Kalisis: Rising From the Ashes A Saturn in Scorpio Retreat in Tulum, Mexico, November 10th-14th 2012 Saturn moves into the dark and mystical waters of Scorpio on October 5th, 2012, and the Saturn Sisters, Elle UK astrologers and authors of Surviving Saturn’s Return, are here to initiate you. Come join us on an intense journey…
On Tuesday, July 3, the full Moon will be one of the most potent and potentially combustible of the year. Capricorn is cardinal Earth sign, ruling our integrity, bone structure and moral fabric. Full Moons are culmination points in our lives, where the issues inherent in the zodiac sign reach some kind of fever pitch. With Capricorn, we are being confronted by cracks in our integrity. Since Capricorn is ruled by Saturn — boundaries, father complexes, rules — many of these issues are sure to come to a head this week.
With four planets in the sign of the taskmaster: it’s time to get serious about time. The Devil will find work for idle hands — don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today — these are all quotes straight from Saturn. The more you procrastinate, the more you’re begging for depression to set in. We beat ourselves up for actions not taken only adding to the weight of the learned helplessness response of “what’s the point?” Depression is Saturn’s domain: anger turned inward. We’re often hardest on ourselves, and that is not the way to make constructive change. Saturn rules perfectionism. We want to get it right and cut out all the time-wasting, superfluous, superficial nonsense. If we can accept what is no longer working in our behavior patterns and have the faith and patience in ourselves to work towards making the correction, we can turn Saturn into our ally. Perfectionism can be a form of self-hatred and self-sabotage. Masochism is unconscious Capricorn and Saturn. It’s all about intention and focus. We must be true to our own path — this is also dharma. Time is in our mind. It is an illusion. It expands or contracts depending on our level of consciousness. When we are present and focused — time expands. When we structure our time — it expands. When set an intention — time expands. When we space out — time contracts.
In the midst of early east coast autumnal weather, summer somehow feels like eons ago. And what a crazy summer: the planets have been in retrograde or a perpetual war since the early summer eclipse get-go. Moments of magic, moments of chaos, fear, humiliation and every other Capricorn demon — and most importantly a whole lotta growing up compliments of the strong Saturn-Pluto influence. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to make or experience some good art — of the dark and deep variety in homage to this intense planetary duo. Think Doestevsky, T.S. Eliot, Camus, Dylan, Arthur Miller, The Doors and Stravinsky (born or channeled best work under Saturn-Pluto aspects).
Here we are under the hazy auspices of a Full Moon in Pisces, hence please pardon the chaotic tour de force writing style sure to come. The left-brain seems to be on extended hiatus so consider the following reflections a free-form-free-association-free write to sift through like song lyrics or a poem. Pisces prefers piles, process, symbolism, metaphors, illusions, imagery and soma. Linear thinkers need not open this attachment. Pisces begs us to unlock the power of the right brain through accessing the subtle body: music, dance, not moving until we feel moved, metaphor, compassion, dance, meditation, being near the ocean etc. […]
When the Twin Towers were struck down on 9/11/2001, Saturn, in Gemini (The Twins) was opposing Pluto, in righteous Sagittarius. When Saturn meets Pluto, we experience the heart of darkness, and are forced to face our deepest fears, and our very will to live. Pluto purges secrets, personal and collective.
In the months after 9/11, living in NYC was bleak. We were fed a constant diet of fear; from color-coded terror alerts to anthrax scares, to our soldier’s first footsteps on the ground in Afghanistan. We were bullied into the Patriot Act and gave up our civil liberties. Next came a war of choice against a manufactured enemy. […]
The following guest post was originally published on the blog Empowering Astrology and is written by Katie Sweetman, manager of SaturnSisters.com and an astrologer in her own right. Now that Saturn has entered Libra, we’re in the heart of what is known as the “Cardinal Climax” — a time that will surely speak of big changes for everyone on this planet. To learn more about Katie and Empowering Astrology, click here.
Ladies and gentlemen, we’re in the Cardinal Climax. You don’t have to be hip to astrology or a total wonk to know that something is going on with our world. Earthquakes. Unparalleled man made disasters. Awakenings. Major shifts for which there is no return. The show has only started and the headliner — August’s cardinal grand cross — is about to take stage. Are you ready?
For the past decade, if not longer, astrologers have been speculating about this summer’s Cardinal Climax because it is and truly will be a once in a lifetime event. Financial astrologer Ray Merriman first coined this term back in 1999, recognizing that the outer planets aligning in the early cardinal degrees would signal some sort of upheaval and not just for the markets. While we astrologers might nerd out on aspects and modalities, trading theories about what this time might mean for the world, it’s one thing to write about it and another to experience it. […]
Last fall, Saturn briefly left the constellation of Virgo and moved into Libra, where it stayed until the spring. Then it retrograded back into Virgo, once again reminding us of Big Daddy Saturn’s lessons of the last few years. Today, Saturn returns to Libra, where it will stay until 2012. We’re revisiting two blog entries we posted last fall to review the themes we’re leaving behind and those we’re about to encounter….
RIP: Saturn in Virgo 2007-2009
Bet you’re more than ready to say goodbye already, aren’t you? Especially those of you born with Saturn in Virgo. Pull out your party hats because this little sucka is leaving on October 29th and turning out the lights on his way out. It’s now time for the Saturn In Libra folks to step up to the plate and deal with their karma. (Note that Saturn will briefly return to Virgo in a retrograde phase next March; more on that in a few months.) […]
Shortly after Saturn’s return to Libra on July 21st, the Saturn/Pluto square comes back around this August. We thought it might be nice to revisit a post from last fall, when the square first hit. Expect more of the same in the coming months, complicated by the Cardinal Cross, the most important astrological event of the century. We’ll be talking a lot about that in posts to come…
In these tough times that seem to be getting tougher every moment, it’s hard to see the light peaking through the cracks of our dark Platonic/Plutonian cave. In an era marked by Pluto in Capricorn, the American Pluto Return, and its 8th Saturn Return, it feels like we’re living on a constant diet of fear, panic, and rage. Our corporate/religious monoliths are threatening to swallow us whole. We are finally figuring out that we’re humans, not merely consumers, and we’re all moving through this massive and chaotic birth canal together. No wonder we’re scared shitless. […]
For the 2010 International Astrology Day Blogathan
When most people think of the Cosmic Taskmaster, better known as King Saturn, they think of words like: mean, cold, dictatorial, brutish, depressing, and harsh. (And those are the kinder adjectives.) But we’re going to tell you a little secret about the ringed planet today, folks: Saturn has a heart, and although it may not be easy to find, it’s certainly worth looking for.
Like a father who pushes you harder and harder to do well in school, Saturn has your best interests in mind. You may not like having to stay up late doing algebra problems until the solutions click, but Saturn will keep you glued to your chair until it happens. You’ll hate him for it, but when you get the A, you’ll probably be grateful. And years later, when that work ethic wins you a stellar job in your field of choice, well, you’ll know that those brutal hours staying inside working while your friends played were well worth it. […]
We apologize for being MIA in the last few months — haven’t had much time to post. But with this weekend’s news regarding the devastating earthquake in Chile on the heels of last month’s events in Haiti, commentary is a must. This is a very clear lens through which we can see and measure the energy of the transits we find ourselves living under right now. With Pluto (planet of massive transformation) in Capricorn (an Earth sign), earthquakes are no surprise. Capricorn represents structure: the bones of our body and the infrastructure of our communities. This includes bridges, roads, and the walls of our homes. Pluto made an exact square to Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn, on January 31st — almost the precise midpoint between the two earthquakes. […]
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