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Full Moon in Sagittarius Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters Full Moon in Sagittarius Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters

Full Moon in Sagittarius Horoscopes

June 8, 2017 0 Comments


Last call for Capri, Italy this July! We are going to close the registration very soon so if you don’t want to miss the boat, this is your last chance to join us for the Movement & Magick retreat July 9-14th. Book your flight to Rome by the morning of the 9th, we’ll scoop you up and whisk you away for the best five days of your life. Morning yoga, ritual, Tarot, astrology, authentic movement, dream work, journaling etc …..More info and registration here: ANACAPRI, ITALY RETREAT


The next P40:: 36: THE MOON is coming right on the New Moon in Cancer on June 24th. The next 40 Days are devoted to embodying and transmuting the lunar influence in our psyches. We are teaming up with Egyptian Path and Tarot Master and author from Egypt, Katy Butler for this one. It’s going to go very deep. I hope you will join us. Space is quite limited: INFO AND JUMP IN below:




Illustration by Elly Zahara

The Sky isn’t even the limit this week! Jupiter (planet of amplification and overkill) comes out of retrograde at 13 degrees of Libra, on the same day of the Full Moon this Friday! All arrows and signs are screaming: upwards and onwards! Just watch out for overwhelm. The “overdoing it” theme is rampant now. Jupiter rules this Full Moon in Sagittarius so the theme of “Go big or Go Home” is playing out all over the place. Long-distance travel, adventure, truth seeking and devotion to pleasure and excess are also strong themes. Think of Sagittarius, Willam Blake’s famous dictum:

‘The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom…You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.


Full Moon in Sagittarius Horoscopes



Life makes a major turn for the better this week, darling. After so much contention and fighting, you can look forward to excellent cash flow. The Full Moon on Friday is perfect for long-distance goodness and exotic adventures. Start booking your next set of plans as close to the weekend as possible. This is not a time to drive yourself crazy with cabin fever. Finally, lucky Jupiter is coming out of retrograde in your relationship zone to turn all that was wrong over the past few months right again. Your faith is about to be completely restored.


The stars adore you this week, Taurus! The goodness stars with your ruling planet, Venus on Tuesday. She is coming home to your stars to make all things sweet and beautiful in love and money. You will also feel totally in your element once again now that your guiding planet is happy and solidly placed in your constellation. Ask for what you want and trust you will get it. The Full Moon on Friday generates a strong push for change. As much as you resist change, you are so ready to release the chains that keep you stuck in the past.

This is your week to regain relationship momentum, Gemini. That said, part of you also wishes to check out and just be in your own dreamland as much as possible. You are working out so much while you sleep, especially all of the emotional processing. You’ll feel the Full Moon as early as Wednesday but the results will show up in your partnership arena. You’re ready to go to the next level or relinquish your partner for good. In any case, you’re getting some powerful truth. Plus, Jupiter is coming out of retrograde on the same day of the Full Moon to make for extra luck and goodness all around.


Life is looking up this week, Cancer. No wonder your optimism is back in full swing. The Full Moon arrives on Friday, but your inner Moonchild feels it all week long. It’s pushing you to voice your truth, even if blurts out with total blunt sharpness. Don’t let feelings take over your world to the point of blocking your greater vision. Venus will move into your social zone starting this week to sweeten up your relationships with friends and collaborations. When the Full Moon arrives on Friday, you’ll be wondering how your daily life got so insanely busy. Pace yourself darling.


June is full of fire, and this week is just a preview of how fierce you are about to feel for the next few weeks. There’s just so much feistiness going on in the stars pushing you to speak up and speak out. Nothing will hold you back from getting your truth off your chest. You can thank the Full Moon for that. Venus is gracing your career zone for the next few weeks, so put yourself out in the world and expect a lovely and solid response. Friday brings the true sparks in your love life. It literally lights up your house of romance and pleasure. To make matters even more beneficial, you have lucky Jupiter gaining strength starting Friday for the next few months.


You’re in your earthy element this week Virgo. You’ll feel a sweet shift starting onTuesday when Venus moves into Taurus and graces your travel zone. You may suddenly feel that your security and pleasure lies in your next exotic adventure. This restless gypsy fever only gets stronger as the Full Moon approaches on Friday. For you home is often wherever your suitcase is. This never proved more true than this week. Plus, the ruler of big travels is coming out of retrograde on the Full Moon to amplify your cabin fever. Don’t hold yourself back from a much needed jaunt to your favorite destination.


You’re in total rebalance mode this week, Libra. After so much pressure and intensity on your relationships, you’re finally getting into a more peaceful path. Your ruling planet changes signs on Tuesday and this softens everything. You can look forward to more intimacy and love without the fights. Plus, this Friday’s Full Moon is full of inspiration and spark. It’s time to get your voice heard. Speak up and send that message now. Plus, lucky Jupiter goes direct in your own sign on the same day. The goodness and fortune is just starting to roll again so keep the faith, darling.


This is the week when you have access to both love and money in ample amounts, Scorpio. You adore both and can’t get enough of either. Venus, the love planet will move into your opposite sign on Tuesday and deliver stability and sweetness to your love life and partnerships for the next few weeks. The money side is the Full Moon brewing in your money zone and peaking on Friday. Money could likely come and go like fire, but you won’t have a dull or dry moment when it comes to cash flow. Finally, Jupiter is going direct on Friday to renew your optimism and inner world.


This week is screaming your name, Sagittarius. You can feel the Full Moon brewing in your stars all week long, so expect extra intensity and action on all levels. This only comes but once a year and it makes a major impact on you and your relationships. Work and daily rituals get sweeter after Tuesday, when Venus moves into your work zone. Finally your ruling planet, lucky Jupiter will come out of retrograde on Friday to set all things back in full power and motion once again. So much about your life is looking up and turning in your favor once again, darling.


Your wish is the command of the cosmos (even the grandiose wishes), Capricorn.For starters, you’ve got Venus working her sweetness in your love zone straight through early July. Trade work for love whenever possible. The big Full Moon Friday will be pushing your emotional buttons and stirring up your dreams all week long. Write down your insights now as so many truths are sure to abound. Take your own advice now, darling. Lucky Jupiter will come out of retrograde also on Friday to support your career and push you to new heights. Anything is possible now that you put your mind to.


You’ve got your mind made up this week, Aquarius. You tend to be fixed and opinionated as it is, but this week you’re not going to budge. No one can convince you otherwise. Venus moves into your home zone this Tuesday and has you wishing to bring more harmony into family and domestic issues. You’re also feeling more nostalgic and in the mood to nest. Friday’s Full Moon has you wishing you could network yourself into a new level of popularity —and you can. There’s some fabulous news arriving on Friday with the Full Moon so stay tuned. Friendships and collaboration are paying off. Plus, Jupiter is coming out of retrograde just in time for a super summer.


The Full Moon is building up at the top of your chart all week long, darling. No wonder you feel bigger than life. As a sweet compliment, Venus is moving into your communication zone starting on Tuesday. Conversations get infinitely sweeter in any form. If you have writing projects on the agenda, you will delight in putting your love into them now. Plus, this Full Moon is reminding you that came here to do big things in the world. No more playing small, Pisces. If this requires more travel or adventure to keep you in the big picture mode. go for it.


Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.