Pluto in Capricorn is awakening the darkest fears in the hearts of the ignorant. Pluto, as the god of the underworld, rules death and rebirth. The “birthers” have given birth to the “deathers”, a new cult of Obama-haters spewing lies about his health care plan. Fox News and Sarah Palin and the lobbyists working for the big corporate health entities have one agenda: to block change and keep people chest-deep in a sea of stupidity. The nutbaggery of the birthers has been thinly-veiled racist bile — but now that Republican members of Congress realize that they can’t continue to perpetuate the myth, they’ve stepped back a bit.
The “deathers” have taken up their call, spreading disturbing lies about “death panels” that have no relationship to reality. And yet the hordes, the mobs, the unwashed masses are getting more and more out of control. Listen carefully to the language coming from these groups and from the media in general. Seething hatred, birth and death are symbolically and inextricably linked to Pluto.
“I have been told there is a clause in there that everyone that’s Medicare age will be visited and told to decide how they wish to die,” a woman named Mary hailing from North Carolina asked the president. “This bothers me greatly, and I’d like for you to promise me that this is not in this bill.” These people are being whipped up into a frenzy. We almost can’t blame them — they are merely pawns in the game that the right wing plays with a vicious, cold and for-profit hand.