Saturn and Uranus are squaring off once again, and this time it’s frighteningly serious. Protest is rising all over Europe, the likes of which we haven’t seen in many, many years. There are strikes in the UK, riots in Greece, Latvia, Iceland, and major problems elsewhere. The urgent need for change is taking root in city after city. Pluto in Capricorn is the cause of this winter of discontent, but Saturn in Virgo opposing Uranus in Pisces is bringing everyone’s blood to the boiling point.
The last time these two planetary heavyweights clashed in a similar fashion was 1968, when Saturn was in Pisces and Uranus was in Virgo; exactly opposite their current positions. Anti-war protestors took to the streets and shook things up, sometimes clashing violently with police. Not so different from France, right here, and right now.