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August 29, 2017 0 Comments

day 6 saturn

It’s the First Quarter Lunar Phase in Sagittarius with Saturn Direct in the same sign of the Archer! Commitment is key. The time of faith testing is over and now it’s back to work and working and re-working the structure.

We’re also leading up to next week’s watery, mystical and highly sensitive Pisces Full Moon. The floodgates have opened and we need a very strong container to contain and process all of the feelings that are inundating us now. Cling to higher grounds and call in all of your guides and celestial assistance. Devastatingly, this metaphor is all too literal with Harvey. Our hearts and prayers go out to everyone suffering in Houston and the poor little helpless creatures left behind.

Here’s an excellent way to support the helpless animals left behind:


Mercury will retrograde back into Leo this Thursday to bring back some of the New Moon in Leo Solar Eclipse themes over the weekend. He’ll also be meeting up with the North Node and Mars and adding fuel to the grand fire trine. Watch your words. Watch your thoughts. Watch your temper. Watch your pride. Speak from your heart. Speak only healing words.


If you’re in NYC on Sept 6th for the Full Moon, please join Sherene for a very special Full Moon ritual workshop at New Vibe Yoga at 9 St Marks Place from 730-9pm. For the Harvest Full Moon in Pisces we will mix meditation, manifestation rituals, Kriyas, Chanting, Tarot, the Astrology Forecast and more magic than you can shake a stick at–or possibly properly articulate under a Mercury Retrograde.

You can pre-register here as space is limited:

Full Moon Workshop with Sherene Vismaya and Alex Schatzberg of New Vibe Yoga

$35 in Advance ($40 at the door if there is still space)

[wpecpp name=”FULL MOON RITUAL WORKSHOP” price=”35″ align=”center”]



Weekly Horoscopes August 28 to Sept 3rd.


Love and career are vying for attention this week, Aries. It’s hard to focus on the details and deadlines when you’d rather be falling in love with your life. Clear your schedule of the mundane but must-do items, so there is more time for play. It’s also an ideal time to double down on your workout and wellness goals. Even the most seemingly mundane matters like drinking enough water and getting enough sleep need your attention now. Stellar self-care translates to a fabulous upgrade in every life department. Finally, restlessness is kicking in this week and wanderlust will be demanding action soon.


Your intimate relationships are highlighted this week, Taurus. The deeper you go, the stronger the bond and the more committed you feel. The planets are piling up in your romance and pleasure zone setting the stage for loads of summer finale goodness. After so many dramatic changes over the past few months, you’re overdue for pleasure. Just because you’re getting better at letting go and rolling with the changes doesn’t mean you particularly like it. That said, you have created the space for some stellar new beginnings that are just beginning to reveal themselves to you now.


Commitment is your big test of the week, Gemini. How strong is your love? Saturn is now direct in your relationship zone where the First Quarter Moon is falling. The paradox: deepening your commitment leads to greater freedom. You probably didn’t expect your heart to get cracked wide open by the double August eclipse extravaganza, but here you are. When you know what you want and what you love, the priorities become crystal clear. As you close in on the last two weeks of Mercury Retrograde, it’s an optimal opportunity to complete projects, revise and revamp everything you took off the back burner starting late July.


You are a Moon Child with a mission this week, Cancer. The volume of messages and correspondence demanding your immediate attention could feel overwhelming and yet you’re making some stellar connections that will only benefit you in the future. Use the tail end of the Mercury Retrograde to complete anything left half-finished. Your daily schedule and rituals are at the forefront of the priority list now. This is also an excellent week to up your wellness and workout game. If you’ve been struggling with willpower and discipline over the past few weeks, you’ll feel a welcome resurgence of determination and motivation.


Epiphanies are par for the course this week, Leo. Mercury is still retrograde but he’s returning to your very own stars to bring both the insights and a few dramatic reunions your way. Pay very close attention to your choice of words and even body language over the next few weeks. Never assume you know what the other person is saying if there is any doubt in your mind. This is your week to repair any communication breakdowns. Romance is also on the radar compliments of Venus, the love and beauty planet lighting up your stars. The love buzz is fabulous and can be used to spark a whole host of new projects. Last word of advice for the week: keep the drama on the stage and out of your relationships.


The stars are truly aligning and signing your praises this week, Virgo. Of course it’s your birthday season which only makes all the more cause for celebration. Plus, Mercury Retrograde is leaving your stars alone as he backs into Leo on Thursday. The only pitfall of the week is wanting to do everything at once. Pace yourself, darling. You can work a to-do list like nobody’s business but when it spills over endless pages, it might be time to edit. Then again, if anyone can become a triple threat and then some, it’s you. That’s because you understand the power of hard work, perfect timing and flawless efficiency.


It’s the return of optimism and inspiration this week compliments of the First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius. Your joy and killer sense of humor are back in full force. After weeks of tension and conflict, you can look forward to some much needed levity. All of the rampant injustice was breaking your spirit. Use this time to speak your truth against the bigger issues. Avoid petty battles that simply zap your energy. Plus, your friends totally have your back. Don’t let your pride drag you into the mud. Focus on your dreams, your creative impulses and getting extra beauty rest. You’re still in eclipse recovery mode while navigating the ongoing Mercury Retrograde mishaps.


This is the week to get back into top physical form, Scorpio. Grounding back into your body is an absolute must for emotional Scorpio creatures. You’re still healing your temple from the past several weeks of eclipse stress. Your adrenals might feel extra shot so it’s essential to find your Zen. Financial matters take high priority during this week’s First Quarter Moon phase in your money zone. You can use the current Mercury Retrograde to finesse the details that would normally elude you. This is an optimal time for restructuring, re-organizing and revamping all money matters and long-term goals.


New beginnings are afoot this week, Sagittarius. Yesiree, the First Quarter Lunar phase falls in your very own stars bringing all of the inspiration and laser focus to make your dreams a reality. Your career status is also on the rise at the moment, so get your bigger projects on deck. Mercury is retrograding out of your career zone to take some of the snafus and delays out of your launching power. He is now occupying your travel zone and stirring up a longing to reunite with your old-time favorite destinations. Where have you been dying to make a return visit?


Let your inner power mogul shine this week, Capricorn. Now that the eclipse season is fading out of the picture, it’s time to zero in on your mission. Tap into your inspiration and imagination under the auspices of this week’s First Quarter Moon. You can even draw ideas from your dreams which means sleep is productive. If a feeling of overwhelm kicks in, remember your favorite practice of chunking. Once broken down into a workable structure over time, anything is manageable. The key is to pace yourself and make a plan as you do so well. Ain’t no mountain high enough.


After hitting several walls, you’re so ready for the new, Aquarius. This week brings the clean slate and slew of opportunities you’ve been patiently waiting for. The First Quarter Moon in your house of success, long-term goals and collaborations sets a stage rife with opportunity. No goal is too lofty when you’re fully committed. You may still be navigating some emotional reverb from last week’s eclipse where relationships are concerned, but let that propel rather than hinder your momentum. The current clarity is real. Your heart does not lie and you know now that you can longer fail to listen. Communication and correspondence continue to be messy, especially in the partnership domain. Mercury is retrograding back into your opposite sign on Thursday and causing some breakdowns of understanding between you and your closest one-to-ones.


Inspiration is your everything this week, Pisces. Give yourself plenty of time and space to explore what you adore most. This means some serious boundary setting in the savior department. You can’t be rescuing everyone 24-7, darling. The First Quarter Moon at the top of your horoscope lights a spark for renewed excitement and hope with your life’s mission. When infused with high vibes, you’re truly invincible. Plus, being the super-sensitive empath, who and what you surround yourself influences your motivation and even your aura. If you are not operating at 110%, you know you need to change scenes and players.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.