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Full Moon in Scorpio Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters Full Moon in Scorpio Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters

scorpio photo

Weekly 18 – 24 April 2016


Your ruler Mars just went retrograde, so a major slowdown is still rocking you through and through. Then on Monday, Pluto also goes retrograde – this is starting to feel like a theme, isn’t it, Aries? On Tuesday the Sun leaves your sign and moves into your money zone, setting you up for four weeks of financial fruitfulness. By Friday a super sexy Full Moon moves onto the scene, making you crave intimacy and closeness with a lover. With all the retrogrades in effect (Mercury is coming up next week) you might just feel some curiosity about your exes, too.


Your birthday month begins on Tuesday, Taurus! This is the moment that the Sun slips into your sign, where it will remain for the next four weeks. Whether you’re an April Bull or a if you were born in May, this is your signal to start celebrating all that makes you who you are – strong, resilient, and undeniably beautiful. The week gets even more thrilling leading up to Friday, when a powerful Full Moon lands in your relationship zone. This deep and resonant lunation will make you feel all of your feelings time a thousand – especially in regard to your partnerships.


Mars just went retrograde last Sunday, and Pluto turns around and follows him this Monday. With your ruler Mercury heading backwards next week, there is certainly a theme during the second half of April. Slowing down is necessary, and that’s even clearer when the Sun moves into your dream zone on Tuesday, where it will remain for the next thirty days. This is your time for focusing inward and reacquainting yourself with the deeper needs of your psyche. On Friday a damn sexy Full Moon opens the floodgate of passion and emotion. You might be a bit over-stimulated – pay close attention to your health this weekend.


You’ve got so much on your plate this week you’re not quite sure where to begin, Cancer. Mars just went retrograde last Sunday, and Pluto follows him into backwards motion on Monday. This all inspires a necessary slowdown and reflection phase, even while you get all your stuff done. On Tuesday the Sun moves into your house of friends and groups, inspiring all manner of collaboration during the next four weeks. You’ll meet your goals faster if you join with others. Friday’s magnificently intense Full Moon is in a sister water sign, opening your heart and touching the depths of your psyche.


The cosmos are forcing you to slow down a bit this week, Leo, so heed their request if you want everything to go the way you need it to. Mars just went retrograde late last week, and Pluto does the same on Monday. On Tuesday the Sun shifts into your career zone, emphasizing your professional prowess for the next four weeks. Focus on your big-time status now, and save the minor details for later. Friday brings a deeply potent Full Moon to your house of home and family. This is one of the most intense, passionate lunations of the season, so tune in and listen to your intuition.


The answers you’re seeking may not be clear early this week, but you might find that the questions are even more important right now. This is the case under the influence of retrogrades – Mars just shifted backwards last Sunday, while Pluto moves into reverse motion on Monday. On Tuesday the Sun move into sister earth sign Taurus, making you feel a bit steadier on your feet for the next four weeks. You’ll need this, because Friday’s intense Full Moon can cause serious emotional overload on multiple levels. Be ready to face all the feelings that come up. Translating those feelings into words can help so much.


Don’t be afraid of your emotions this week, Libra, because they’ll surely be intense. With Pluto going retrograde on Monday, you sense that you need to transform but it’s challenging to ease into it. The Sun moves into your sexuality zone on Tuesday, increasing the urge to merge with another human being – intimacy is what matters most now and for the next thirty days. This will be even more evident during the days leading up to Friday’s emotionally taxing Full Moon. This lunation lands in your house of finances, so you might experience some stress or pressure around money issues – coupled with a big release.


Your ruler Mars went retrograde last Sunday, and Pluto – your OTHER ruling planet, goes retrograde on Monday. If that weren’t enough, the Sun moves into your opposite sign on Tuesday, signaling a month of important relationship appraisal and renewal. It’s a time to look within and be honest about what’s real and what’s merely a projection. The most powerful event of the week arrives on Friday: the annual Full Moon in your own sign. You’re at the center of the world right now, and that can be a bit overwhelming – but if anyone can handle it, it’s you.


With the second of two retrogrades (first Mars last Sunday, and now Pluto on Monday) taking effect, life feels like it’s on a bit of a pause. Intentionally slowing down should help you figure out what you need to focus on most this week. When the Sun moves into your house of work and health on Tuesday, you’ll get a thirty-day boost of productivity that will help you navigate the tricky retrograde waters of the next few weeks. When Mercury goes backwards next week, you’ll be in better shape than most. Friday’s intense Full Moon lights up your house of dreams, making you positively psychic.


This week is jam-packed with astro-activity, staring with Pluto’s retrograde on Monday. The planet of transformation has been in your own sign since 2008, and it’s about to slow down and backtrack for the next five months. You can use this phase as a review period – think back to last fall and consider whether or not you’ve made the changes you intended to. On Tuesday the Sun moves into your house of love and romance, signaling a sweet and lovely four-week phase – it’s time to get creative. Friday’s intense Full Moon has you contemplated the depth of your friendships and other emotional connections across your social networks.


This is a week of going forward and back – so at the end, you might end up in the same place you were at the beginning. Pluto shifts into retrograde motion on Monday, slowing things down only the day after Mars also started moving backwards. On Tuesday the Sun moves into your home and family zone – making the next thirty days an excellent time to nurture your closest, oldest relationships. By Friday the most intense moment of the week arrives – the Full Moon in Scorpio, set to add depth and dimension to your status in the world.


With Pluto following Mars into retrograde motion on Monday, the pause is on, Pisces. (Next week, Mercury also goes retrograde, completing the planetary threesome.) On Tuesday the Sun shifts into Taurus, where it will remain for a month, amping up your communication game. Whether you’re talking, texting, or writing the novel you’ve always dreamed of penning, you’re ardently articulate right now and will be through the first three weeks of May. But the biggest news of the week arrives on Friday, when the Full Moon lands in sister water sign Scorpio. Talk about DEEP – this lunation is the deepest yet.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.