Saturn may not be going into Libra until October 29th, but we’re already getting a taste of what the next few years might be like. Libra is the sign of sweet things, including sugar. Sugar prices have been at an all time high and it looks like they’re going to stay that way. An early cold snap (Saturn rules winter) hasĀ damaged beet crops in Montana, affecting the sugar harvest. Just like in 1980, when the price of sugar hit the roof, it looks like our sweet treats are about to get very expensive. Stevia, anyone?
Stefanie Weiss
Stefanie I. Weiss, M.A. is the author of nine books and an astrologer in private practice in New York City. Her latest (non-astrology book) is Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable (Crown Publishing/Ten Speed Press) She's the co-author of Surviving Saturn's Return (Contemporary Books) and Fate of Your Date (Chronicle Books). She is the author of Spirt Animals: Unlocking the Secrets of Your Animal Companions (Chronicle Books, 2009). Her other books have covered yoga, veganism, grief, the beauty myth, and much more. To learn more about Stefanie, visit her websites: &
Upon Saturn’s Exit from Virgo and Entry into Libra…
July 21, 2010