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June 15, 2017 0 Comments


Last Call for the Italy retreat in dreamy Ana Capri, Italy. July 9-14th, 2017.

We officially close the registration this week! Book your flight to Rome for the morning of the 8th of July and we’ll do the rest!

Daily yoga therapy, Jungian journaling and active imagination work, magical rituals with Tarot and astrology, communication coaching, and more with Sherene Vismaya and yoga therapist and creator of SoFit, Lillian So.  More info below:






P40:: 36: THE M O O N


JUNE 24TH, 2017

with Egyptian Path and Tarot Master live from the pyramids in Giza, Katy Noura Butler.

40 Days and 40 nights of working with the magnetic and mystical healing powers of the Moon.

Classic Project 40 and Special Reading Packages. It’s a great time to delve into your dreams and inner work and strengthen your relationship to your inner High Priestess.

More info below:



day 38 drawings

Weekly Horoscopes for the week of June 11th – 17th 2017


There’s no huge breaking news in your stars this week, but there’s definitely a bit of emotional muck to work through. As the weekend closes out, you’re still having a Full Moon hangover from the previous week – and figuring out what messes you need to mop up. But as the workweek progresses your feelings will start to form less nebulous edges – and soon you’ll know how to decipher facts from personal fiction. Your belief system will play a huge role during the remainder of the week, and something that you’ve long taken on faith may prove to be less certain than it once was. This might encourage you take a well-timed risk that works out in the most amazing way.


Last week’s intense Full Moon is now fading from the scene, but don’t be surprised if you experience a few reverberations of its considerable power early this week. You continue to grow and transform even as you get down to business. There’s potential for a spectacular moneymaking opportunity around Tuesday or Wednesday, but it may just be a situation in which you need to make your own luck. In other words: be as scrappy as all get-out, Taurus! Things get a bit murkier late in the workweek, thanks to Neptune, as it goes retrograde on Friday. Pay close attention to boundaries and passive-aggressive tendencies – especially with friends and colleagues.

Your ruling planet Mercury is in heavy rotation this week, Gemini. Since the communication planet is currently in your own smarty-pants stars, the effect is even more intense during the early part of the week. Use your brilliant brain as early and often as possible, because it’s super sharp right now. After last week’s Full Moon in your opposite sign, you really do need an excuse to remove yourself from your feelings and think your way out of any problems. There might be some professional confusion late in the week as Neptune goes retrograde. Try to avoid any major decisions until the following week, if possible.

You get a welcome relief from lunar drama this week, Cancer. It’s that interim time between the Full Moon and the New Moon – and you definitely need the recovery after last week’s doozy. There’s a lot of activity in your psyche nonetheless, so you’ll need to continue to process your emotions pretty consistently. Talk things through and write in your journal, because that can provide instant salve for your messier feelings. Expect some strangeness to kick back up on Friday thanks to Neptune, better known as the “planet of pink fog.” This boundary-less planet goes retrograde right before the weekend, making life (and love) a lot more confusing than it needs to be.


After last week’s crazy-intense Full Moon in Sagittarius (your sister fire sign) you’re more than ready for a drama-free week. Thankfully, the stars are in complete agreement, Leo. There’s a lovely opportunity to aim for your goals early in the workweek, thanks to Mercury. The sharper and more detailed your plans are, the better. Note: if you’re willing to work within a group you can get there even faster, so consider the benefits of a creative collab. By late in the week Neptune takes over the cosmic scene as she prepares to go retrograde on Friday. This can throw you and everyone you know for a loop, so don’t take anything you hear as gospel – it will likely morph a few times before the end of the weekend.


Breathe a sigh of relief, Virgo – there are no Full (or new) Moons scheduled this week, and that will take the emotional edge off. In fact, this workweek is a lot more businesslike, and that can hit the spot, because you’re dying to get things done. You’re a master of the universe on Tuesday and Wednesday as your ruler Mercury dishes out some serious mojo – making you a professional rock star for a few days. By week’s end things might get a bit messy again thanks to Neptune’s retrograde (exact on Friday). It’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s not, especially in the realm of your relationships. Know that you’re seeing blurry for a reason, and wait to make any important decisions around dating, mating and relating.


This week brings less drama than the last few, and that’s news you can totally use, Libra. The non-stop intensity is giving way to something a bit simpler and more productive. Early in the week (especially on Tuesday and Wednesday) Mercury plays a major role in the astro-scene, making you more articulate and surer about what you want to say. Bonus: Jupiter is now direct in in your sign, and he’s throwing you some major luck. An emotional bump is possible as you approach Friday, because Neptune is preparing to go retrograde. This can cause mega-confusion, but it can be stunningly creative at the same time.


You get a necessary break from the ongoing emotional tsunami this week, Scorpio. Last week’s Full Moon was intense (to say the least) but this week is a lot more work-oriented and matter-of-fact – at least at the beginning. Mercury gives your brain a major boost, making you super productive (not to mention really good at earning extra cash) on Tuesday and Wednesday. By late Thursday and Friday – right on the cusp of the weekend – things get wacky and weird again, but in the most romantic way. Neptune is going retrograde and you may not be able to feel your feet on the ground for a few days – but just go with the creative flow.


Have you recovered from last week’s Full Moon in your sign yet, Sadge? If you’re still reeling, no worries – this week’s positive vibes will bring you right back to an extended moment of Zen. Mercury, the communication planet, leads the way early in the workweek, making your relationships so much smoother than they’ve been lately. You can talk your way though anything now – and achieve the deepest, most honest kind of understanding – a real and lasting resolution. Everything seems to get messy on Friday, as Neptune goes retrograde. Don’t expect exact clarity until after the weekend, especially when it comes to home and family matters.


This week might be a bit boring compared to the last few – but you’ll absolutely love the chance to get back to work without any dramatic distractions. There’s a powerful and practical sense of accomplishment in the air early in the week. You’re so productive right now that you’ll have time complete even the tasks you typically only dream about starting. Once you knock everything off your to-do list, dare to dream big – and let your creative skills shine. Definitely finish up your most detail-oriented work before Friday, when Neptune goes retrograde. The weekend is mega-romantic, but it’s definitely not great for thinking clearly and efficiently.


The stars are giving you the break you deserve this week, Aquarius – and then some. Full Moon madness drained your energy last week, but now the planets give you ample time for both work and play. With the Moon in your sign from Monday night through midweek, you’re the stars of all the stars – this is your peak-energy phase. Mercury leads the charge on Tuesday and Wednesday, making you insanely creative – write down your ideas for safekeeping. By Friday life feels a bit strange, thanks to Neptune. This mystical, magical planet will go into retrograde motion before the weekend, potentially messing with your money mojo – try not to overspend.


You survived last week’s powerful (and kinda cray) Full Moon, Pisces. Now the stars are ready to help you get back down to business, but you’ll have to act fast. Tuesday brings your best opportunity for major accomplishment, especially in the realm of communication. If you have any writing to do, now is the time and wherever you find yourself is the place. By Thursday the Moon enters your own sign, setting you up for a few blissful peak-energy days. Caveat: your ruler Neptune will go retrograde on Friday, so don’t expect much clarity on anything this weekend – just let the vibes take you where they will – even if you do nothing more than scroll though your Insta feed.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.