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Full Moon in Libra Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters Full Moon in Libra Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters

Full Moon in Libra Horoscopes

April 10, 2017 0 Comments


marrakech retreat

marrakech garden

riad room



MAY 8-13, 2017

…under the Scorpio Full Moon!

with Sherene Vismaya

Daily rituals, bellydance, meditation, rooftop circles, tarot and healing

in the stunningly gorgeous and exclusive, Riad Enija (shown above)

I have been coming and staying at this majestic sanctuary since 2003. The Rolling Stones have even stayed here. It’s a priestess and rockstar paradise.  Total dream Riad tucked away in the back of the Souk so very private and quiet!

They will pamper us silly with rose petals, foot massages after breakfast, and the scent of orange blossom and jasmine lingering in the private dining garden.

Get the very last spot and suite while it lasts:




day 36 cherry blossoms

 April 10-16th, 2017


Relationship dramas are at an all-time high now, Aries. The Full Moon on the 10th falls in your opposite constellation of Libra and requires serious compromise with others. You’re extremely aware of what has gotten out of balance in the whole give and take scheme of things. The other big news of the week is the end of the Venus Retrograde which has been wreaking havoc in the relationship and money since late January comes out of retrograde. At least now you have the clarity you need to move forward with your decisions around partnerships and financial matters. The revisions never end.


Relationships rule everything around you this week, Taurus. There has been a lot of revision and rethinking your commitments since late January, compliments of the Venus Retrograde. This Saturday, Venus officially completes her retrograde phase, although it may take until your birthday to really feel like you are moving forward with love or money matters. Allow a few more weeks for all of the dust to settle and for the true clarity you need in terms of making important decisions in your love or work life. The Full Moon on Monday brings work projects and perhaps important health matters to their culmination point.


The week begins on an extremely romantic note, Gemini. Relationship quandaries have put you in a back and forth game of cat and mouse over the past few weeks. You are ready to make some essential decisions in your love and creative life now. Either you are moving forward to the next level of commitment or you are ready to really let it go this time and start all over again. Venus, the love planet is finally coming out of retrograde on Saturday. Clarity is slowing returning in terms of which relationships are staying and which are going and why. The choice is yours, Gemini.


This Monday’s Full Moon is bringing out a deep emotional need for both balance and justice. This one ties in all of the ongoing Venus Retrograde themes around love and money that started late January. Situations are becoming clear now, especially those that are out of balance in terms of reciprocity. You might be feeling especially sensitive about where you have felt unfair behaviors from others. This is the time to set the karmic balance score card straight. It also requires having patience and tolerance for those you love. If you set ultimatums and push the ones you love away, you’ll regret it.


The big events of the week revolve around love and money. The first is the Full Moon in your communication zone. We’re right on the edge of another Mercury Retrograde, so watch for where and how words can lead you astray or create more trouble or misunderstandings. The goal this week is to build bridges and to heal conflict. Set your pride aside as much as possible, Leo. You are being asked to find the compromise and compassion. Venus is finally coming out of retrograde on Saturday after throwing relationship stories into revision since late January. You’re getting clarity now.

Change is your only constant, Virgo. Any recent stressors around relationships are finally getting untangled as the Venus Retrograde finally comes to a close this Saturday. Think back to what was happening at the end of January and watch how this story is reaching resolution now. There’s also a Full Moon taking place in your money zone. It could feel like so much money is going out, and yet trust that it will all flow back to you in the perfect time. There is a rebalancing going on at the moment in both the love and financial departments.


It’s your very own Full Moon this week, Libra. You’ve been feeling this energy building up for the past week, and now powerful resolution and clarity is here. You know what you will and will not tolerate going forward in your relationships. Even though you tend to be the one who compromises, now is the time to stay firm but with compassion. Know your limits. The Venus Retrograde that started last January is ending this Saturday. Look book on all that you have learned since then around your patterns with your significant others. Do you like what you see?


Monday’s Full Moon puts the focus on relationships, justice, beauty and balance. If you feel like you’ve been getting the short end of the equation with partners in either love or business, this is all being shown now. You can set the balance back again by getting clear about what feels off kilter and unfair. The Venus Retrograde that started last January is finishing up this Saturday. There’s been a lot of testing and learning since then.You’ve likely broken through a lot of patterns and uncovered a lot of your own blocks to love. Now you can move forward and apply those lessons.


The Full Moon sets a rather busy yet exciting tone for the week. Your social life takes top priority now, but it might feel completely out of balance with the rest of your life. Balance is never easy when you adore extremes. Your long-term goals are also coming into focus now. After working and reworking relationship and money themes compliments of the Venus Retrograde that started late January, you’re clear on what you want to move forward on. Venus goes direct on Saturday but it might take until May for you to understand the full story and all of the implications. There has been a lot of deep lessons and testing over the past forty-plus days.


This week’s Full Moon is all about your career status, Capricorn. All of your hard work since last fall is totally paying off now. It’s well deserved too, darling. No one works harder and more strategically than you do. Relationship misunderstandings are finally up for resolution. After weeks of a lot of fear, stress and unnecessary complications, you can finally move forward with more love and forgiveness in your heart. It could still feel a bit like a test, but you’ll pass with flying colors. Communication starts to get wonky this week and next as Mercury (the messenger planet) slows way down and digs in his heels before going retrograde on the 9th. Back up your gadgets pronto.


Travel fever abounds early in the week, compliments of the Full Moon lighting up your long-distance adventure zone. So much is shifting and changing internally despite feeling stuck in outer world progress. It might feel like you’r not making progress, but it’s a slow build. The feeling of standstill is temporary. You’re not alone, darling. There is an insane amount of planets going retrograde at once this month requiring us all to go back in order to go forward. Take it slow, take it easy and don’t force the timing. Patience is your best asset.


Changes are deep yet subtle this week, Pisces. The Full Moon on Monday lights up the part of your horoscope that begs you to release, relinquish and truly let go of all that no longer serves your highest. Consider this week your official spring cleaning. The other big news of the week is that the Venus Retrograde is finally ending on Saturday in your very own stars. Your love and financial life has been undergoing some major challenges and revision since late January. Confusion gives way to clarity this weekend. Pay attention to all of the signs and symbols as always, darling.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.