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New Moon in Aries Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters New Moon in Aries Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters

New Moon in Aries Horoscopes

March 27, 2017 0 Comments

riad enija best



MAY 8-13TH, 2016

…under the Scorpio Full Moon!

with Sherene

Daily rituals, bellydance, meditation, rooftop circles, tarot and healing in the stunningly gorgeous and exclusive, Riad Enija (shown above)

I have been coming and staying at this majestic sanctuary since 2003! It’s my dream Riad! They will pamper us silly with rose petals, foot massages after breakfast, and the scent of orange blossom and jasmine lingering in the private dining garden.

Space is very limited and there are only 3 rooms left at the time of this posting:



dianna ross

New Moon in Aries Horoscopes

March 27th to April 2nd


Let a whole new cycle begin, Aries! The New Moon on Monday falls in your very own stars which means it’s all you, all day, every day this week. Others might call that selfish, you call it essential. Set your wishes for the next six months of action-packed excitement and adventure. Your speedy mind will begin to mellow once the communication planet (Mercury) leaves your constellation on Friday. Rather than jumping to assumptions in conversations, you’re more likely to be deliberate and methodical in your thinking process. It can feel frustrating at times but bodes well for increasing harmony and understanding with others.


It’s all about the new this week, Taurus! As much as you’re known to resist change, you’ll actually adore this surge of inspiration. You were reaching your limit with all that felt stuck and stagnant over the past few weeks, anyway. The New Moon of spring officially arrives on Monday highlighting your house of sleep and dreams. You’ll enjoy extra beauty rest and time to let your imagination drift and wander. Mercury, the messenger planet moves into your peaceful and patient stars on Friday. You’ll appreciate the slower pace for conversing and processing. The only caveat is the upcoming Mercury Retrograde next week. Prepare now for upcoming delays and redo’s.


So much is happening in the stars this week, Gemini (just the way you like it!) First, is the New Moon taking place on Monday kicking off a brand new social cycle for you. In fact, this is just the beginning of a rather thrilling and inspiring six-month cycle of new projects, friendships and long-term goals. You’re on fire with ideas for new launches. You just need the right people to create and collaborate with you. The other big news of the week is that your guiding planet, Mercury is changing signs and thus your entire mental focus is shifting. Get ready to go from fire, impulse and speed to a slow and low tempo.


New sources of inspiration are on deck this week, Cancer.. The New Moon is happening this Monday and bringing all of the excitement and fresh spark you need to get some fabulous new projects burning. You’ll have all the ammo you need to take your career to the next level. You are more willing to take risks now as procrastination is no longer the obstacle and enemy. You’re being fueled by a sense of urgency which works in your favor. Communication is the only arena that might be a bit slow and off right now. Mercury, the planet governing texting, talking and traveling is changing signs and preparing to go retrograde. This means double check details and plans.


Travel is on your brain this week in a major way, Leo. Even if those plans are simply at the seed level for starters, trust that you are about to embark on a big jet-setting spree between now and October. The New Moon on Monday brings your dreams of adventure to light. Use the next few weeks to research, but perhaps wait until May to finalize any concrete plans (unless you have an excellent cancellation/change policy). The planet ruling transport (Mercury) is going out of phase soon and creating obstructions and unexpected changes to itineraries for the next month.


Change is in the air this week, Virgo. You’ve been incubating a lot of powerful material over the last six months and you’re ready to re-emerge with the new you. The New Moon on Monday is just the beginning of your unveiling. Once you put your mind to it, nothing can stop you from major transformation. That said, your ruling planet (Mercury) is slowing down plus changing signs on Friday. This has you thinking of the big picture, and even scheming up your next set of long-distance travel plans. Take your time and check the details at least twice.


All is shifting around your current love story this week, Libra. The New Moon on Monday lands in your partnership zone and invites you to set your wishes on your ideal mate or relationship dynamics. If you feel like the reciprocity has been dysfunctional in your one-to-ones, now is the time to reset and strike more balance. The ongoing Venus Retrograde is teaching you how to be more assertive in getting what you want and need from partners. Communication gets a bit slower and more stubborn after Friday. You’ll enjoy the more mellow pace but may have a harder time getting your point across the first time.


There’s a New Moon coming to you this Monday, Scorpio. It’s highlighting your workload, health and asking you to tidy up all of those loose ends this week. If you’ve got a ton of new projects you want to get off the ground, use this lunation to finally make a working list. Start with a slow but consistent action plan. The communication planet (Mercury) is moving into your opposite stars of Taurus on Friday. Now your attention shifts to relationship-driven communication. The best way to improve the quality of understanding between you and loved ones is to accentuate your listening skills. Speak less so you can hear more.


Your love life is back on fiery track this week, Sadge! The New Moon on Monday is ideal for setting your desire into motion around romance and pleasure. There’s a new surge of inspiration and excitement around all of it that you’ve been desperately waiting for. You’re finally starting to pull out of a recent slump and getting back to your fun and sassy self. The only downside to all of this exuberance is the slow down with communication and work (unless you want a break of course)! Plus, you’re feeling the need to get more methodical and grounded with your daily rituals and wellness routines.


There’s a New Moon on Monday bringing passion and impulsiveness to the scene, Capricorn. You prefer strategic and methodical approaches, but the times call for a dose of immediacy now. This also requires setting your fears aside and just going for what you want without hesitation. If you want to slow down and take your time, apply the cautions side of your personality in communication for the next few weeks. Mercury, the messenger planet, is changing signs and putting a more mellow approach to talking and texting. After a few weeks of rushed and blunt speech patterns, the new tempo is mellow and patient.


Communication is your end all be all this week, Aquarius. You have a lot on your mind and your agenda to boot. Work is piling up and messages are demanding more immediate attention. Use this constant rush of information to inspire you, yet leave plenty of pauses to avoid burnout. The New Moon on Monday is your annual reset with your mindset and approach to communication in general. Trade off the impulse to blurt your opinion without considering the consequences of how it might affect the listener. Now is the time to stop and reconsider the impact your words have on the ones you love.


The New Moon is here to kick off the week this Monday. The focus is on your money and financial dealings, Pisces. Now is ideal for getting your accounts in order and making new budgets to realize some of your bigger dreams. Taking immediate action on even the scarier details is advised as well—no avoidance schemes, darling. The sooner you dive in, the lighter you’ll feel. The communication planet, Mercury is shifting signs and supporting your conversations and learning skills over the next few weeks (starting on Friday). Your thoughts are more creative, grounded and beautiful than ever. Share the loveliness.


Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.