A few weeks ago we blogged about the “revolutionary” direction the country seemed headed in. The teabaggers and their lot were (and still are) ranting about god knows what, led by their Moron in Chief Glenn Beck. But thank the stars that we have Michael Moore, whose new movie Capitalism: A Love Story, tells the truth. In…
As our country commemorates the 8th anniversary of the darkness that was 9/11, Pluto, himself the prince of darkness, goes direct in Capricorn. During a week that saw President Obama heckled during a congressional address, the gap between reality and insanity grows ever wider. Glenn Beck’s “grassroots” 9/12 movement, actually sponsored by lobbyists, is populated by…
Pluto in Capricorn is awakening the darkest fears in the hearts of the ignorant. Pluto, as the god of the underworld, rules death and rebirth. The “birthers” have given birth to the “deathers”, a new cult of Obama-haters spewing lies about his health care plan. Fox News and Sarah Palin and the lobbyists working for the…
The ugly, dark, and bitter heart of the so-called “birther” movement is a frightening thing to behold. Because what’s beneath it is pure, unbridled racism, the kind that created the segregated South, the KKK, Jim Crow, and all the other detritus of the legacy of slavery in our country. These people cannot accept that Barack…
As we mentioned back in 2007, the Saturn in Virgo years promised interesting times indeed, especially for the nation of Iran. That’s because Iran’s Islamic Republic was born in 1979 — when Saturn was last in Virgo. Well, kiddies, can you figure out what that means? Iran is having its very first Saturn Return, and going through…
The “tea party” movement currently being promoted by Fox News and Co. is mildly hilarious. Rachel Maddow, The Daily Show and Keith Olbermann have skewered the Republicans for being too square to know how to use Google and thus avoid making total fools of themselves. What no one has talked about is the eerie connection it all has…
On Tuesday, November 4th, Saturn in Virgo will be exactly opposite Uranus in Pisces. This hasn’t happened since 1967, when the two planets were reversed — Saturn in Pisces and Uranus in Virgo. Again in 2008, the times are indeed changing, as Dylan said. Back then we had the Vietnam war and the summer of love:…
With the news of McCain’s choice of a young, inordinately inexperienced veep pick, it’s time to look at this now 72-year-old’s health. Old Mac might be putting the country in an extremely dangerous situation if he were to win the election, as his prospects ain’t lookin’ too good, to be frank. Born with his Sun, Neptune,…
Last weekend, Scorpio Hillary Clinton announced her bid for the 2008 Democratic nomination. We’ve always told you that the key to a successful life is survival of one’s first Saturn Return. In 1977, when she was about to turn thirty, Hillary was already going strong. She founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families that year, beginning…
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