Just another example of life imitating astrology here (via Alternet).
If you’ve been following this blog since late 2007, you know that we’ve been talking about such issues since before the economy went bust. Everyday there are new memes in the universe and on the web, ones that support our hypothesis. As America experiences its 8th Saturn Return starting this fall, think about what you really need, not about what you think you want. Life is changing, and the pace of change may be faster than we’re ready to deal with. When Uranus goes into Aries in 2011, it will square Pluto, setting up a transit that will last until 2015 — one that will have a major impact on the world we inhabit. Although we certainly don’t think that the world will end in a fire and brimstone event sometime in 2012 as some followers of Mayan astrology do, we do think that that some major, potentially cataclysmic events are afoot. They don’t have to be gut-wrenching if you’re ready for them. It takes a wide open heart and a curious mind to wrap itself around the big issues of our day. Have you examined yours lately?