No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities.” — Christian Nestell Bovee We’re already under the murky and intoxicating influence of Mercury in Pisces, but now add the challenging aspect from Jupiter and you have all of the best and worst of this…
Venus Conjunct Neptune in Pisces: Purple Haze
- Sherene Vismaya Schostak
- Uncategorized
- Feb 28, 2013
“Lately things don’t feel the same….” — Jimi Hendrix On February 28, the inundation of Pisces energy continues as the goddess of beauty and love meets up with the ruler of the Piscean ocean, Neptune. There is definitely something magical about the merger of Venus with her higher octave, Neptune. If you’re a dreamer,…
Neptune in Pisces: Double Rainbow! What Does It Mean?
- Katie Sweetman
- Guest Posts, Neptune in Pisces
- Feb 1, 2012
On April 4th 2011, Neptune quietly slipped into its home sign of Pisces for the first time in a century and a half. I say quietly because Neptune’s ingress didn’t pack the punch of Pluto’s entry into Capricorn nor Uranus’s into Aries. No, gossamer Neptune transitioned into Pisces like a gentle breeze announcing a shift in the direction of the weather. You’d be forgiven for not noticing. We get a part two of this energy on February 3rd 2012 as Neptune, after having retrograded back into Aquarius, re-enters Neptune for a 14-year stay in its home sign.
Don’t be fooled by Neptune’s hazy nature; this transit is a big deal not only because of the length of its transit through Pisces, but because no one alive has experienced Neptune in its home sign. The years 1847 through 1862, when Neptune was last in Pisces, correlated with photography becoming an everyday element of the then modern world, the rise of the temperance movement, wars in China over the opium trade, and the advent of spiritualism. These are all Neptunian concepts — an image snatched from the ether and fixed into form via a chemical process; the use or abstinence of alcohol and drugs; and a peering beyond the veil via mediums and seances.
Chiron Bids Adieu To Aquarius: The Wounded Social Network
- Sherene Vismaya Schostak
- Chiron
- Feb 8, 2011
What is Chiron? An asteroid, and a pain in the ass mythological figure also known as “the wounded healer.” Chiron bids farewell to the constellation of Aquarius after spending seven years (Feb. 21, 2005 and Feb. 8, 2011) triggering every social, group and friendship wound we’ve ever felt. The Chiron in Aquarius finale packed a series of punches on the collective since 2005. Sorting out the needs of the group versus the needs of the individual is never a simple affair.
Do we lose ourselves in groups — devolving into sheep, girls gone wild or conformists? Or do groups inspire, give us strength in numbers and sense of belonging, and unify us around a kindred theme? Are we prone to the horrible disease of “group think” where we suddenly lose the ability to make rational, individually informed decisions? Or do we succumb to the lowest vibration or caveman denominator in our midst? We’re no strangers to group contagion, the stupidity of trends and “Lord of the Flies.” Chiron in Aquarius at its worst: Super Bowl Sunday and Facebook. […]
Full Moon in Pisces
- Sherene Vismaya Schostak
- Lunations
- Aug 25, 2010
In the midst of early east coast autumnal weather, summer somehow feels like eons ago. And what a crazy summer: the planets have been in retrograde or a perpetual war since the early summer eclipse get-go. Moments of magic, moments of chaos, fear, humiliation and every other Capricorn demon — and most importantly a whole lotta growing up compliments of the strong Saturn-Pluto influence. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to make or experience some good art — of the dark and deep variety in homage to this intense planetary duo. Think Doestevsky, T.S. Eliot, Camus, Dylan, Arthur Miller, The Doors and Stravinsky (born or channeled best work under Saturn-Pluto aspects).
Here we are under the hazy auspices of a Full Moon in Pisces, hence please pardon the chaotic tour de force writing style sure to come. The left-brain seems to be on extended hiatus so consider the following reflections a free-form-free-association-free write to sift through like song lyrics or a poem. Pisces prefers piles, process, symbolism, metaphors, illusions, imagery and soma. Linear thinkers need not open this attachment. Pisces begs us to unlock the power of the right brain through accessing the subtle body: music, dance, not moving until we feel moved, metaphor, compassion, dance, meditation, being near the ocean etc. […]
Saturn Vs. Uranus: The Smackdown II
- Stefanie Weiss
- Politics & Media, Saturn in Virgo, Transits
- Feb 2, 2009
Saturn and Uranus are squaring off once again, and this time it’s frighteningly serious. Protest is rising all over Europe, the likes of which we haven’t seen in many, many years. There are strikes in the UK, riots in Greece, Latvia, Iceland, and major problems elsewhere. The urgent need for change is taking root in city…
Saturn vs. Uranus: The Smackdown
- Stefanie Weiss
- Politics & Media, Saturn in Virgo, Uranus in Pisces
- Oct 31, 2008
On Tuesday, November 4th, Saturn in Virgo will be exactly opposite Uranus in Pisces. This hasn’t happened since 1967, when the two planets were reversed — Saturn in Pisces and Uranus in Virgo. Again in 2008, the times are indeed changing, as Dylan said. Back then we had the Vietnam war and the summer of love:…
Will Saturn Stop McCain?
- Stefanie Weiss
- Politics & Media
- Aug 30, 2008
With the news of McCain’s choice of a young, inordinately inexperienced veep pick, it’s time to look at this now 72-year-old’s health. Old Mac might be putting the country in an extremely dangerous situation if he were to win the election, as his prospects ain’t lookin’ too good, to be frank. Born with his Sun, Neptune,…