Saturn vs. Jesus.
Today is the Winter Solstice and as far as most people in the modern world are concerned that simply translates as time to bust a move with the holiday shopping or check out a Paul Winter concert.
Is there more to life than Jesus and Shopping in our lovely divisive world of red and shades of blue? Well, yes, Saturn: The Karmic Taskmaster without whom no commerce would even be possible. No wonder we love to shop ’till we drop on Saturn’s Day.
On the Solstice, the Sun enters Capricorn: the constellation that Saturn rules. The sun makes it’s long ascent back to the north pole, home of Saturn Claus himself. The ancient Romans celebrated Winter Solstice with a festival called Saturnalia, dedicated to Saturn (as they revered him as their god of agriculture.) In the early 4th Century, the Roman Emperor Constantine declared that Christianity would be the new faith of the Roman Empire. What happened to Saturn? It’s not nice to dis His Greatness. The Saturnalia was given a new name and meaning. Saturnalia is of course now known as the birthday of Jesus (It’s more likely that he’s a Pisces which means his real birthday is not for a few more months) and was from that time on known as Christ Mass or Christmas as we know it today.
Saturnalia was also a time to worship the tree as a symbol of life in China, India, and in Native American culture but now it’s more about plastic no-fuss trees, tacky ornaments and tacky big budget films. The most important remnant of Saturnalia that remains: Saturn Claus-Big Daddy Saturn Claus . . . He’s making his list and checking it twice . . . gonna find out who’s naughty or nice . . .
So be good for goodness sake.