During this time of great cardinal initiation, as we reach peak energies, I’ve noticed a theme subtly running though the last few weeks. While all of us have been distracted by planets in the signs of Aries, Libra, and Capricorn, we’ve been missing quiet Cancer poking and prodding at our deeper core.
Personally, the issues coming up since the peak of the Cardinal Climax are root related. Cancer, after all, is the missing cardinal element. It’s as if the t-square is pointing towards Cancer as an area of intense yet subtle focus, demanding we tend to our families, our ancestors, and what really nurtures our souls. Take a tip from Saturn in Libra: the key to the Cardinal Climax is isn’t the power struggles of Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus. No, it’s all about balancing out these astral heavyweights and getting in touch with our past. […]