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Horoscopes for the Week of May 29th, 2017 – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes for the Week of May 29th, 2017 – The Saturn Sisters

Horoscopes for the Week of May 29th, 2017

May 30, 2017 0 Comments




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Weekly May 29 to June 4, 2017


Last week was super intense, Aries – it’s ok to admit it. Between the New Moon and the Mars/Saturn opposition, there was a lot to contend with. Now, thankfully, the storm is winding down and clearer skies are returning. However, your ruler Mars is still very active this week, making you feel a bit aggressive now and then. He touches off with Saturn early Monday morning, Uranus on Tuesday, and Chiron on Friday before moving into your house of home on Sunday If you feel edgy, turn to romance, because Venus and Uranus (in Aries) will make your love life off-the-charts exciting.


Say bye-bye to May and hello to a brand new (and far simpler) month. Even though May was easier than April, it still contained its fair share of craziness. This week’s big story comes courtesy of Mars, the planet of action and drive. He’s sailing through the last few degrees of your financial zone, so focus on making as much money as possible. By the second part of the week your ruler Venus is a busy bee, as she winks at Saturn on Thursday and then conjuncts Uranus early Saturday morning. Mars moves into your communication zone on Sunday – for six weeks.


May is over and the good news is that the Sun remains in your sign for three more weeks. In the meantime, as Mars will spend his last week in your stars, and he’ll be as busy as can be, touching off a series of other planets until he leaves Gemini on Sunday. This can be a bit crazy-making, so make sure to pace yourself and not allow the energy to distract you and throw you off course. Venus joins the party starting on Thursday through Saturday morning, making your social life as stellar and stirring as can be.


Mars and Venus rule your world this week, Cancer, making romance and desire into your top priorities. Mars takes the stage from Monday to Thursday as he makes contact with a series of planets. This can make your fantasy life a bit overactive and stimulate your dreams quite a lot. On Thursday Venus takes over, making you wildly creative yet practical (she hits it off with Saturn first). By Friday night into Saturday morning, you throw caution to the wind and get crazy (in the best possible way). On Sunday Mars moves into your own sign for six weeks – you will be a busy, busy Crab!


We warned you a few months ago that spring would be super intense, but at least the negative vibes are decreasing with each passing month. Just like May was better than April, June should be better than May. That’s beautiful news that you can truly use as Mars takes over the astro-scene (at least through Thursday). People in your social network could be more aggressive than usual. By Thursday Venus joins the party, bringing the romantic vibes up a few notches for the weekend. Mars then moves into your dream zone on Sunday, where he’ll rev up your psyche for the next six weeks.


With the way spring has been going, you’re ready for the season to turn over. That doesn’t happen for another few weeks, but at least you know that life is about to dramatically improve. This week Mars and Venus are in charge. We begin with the planet of action and drive – he’s in full effect through Thursday, making people a bit pushy and aggressive – especially in your professional sphere. By Thursday Venus changes the vibe, making it decidedly sexy and mega romantic – and Saturday is a total wildcard. Mars moves into your social zone on Sunday, keeping you booked up for the next six weeks.


You’re going to adore the first week of June, especially if you can get out of your own way. Mars is large and in charge from the beginning of the week through Thursday, setting off a series of planets along the way. This will keep you fired up with wanderlust and make you super restless. By Thursday your sweet ruler Venus takes over, making the weekend a many-splendored thing, especially for your relationships. Expect the completely unexpected from Friday through Saturday morning. Mars leaves Gemini on Sunday, moving into your career zone for the next six weeks. Prepare to rule the world, Libra.


Say hello to June, a month you’re going to fall head over heels for, but maybe not right away. This week has a bit of an aggressive edge, thanks to your ruler Mars moving through the last few degrees of Gemini, and touching off a bunch of other planets in the process. This can be a bit hard for your most intimate relationships. But Venus takes over on Thursday, and she’s in full effect through the weekend, bringing loads of romance – and plenty of sparks. Mars makes his big move into the sign of Cancer on Sunday, setting you up for six weeks of wanderlust.


The stars ease off the crazy this month. You might not notice the shift until the end of the week, but trust that it’s coming. This week heavily features consorts Mars and Venus, so it’s likely to be passionate and romantic all around. But there’s definitely an aggressive edge through Thursday, with Mars traveling through the last degrees of your relationship zone. Try not to be overly reactive with lovers and partners. Venus moves in on Thursday, making the start of the weekend wickedly sexy, romantic, and uber-creative. On Sunday Mars moves into your intimacy zone, firing up your sex life through July.


You deserve a calmer, more productive week and that’s exactly what you’re going to get, Capricorn. Since there are no new or Full Moons this week, the emotional tone is less out of control. However, note that aggressive tendencies might be a bit high, especially when you’re trying to get things done. With Mars moving through the last few degrees of your work zone, you’ll feel an intense urgency to get everything done at once. The vibe gets sweeter on Thursday when Venus comes on the scene, bringing some lovely romance to your home for the weekend. Mars moves into your relationship on Sunday, revving up partnerships for the next six weeks.


The week ahead features a week of heaven and hell, Aquarius. The hell part is thanks to Mars moving aggressively through the last few degrees of Gemini. This can make you feel a bit frenetic, especially with regard to your creative projects. By Thursday Venus moves in, making contact with Saturn first, and then with your ruler Uranus at the start of the weekend. This is the moment you’ll like the best: it’s a mix of super sexy and completely surprising energy. Your talking and texting skills are off the hook and will make you a doctoral level flirting specialist.


This week’s astrology features Mars (planet of desire) and Venus (planet of romance) in heavy rotation. In other words, it’s a breathless, hot and heavy week. With the planet of action moving through the last few degrees of your home zone, you might sense a kind of urgency around completing a domestic project. There is definitely some aggression in the air until Thursday, when Venus sweeps in and makes the energy a whole lot sweeter. Money is on your mind, but there’s a surprise in store. Mars moves into Cancer on Sunday, where he’ll rev up your love life for the next six weeks.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.