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· Weekly Horoscopes May 21-27 ·

May 21, 2018 0 Comments


Sophia Loren


It’s the First Quarter Moon in Virgo today trine Uranus in Taurus (but in difficult aspect to Mars freshly minted in Aquarius). Plus,add on the Mars inconjunct Venus square Chiron energy (help us Goddess!) and you see why we are at our limit! It can feel exhausting, depressing and downright unhinged. We are in the midst of deep personal revelations and reinvention which can be extremely taxing on the nervous system. Stay grounded and in the love


Get ready to text and chat 24-7 over the next few weeks, Aries. The Sun leaves your money zone and lights up your world of communication starting this week. You’ll have a hard time sitting still. This week’s First Quarter Moon is also guaranteed to keep you on your toes with work and trying to craft the perfect daily schedule.  Your ruler, Mars is revving up your goals and social life for several months to come. Pace yourself to avoid burnout, darling. It’s so alluring to be so in demand and yet you also need your me time. The weekend is all about relationships, so you’ll have to get your solo time in earlier in the week.


Money is your end all be all this week, Taurus. The Sun lights up your financial zone for the next month, so this is just the beginning. Of course, you’ll miss the Sun shining brightly in your stars, but the extra financial boost doesn’t hurt. Watch for binge buying under this influence as your desire for gorgeous possessions could be irresistible under this influence. Beautiful things are the bomb, but so is a little padding in your savings account for rainy days. Romance is high on the agenda during the first half of the week. Get to work on Thursday and Friday while the focus is strong. Don’t worry, by the time the weekend rolls around you’ll be back in the love buzz.


Here comes the Sun, Gemini. Yes, Sol has just moved into your whimsical stars, officially launching your birthday season. It’s your time to shine, bb. Follow every intrigue to its magical end. You never were one to follow a straight and narrow path, anyway. In fact, it’s your boundless curiosity which keeps eternally youthful.. This week’s First Quarter Moon requires a bit of Hermit time. Keep your social agenda lighter than normal this week so you can stay home and focus on your next stream of brilliant ideas. That said, romance arrives mid-week, so that’s one distraction you’ll have a hard time passing up.


Communication comes to the fore this week compliments of the First Quarter Moon in your talking and texting zone. This might not be the week to break up with your phone as you’re more likely to be tethered to it and all of your other devices as the non-stop stream of information keeps you fixated. Remember, you have to be the one to set limits before it gets out of hand. What will help is the natural desire to retreat with the Sun leaving your social zone and lighting up your sleep zone for the next few weeks. Summer getaways beckon now, darling.


Money is on your mind this week, Leo. The First Quarter Moon lights up your cash zone and has you pondering ways to increase your income over the next few weeks. Work on all of the details now for best results. The more streamlined and specific you can be with your money goals, the more you are setting yourself up for mega success. The Sun moves out of your career zone and lights up your community and success zone for the next several weeks. Be sure you are surrounded by a squad who speaks your language and supports your goals.


This week’s First Quarter Moon falls in your very own stars, Virgo. You’re totally in your element and killing it, one detail at a time. You can also declutter and organize every corner of your life under this efficient influence. There’s no such thing as too pure and clutter-free as far as you’re concerned. When life is simple, you thrive. Other exciting star news includes the Sun now lighting up your career zone for the next few weeks. Your confidence, creativity and status are on the rise. Put your best self out into the public for a fabulous reception.


It’s your week to get all luxe and leisurely, Libra. The First Quarter Moon lands in your house of rest and retreat making it impossible to work too hard. Beauty sleep and soul time are a priority now. Keep your social calendar as light and fluid as possible, because you’ll likely want to change your mind and need more time alone than usual. A little solo time rejuvenating goes a long way. The Sun lights up your travel zone now for the next few weeks. Have your passport at the ready, darling.


You’re reaching new heights with your success and popularity this week, Scorpio. Plus, you’re an organizational aficionado under First Quarter Moon cycle in Virgo. Letting go of all the extraneous pieces of your life will liberate you on so many levels. Release it and don’t look back. If you’re not passionate about it, move it out of your life.  The Sun leaves your opposite stars and relationship zone this week but you’re now preparing to go deeper with the ones you’re closest with over the next month. It’s also an excellent phase for uncovering your own psychology and any secrets you’ve stashed away, even from yourself.


Your career status is on the rise this week, compliments of the First Quarter Moon shining over the top of your chart. All that you have been working on is reaching a fabulous fever pitch and your work is being recognized for the great masterpiece that it is. Pay close attention to the details and continue to hone your craft. In other bright news, the Sun moves into your relationship zone for the next few weeks and lights up your world of dating, mating and relating. Your closest partnerships and social world come into top priority over the next month.


Work is taking over your world this week, Capricorn. The First Quarter Moon brings ample opportunities to expand your horizons and even take a few fabulous jaunts if you’re down. Adding to the inspiration, the Sun lights up your work zone for the next few weeks illuminating your creativity and overall scheduling preferences. Avoid drowning in projects and to-do lists to the exclusion of a social life. The ability to focus on the details is extremely alluring, but you do have loved ones who adore you. Last but not least, the Moon lights up your career zone during the second half of the week, so you can get your bigger projects out the door after Wednesday for best results.


The wild ride of changes galore continues this week, darling. So much is shifting at sonic speed, so hang on. This week’s Last Quarter Moon assists you in decluttering and streamlining your life to make the changes less unwieldy. The golden rule is: if you’re not using it, adoring it or inspired by it any longer, remove it from your possessions at once. Keep your world as light as possible so you can move without feeling tethered to the past. Another highlight of the week is the Sun ramping up your romance zone for the next few weeks. Love is most definitely in the air, Aquarius.


Relationships are your all and all this week, Pisces. The First Quarter Moon lands in your opposite constellation of Virgo and puts the emphasis on all of your one-to-ones. As tempting as it is to worry or overthink yourself into worst case scenario dramas, don’t go there. You have so much love and support surrounding you now so better to count your lucky stars. The Sun leaves your communication zone this week and moves into your home zone for the next month. Give your domicile a glamorous makeover and/or upgrade to match your current state of mind.
