty days of financial wizardry. Yes, you are blessed when it comes to balancing your budget and finding additional sources of income between now and late April. You also might want to spend it a quickly as you earn it – try to save just a bit. Thursday and Friday are wonky and weird communication-wise – but Saturday makes up for it with so much romance you’ll be overwhelmed.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.