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New Moon in Gemini Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters New Moon in Gemini Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters

New Moon in Gemini Horoscopes

May 25, 2017 0 Comments

Gemini New Moon


Illustration by Elisandra Sevenstar

“We are our choices.”
― Jean-Paul Sartre

“I fell in love with him. But I don’t just stay with him by default as if there’s no one else available to me. I stay with him because I choose to, every day that I wake up, every day that we fight or lie to each other or disappoint each other. I choose him over and over again, and he chooses me.”
― Veronica Roth, Allegiant

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Today’s New Moon in Gemini reminds us of the power of choice. Choice is never easy. Duality splits our psyches in two. We flip, we flop. We second-guess. We worry. We overthink. We want to undo our decisions. We want to keep all of our options open. The stronger the Gemini influence, the more we double up and change our minds on the hour.

This New Moon reminds us that:

Our choices create our reality.

We have the chance to break it all down and decide differently. Thus the alchemical maxim, Solve et Coagula. Choose new. Get mindful rather than wishy-washy or heady. Flexibility and wit are the gifts of the Gemini influence. Often options show up in pairs to help us embrace more of a “both -and” rather than “either-or” thinking. This is the higher version of Gemini, embracing the dark and the light; the masculine and the feminine; the yes and the no; the past and the future into the present moment all the while having a keen sense of humor about it.

Venus square Pluto is the other big theme of this New Moon:

Others may try to pull you into power-struggles, jealous intrigue, manipulation and other such underworld delights. Stay in your integrity. Don’t go there. Hold the tension between your deepest “I am” principle and the values you hold nearest and dearest. If the contract, relationship or “other” refuses to play on your level of sincerity, depth and commitment, use the power of this lunation to cut the karmic connection once and for all.


The first part of the week could feel rather low energy but you’ll be totally in touch with your true essence. Use the midweek for grounding and slowing down and listening. The New Moon arrives on Thursday and initiates a new cycle of communication, learning and mindfulness. You’ve learned some hard lessons about jumping the gun. Now it’s time to measure your words more carefully before unleashing verbal warfare or striking out impulsively with your tongue against others. Patience and reflection are the keys to finding your power this week, Aries. The weekend is perfect for reconnecting with family and spending extended time close to home.


Give yourself extra downtime at the start of the week, luv. Your body needs serious rest and retreat. You just wrapped up your yearly Sun cycle (and birthday season) last Saturday which could feel like a bit of an energetic crash. Plus, the Moon is waning until the end of the week. It’s a time to pause and go deep, Taurus. The New Moon on Thursday initiates a new money cycle for getting your income and expenditures in balance. Set your wishes and goals for the next six months. Make lists, plot out your financial obligations in great detail and watch the cash roll out between now and next fall.


You’re on the verge of brand new beginnings, Gemini. Use the first part of the week for your final clearing of the old cycle. Think back to what was happening last December and release any bits that no longer serve the next chapter on the brink of starting this Thursday. The New Moon in Gemini comes only once a year, darling. Take advantage of this major reset by starting with your mind and speech first. What you think determines what you say and your word is your power. Remember words can create or destroy worlds—especially when coming from the child of Mercury.


You’re still recovering from the whirlwind which has been the past few weeks (or was it months?). You need some time to catch up with yourself and indulge in extra beauty rest at the start of the week during the waning lunar cycle. In fact, you’ll be craving extra soul time all week as you start a new cycle of working with your inner world, dreams and imagination. If this requires unplugging and taking some extended time out in nature, by all means go for it. You have been working so so hard lately. You deserve a real retreat away from all of the hustle and bustle of the world.


The recent shift in energies towards the positive continues to build momentum this week, Leo. Now that you have the North Node of Fate in your stars for the next year and a half, your star is totally on the rise. Even if your energy is lagging at the start of the week, trust that it’s just a preparation for a brand new and quite lovely cycle of social goodness and massive support from friends and colleagues. The New Moon on Thursday sets off a new cycle of parties, goals and achievement. The exciting buzz is just getting started and all eyes are on you where they belong.


This is the week when you start rethinking your next plan of attack on the career front. You’re forever reinventing yourself, Virgo. Use the first half of the week to dive inward, reflect and get extra rest during the waning lunar cycle. When the New Moon officially arrives at the top of your chart on Thursday, you can slowly but surely begin your ascent back to superstar status. Set your new slew of goals for the next six months to come because La Luna is blessing your every wish. You adore lists and plans and this is one of the most auspicious weeks of the year to work your magic.


It’s time to jet, Libra. Sitting still, let alone in the same ole, same ole location is simply not an option. Choose your travel companion wisely though because you need someone with the same taste travel pace as you. Otherwise you end accommodating and resenting the change to you original travel plans. The New Moon on Thursday is also the ideal time to seek out new mentors, teachers or sources of inspiration. Is there a foreign language you’ve always wanted to master but felt too intimidated to begin? This week’s New Moon is the ideal time to do it anyway. Don’t second guess your desires and plans, darling. Indecision is your eternal enemy.


It’s mind over matter this week, Scorpio. When you set your will and mental strength on defeating insecurities and fears, nothing can stop you. Your mind is in fact your greatest asset at the moment so use it wisely. When your intensity turns to obsession or negativity, your powers work against you. It’s up to you to redirect your passion towards what you want— not what you fear. The New Moon on Thursday invites you to cultivate a serious mindfulness practice. If your meditation practice has fallen off or remains obsolete, it’s time to shift priorities. A centered mind gives you the kind of resourcefulness no one can touch.


Relationships are your all and all this week, Sagittarius. This goes for all of your significant one-to-ones, not just romantic interests or spouses. You’ve been learning the hard way recently to “hold your horses” (pun intended). and the patience is totally paying off in your love and creative ventures. The New Moon on Thursday is the ideal time to start anew with someone you adore and wish to make a more central priority in your life going forward over the next six months. If this requires you extending the first note of peace and forgiveness, don’t let pride stand in your way.


No one works harder than you do, Capricorn. This week you’re living embodiment of what it means to push yourself to your ultimate limit. That doesn’t mean you should throw all self-care and rejuvenation out the window in favor of getting everything accomplished on your list. If the past few weeks taught you nothing else but the necessity of enforcing pauses and breaks to recover from your go-go-go mentality. The New Moon on Thursday is ideal for starting a new fitness or wellness routine that should stick around at least until December if you commit yourself wholeheartedly, darling.


Romance and pleasure hit the high notes starting this week, Aquarius. If you’ve started to worry that your love life was becoming extinct, fear no more. The return of affection is in the air compliments of the New Moon on Thursday. It’s imperative to listen to your heart and not your head for the next few years. If logic tries to overrule your desires, refuse to succumb to the old ways. You deserve pleasure and play just like everyone else, and this does not mean helping everyone but yourself. This is the chance for you to return to the childlike innocence and joy that makes life more dream than drudgery—as it should be.


A fabulous and fresh new beginning is in the works this week, Pisces. It’s quite monumental too because it starts at the inner level and will build up over the next six months. You’re also thinking of ways to creatively alter your domestic realm compliments of this Thursday’s New Moon in your home sector. You have so many ideas and plans that it might feel a bit scattered until you sit down and make a very detailed list. One of your favorite creative outlets is decorating and interior design. This is the perfect week to indulge in redoing your sanctuary

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.