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December 11, 2017 0 Comments

jane fonda sagittarius

Sagittarius Icon: Jane Fonda in Barbarella.

We’re still in the thick of Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius giving us a review of all that Saturn in Sagittarius has tried to teach us since fall of 2014. This is our last week of Saturn in Sagittarius culminating with the New Moon at 26 degrees of Sagittarius joined with Saturn for one final meeting.

On the 19th, Saturn moves into his home-turf of Capricorn where he is about to take down all the fakery, corruption, cheats, predators and liars across the board. It’s coming down. Integrity or bust, baby!



Speaking of Saturn…

Are you ready to rock 2018 like a boss? Ready to have Saturn as your greatest ally, backing you on every level instead of some feared or dreaded enemy dragging you down like a stone? Saturn is ruling the sky and our psyches as we cross into the make-it-or-break-it year  It’s essential to do the work now with Saturn moving into his home turf of Capricorn for the first time in 29.5 years, which makes his influence especially potent and healing. Sherene is teaming up with wellness guru and endless supply of yoga wisdom, Kiki Flynn of Kiki Says. This is one program where your 2018 resolutions will not only stick, but become deeply embedded into the very integrity of your psyche and thus your life. Get ready to transmute your most entrenched fears, blocks and psychological muck into gold. More info and registration here: SATURN: SECRETS TO SUCCESS

The Work:

Time Management
Simplifying and Streamlining
Embracing Solitude
Overcoming Fears
Owning your No’s

Cultivating Patience
Taking Authorship
Transmuting Depression
Money and Material Mastery
Setting Boundaries
Delegation and Execution

The Medicine:

Healing the Body
Honoring Masters and Elders
Hard Work
Strategy and Timing
Strengthening Foundations

We begin right on January 1st, on the Full Moon in Cancer with the Sun in Capricorn to embrace the polarities of the work we will be engaged in for 40 Days and 40 Nights uncovering all of the secrets of the “Greatness of Saturn”. Please join us. Space is limited. INFO ON SATURN’S SECRETS TO SUCCESS: HERE

Weekly 11 – 17 December 2017


With Mercury Retrograde raging through your house of long-distance travel, frustrations have been piling up these last few weeks. Hopefully your itineraries, near and far, haven’t been terribly impacted. If you have been experiencing crazy delays and breakdowns while trying to get out around or out of town, take heart: a New Moon is coming at the end of the week, and it will help you figure out how to deal with any issues. It arrives on Sunday but you’d be wise to write out goals in advance. Better yet, you can use this lunar energy to guide you for the next six months.


Mercury Retrograde is the main story of the early part of the week, but by the weekend you will get something of a reprieve – or at least a plan for dealing with how difficult it may have been since early December. The good news on the horizon comes in the form of a New Moon on Sunday, one that you can and should embrace with your whole being. This lunar energy is ideal for launching yourself forward into 2018, and embracing the kind of deep transformation that can truly change your life. Even better, there’s a six-month energetic window for your agenda.


You’re smack-dab in the midst of an intense Mercury Retrograde in your opposite sign, and that’s not even remotely easy. For one thing it’s exhausting to have your ruling planet opposing your own sign, and for another, your relationships are being put to the test. The good news arrives on Sunday in the form of an optimistic New Moon – and you’ll feel it days before. If your partnerships, both personal and professional, have been strained, lean into this lunation and look at solutions. Challenging relationships can markedly improve in the immediate – and going forward for six months. Bonus: Friday is decidedly sexy.


Mercury Retrograde hell continues apace this week, but there’s some light at the end of the tunnel. No, we’re not announcing the end of Mercury’s last backward phase of the year, but it’s the next best thing. With a New Moon in Sagittarius, the same sign that the communication planet is currently wreaking havoc in, you get the chance for a cosmic tune-up. This lunation takes place on Sunday, but you can and should plan ahead – especially if you aim to focus on work issues. It’s all about realigning your daily schedule and making it work for you – instead of the other way around.


Mercury Retrograde is still going strong and possibly causing some major havoc in your love or creative life. The good news on this front arrives at the end of the week – a New Moon is coming on Sunday, and it should provide the solace you’ve been hoping for. If there are any messes that are in dire need of cleaning up, this lunation will give you the tools to get started. The even better news being delivered by this New Moon is that it will continue to work for you for six months – well into 2018. Make it last, Leo.


Your ruler Mercury is at the height of its uber-frustrating retrograde season, and you’re likely feeling this in every arena of your life. It can be EXHAUSTING, Virgo, so you’re forgiven if you’ve decided to simply opt out of anything that seems complicated. On the other hand, there’s a lovely New Moon coming on Sunday, and because it’s hitting the same part of your horoscope that Mercury is currently in, it can give you something of a reprieve. This is all about home and family – you can heal, restructure, and release negative feelings about the people closest to you.


Mercury Retrograde probably feels like an unending curse at this point in the month, but there’s some cosmic help on the near horizon. There is a very useful and uplifting New Moon on Sunday, and it can help you get your bearings back. This retrograde has been coursing through your communication zone for weeks, making you feel like you can barely speak or write. As you approach the New Moon, focus on finding your clarity again. This is an amazing course correction for your entire spectrum of self-expression, and the power will be in force for six months.


December has been quite a challenging month for your finances, thanks to Mercury Retrograde, which is still in full force – it doesn’t end until the 22nd. But there’s no reason to despair, Scorpio – the New Moon will help you get through it. It doesn’t arrive until Sunday but this lunation can be felt – and seized – days in advance. Now is the time to plot and plan your economic course-correction – the stars will empower you to increase your income for the next six months. Whether you need a quick fix or a long-term strategy, this New Moon has your back.


Give yourself a major pat on the back for surviving one of the most intense Mercury Retrograde phases in ages, Sadge. But you don’t merely want to survive, you want to thrive, and the stars are setting you up for that by the end of this week. Your annual New Moon arrives on Sunday, and you should aim to amplify its excellent vibes by making a game-plan for the next six-months. This lunation can help you to overcome retrograde-related struggles right now, and help you create, achieve, and follow up on your life goals between now and next spring. It’s a win-win.


Mercury retrograde is not kidding around, Capricorn. Instead it seems to be intensifying by the minute, especially early this week. But there’s excellent news on the horizon, in the form of Sunday’s spectacular New Moon. This lunation can help you get in touch with and seize the potential inherent in your dreams. If you felt confused or awkward or have spent a lot of time lingering in confusing daydreams during the past few weeks, this New Moon can set you straight again. The weekend is excellent for making lists and spending time in contemplation and meditation. This kind of soul work will heal you rather than drain you.


Mercury retrograde has been working its mysterious and super annoying ways with you over the last few weeks. But later this week you get a major reprieve, Aquarius. With a positive New Moon on tap for Sunday, you should plan to course-correct, especially if you’ve encountered any issues with friends or colleagues recently. This is one of the best moments of the month to set goals for creative collaboration – both for right now, and the next six months. Make lists, plenty of them. 2018 shaping up as one of the best years yet for both your friendships and your goals.


With an intensely powerful Mercury Retrograde running the show for the last few weeks, your life has been confusing and complicated. The good news is that even though the retrograde will continue until the 22nd, you’ll find some firmer ground at the end of the week, Pisces. A spectacularly optimistic New Moon alights on Sunday, but you’ll feel its powerful energy days in advance, and you’d be wise to tap right in. If your career has hit any snags this December, this lunation can set them straight – and keep up the momentum for the next six months. Your professional life is looking decidedly up.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.