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Full Moon in Aries Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters Full Moon in Aries Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters

Full Moon in Aries Horoscopes

October 4, 2017 0 Comments

Full Moon in Aries

Aries Diva, Diana Ross (Illustration by Elisandra Sevenstar)


In the spirit of iconic firebrand Diana Ross, we are definitely “Upside Down” this week. And as another favorite Aries icon, Bette Davis would say, “Fasten your seatbelt….” This week is not kidding! We have the potent Venus-Pluto trine on Tuesday to empower our most intimate and deepest karmic connections. Next, we have the Venus-Mars merger right on the Full Moon to set off the dance between our inner masculine-feminine energies. For more on your sign and rising sign keep reading for the horoscopes below.

Inspired by this intense Mars infusion of the Full Moon, the Saturn Sisters are collaborating on the next and third to the last P40 devoted to the Red Planet. MARS:: INCENDIARY INITIATION starts right on the heels of the Full Moon in Aries and on the very first day of Jupiter entering Scorpio We end right on the New Moon in Scorpio on November 18th.

Mars (ruler of both Aries and Scorpio) is burning through our psyches and demanding we consciously embody our anger and aggression so we don’t internalize this potent energy and let it consume, depress or embitter.

Do you internalize your anger?

Do you beat yourself up?

Do you have frequent accidents, migrarines or skin eruptions?

Do you have difficulty with physical discipline?

Have you experienced sexual trauma that makes you feel shut-down and/or unable to orgasm?

Do you let others walk all over you?

Do you struggle with indecision and an inability to assert yourself?

Do you stuff your feelings and desires only to later erupt or blow up?

Does your frustration come out as passive-aggression?

If you’re a cis-woman in a relationship with a man, do you assume his seuxal needs, his role and his timing around sex is more imporant than your own?

Do you want more sex from your relationship but feel afraid to ask?

Do you wish to be more assertive, direct and decisive?

Are you ready to become more strategic and less reactive?

Do you feel ineffective?

Does the idea of self-pleasure conjure feelings of shame?

Are you exhausted?

Do you tend to burnout instead of burn through obstacles?

Do you need more “blaze” in your life?

Do you have a hard time standing up for yourself and what you want?

Is your sexual energy blocked or repressed?

Do you act out your frustrations and anger sexually?

Do you wish to have a more conscious relaitonship with your desires and sexual energy?

40 DAYS of Incendiary Initiation. Embodying desire and dancing in the flames of repression, silencing, shaming and suffering from centuries of taming.


If these questions resonate, please join us for this very powerful online circle of warriors.

More on MARS P40 HERE

incendieary heart

THE SATURN SISTERS discuss Mars, the Full Moon and more on the P40 Podcast HERE



Weekly Horoscopes

October 2-8th, 2017


This week is so sexy it’s almost too much too handle, Aries. The Full Moon is in your sign on Thursday, but that’s not even all that’s in store. First things first: the fiery lunation that comes but once a year is a check-in on your birthday wishes from last March/April. What have you accomplished and what are you still waiting on? These are the right questions to ask yourself now. Love and romance are HOT to trot this week as well, because your ruler Mars will join with sweet Venus in your relationship zone on the same day as the Full Moon. YOWZA.


It’s a Full Moon week so the emotional thermometer is turned up to the highest setting right now. Even though the lunation isn’t exact until Thursday, you’ll feel it bubbling up through your psyche early in the week. This Full Moon takes place in your retreat zone and it can make your dreams extremely potent, active, rich, and full of important information. Aim to write down them down as soon as you wake up – keep a notebook by your bedside for this express purpose. Something that happened six months ago could come to a dramatic head – you may need extra tender loving care.


An intensely fiery Full Moon week has arrived, Gemini – get ready to grow and expand your social network. Even though the lunation isn’t exact until Thursday you’ll likely feel the energy from the very start of the workweek. Long-term goals, wishes and friendships are all on your mind right now, and you can find new ways to join these life-arenas to one another. In other words, it’s time to find the ultimate creative collaboration. With Mars and Venus joining together in your house of love and pleasure on the same day, you’ll have your fill of romance as well.


There’s a Full Moon on tap later this week, and because the Moon is your ruling luminary, this is a major event in your life. Your career is coming to an apex now, Cancer. Something you began to think about or work on about six months ago is coming to fruition. Are you ready to take your professional life to the next level? That’s what the stars are offering you right now. Work/life balance is an important theme with Mars and Venus in your home zone on the same day as the Full Moon. Find a way to embrace both parts of your life.


This week’s intensely fiery Full Moon is just what you’ve been waiting for, Leo. It’s exact on Thursday in your house of adventure and long-distance travel, so you’re likely to be quite the curious kitty cat all week long. You need to expand your horizons and won’t settle for anything boring or tedious – especially lackluster lovers. With Mars and Venus slow dancing in your house of communication at the same time, this is perhaps one of the most romantic weekends you’ve had in a long while. Say what’s on your mind with equal amounts of sexiness and sweetness.


There’s a Full Moon later this week and it will drive your passions from Monday on. This lunation takes place in your house of sex and intimacy and it can have a major impact on your libido, Virgo. A long-term relationship can deepen now and your emotional closeness, not to mention your attraction, can go to the next level at the same time. Not only that, but Mas and Venus are embracing in your money zone at the same time, making you crave pretty, expensive things – but you’ll likely be able to afford whatever you want under these stars.


Relationships are so beyond off the charts this week that you’ll hardly know what to do with yourself, lovely Libra. The Full Moon lands in your partnership zone on Thursday, bringing a six-month phase to its culmination. Relationships that started during the last six months are up for review now, and if you’re attached, no matter when you first got together, some anger could come up this week. Don’t worry, because breakthroughs are possible, especially with passionate Mars and your ruling planet Venus in your sign. You’ll easily kiss and make up in short order, with real issues resolved.


This Thursday’s Full Moon is not even close to joking, Scorpio. It’s in Aries, the other Mars-ruled sign, and passion (your favorite subject) is at the core of the cosmic energies all week long. Your work life is explosive in the best possible way, and a project (or multiple projects) you started about six months ago could come to fruition in the near future. It’s really important to keep your mind-body in balance, so grab an extra yoga class or meditate an extra ten minutes if you start to feel stressed out. The Mars/Venus conjunction will insure that things stay super sexy despite it all.


There’s a fiery Full Moon coming on Thursday, if you’re wondering why you feel so fierce right now, Sadge. This lunation is in Aries – it will impact your house of love, romance, creativity and pleasure. You must embrace your wild side. Not only is this Full Moon tying together the last six months of you love life, but with Mars and Venus in your networking zone, your social life is also lit through the weekend. In other words, it’s essential to make plans but to also keep things flexible. You never know who’s going to show up and rock your world.


The Full Moon in Aries doesn’t arrive until Thursday but it’s the story of the entire week, Capricorn. Emotions are high and drama is possible, but you can sense the fiery potential in the air – and it feels pretty awesome. Your home and family are on your mind right now. Rewind to about six months ago – was there an issue with a loved one, or did you start thinking about a home-based project you’d like to get going? Well, you can make it happen now – with gusto. At the same time, with Mars and Venus in your career zone, your professional life is roaring ahead.


Get ready for a fiery, uber-powerful week, Aquarius. It’s all because of Thursday’s Full Moon in Aries, which will break open your communication zone and bring myriad opportunities for you to use your voice. Whatever you want to say, trust that people are listening closely – try to choose your words with clarity and precision. The passion will just be there naturally, thanks to the potency of this lunation. With Mars and Venus in close quarters in your long-distance travel zone, you’re also thinking about exploring the world with someone that you love. If that’s not possible, discover the outer regions of your own neighborhood.


There’s a passionate, dramatic Full Moon on Thursday, Pisces, and everyone is feeling the fiery vibe. This lunation takes place in your money zone, so heed your need to shop until you drop. You might be in one of those situations where you are able to spend money as fast as you earn it. The good news is that your financial ship may come in, thanks to a project or promotion that first came up about six months ago. Either way, do your best to save just a bit of cash for a rainy day later this fall.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.