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Full Moon in Scorpio Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters Full Moon in Scorpio Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters

Full Moon in Scorpio Horoscopes

May 8, 2017 0 Comments

scorpio glyph

Full Moon in Scorpio

Horoscopes 8-14th May


You are back on the fast track now, Aries—all systems go! All of the retrograde diversions are finally easing up and allowing you to feel like a human again. Projects and goals that were going nowhere fast are starting to pick up some momentum, especially with communication and creativity. This Wednesday’s Full Moon is bringing all the sexy back to your world. Get ready to go deep, darling. The extreme side of your nature is kicking in and causing all or nothing behaviors. It’s all too tempting to cut some ties that feel too mediocre for your liking.


Passion rules your world this week, Taurus. The hidden side of your peaceful nature is actually quite intense and all of those feelings are quickly bubbling up to the surface now. You could surprise yourself. Wednesday’s Full Moon highlights your relationship zone and brings partnership themes to a fever pitch. Your time is in extremely high demand and you hate saying no to anyone. If you feel pushed to socialize past your comfort zone expect your inner grump to kick in. So much is changing despite your best attempts to resist and cling to the known. If you let go and trust that the universe has your back, you’ll sail through the shifting landscape and even enjoy the newness.


Your schedule is full-on this week, Gemini. Work is demanding all that you’ve got and then some. Mercury Retrograde caused a lot of delays and now you’re in extreme catchup mode trying to work through all the kinks and untangle all of the crossed wires in communication. Plus, your projects are pushing you to work at an accelerated pace. Take deeper breaths than normal and schedule as many breaks on the hour as possible. Pacing yourself is everything now. Wednesday’s Full Moon is when many work projects culminate and you possibly hit your wall. Keep your schedule a bit lighter around the middle of the week in case you need recovery time. Don’t compromise your health by pushing yourself to work all hours.


Love is your answer to everything this week, Cancer. The Full Moon in Scorpio is coming mid-week and lighting up your romance and pleasure zone. Whatever happened starting last November in your love life could be reaching it’s finale or ending. The previous Venus Retrograde phase asked you to get really clear on what you want and don’t want in relationships. You’ll either be taking your current flame to the next level or perhaps letting go and mourning your loss now. Either way you will come to a firm decision, even if it feels extreme or dramatic. It’s your truth now.


Let your inner brooding homebody take over this week, Leo. The Full Moon is pushing all of your intense feelings to the surface now. There’s a high probability won’t feel like being around other humans. until the weekend. You’re also recalibrating how much you want to give to others and how much you need to hold for your own creativity and life force. Don’t feel guilty if the balance shifts more towards you for a change. . Introspection is everything for you now. Go ahead and unplug from the online world so you can level deeper into your inner world for a spell


You are detective and psychologist in one this week, Virgo. You refuse to waste time in small talk or mindless gossip. You want the bottom line and the real talk now. You’ve survived Mercury Retrograde, and are slowly trying to trust that you can speak your mind freely and clearly now, without being misquoted and misunderstood. You’ll also adore how much more articulate you feel. Wednesday’s Full Moon lights up your thinking and texting zone and inspires your mind to go deep. Expect to be bombarded with endless inquiries and problems for solving. Friends always come to you for the best advice.


Financial matters are reaching their fulcrum this week, Libra. You’ll get crystal clear on whatever feels out of balance. Letting go of extremes in either savings or spending is what is being asked of you now. Emotional spending binges feel amazing in the moment but leave you totally stressed out after the fact. Wednesday’s Full Moon lights up your money zone to an almost obsessive degree. It’s easy to feel out of balance at the moment, but it wont’ last. You can pull yourself back from any dramatic expenditures with just a little restraint and re-budgeting. You always find your way back.


Feelings take over your entire world this week, Scorpio. The extreme part of your nature is highlighted compliments of the Full Moon in your stars on Wednesday. Any emotions you have been building up and not expressing could come out in an exaggerated fashion now (and possibly inopportune time). This is not a time for repression of your words, thoughts or feelings by any means. Have loads of outlets to channel your extreme sensitivity. Don’t let your moods or whims get the better of you. When in doubt, hold off on the action. The energy is way too charged under this lunation.


This is the week when you’re like “I’m out”, Sagittarius. In other words, you are long overdue for some rest and rejuvenation. The Full Moon on Wednesday lights up your house of sleep and dreams. You also need time to work through all of the intense feelings building up. Book a getaway in the middle of the week or at least take a day off to sit with your feelings. You do best when you get time in nature, preferably a wide-open field with your favorite animals strolling about. The Moon moves into your sassy stars by the end of the week. You’ll be back to your extraverted ways soon enough.


Friends want all of you this week, Capricorn. You are in high demand on the social scene and this competes with the part of you that wants to rule the world. Setting limits and saying no is your must this week. Boundaries save your sanity. As long as you are clear on your priorities, you can’t go wrong. When you take time out for your own self-care you are less likely to burn out. Wednesday’s Full Moon lights up your house of goals and accomplishments. This is when you start seeing the rewards for all of your hard work.


Your career is blowing up this week, Aquarius. Thank your lucky stars and a powerful little Full Moon lighting up the top of your chart this week. Your status is off the charts now so push your bigger dreams. When your popularity is this good, you don’t want to lose time. You’re also feeling more courageous than ever and can break through fears that normally keep you paralyzed. Your success is well deserved. Now you can build on the momentum you started last November. As long as you are feeling passionately about your worldly pursuits, nothing can stop you.


Life lights you up like a gorgeous poem or song this week. When inspiration is this strong, your only obstacle is figuring out where you want to start. Travel fever has the biggest pull compliments of the Full Moon lighting up your long-distance adventure zone. Emotions are also running to dramatic extremes so respect your own sensitivity and that of others. There’s no need to take things personally, even if you can’t help it. Sit out the reactive need to get on the battlefield. It’s probably not worth the fight. Friends will be pulling you in a thousand directions over the weekend. You don’t have to be all things to all people, Pisces.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.