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August 7, 2017 0 Comments


Aquarius Hero, Bob Marley by Elisandra Sevenstar

Overcome the devils with a thing called love.
Bob Marley

Eclipse season is on kittens! Today’s Full Moon in Aquarius Lunar Eclipse arriving at exactly 11:11 am PDT (make a wish!) is clearing the path for LOVE to prevail.

In the midst of eclipse storms, it’s easy to get lost in the fear of what we might lose or have taken away from us. Often these things are people, habits, and situations that are holding us back in one way or another. Eclipses are a powerful time to recommit to our bigger goals as we clear our minds from the limitations blocking our full potential.

Eclipses insist we do the deep dive into our own shadow work and reclaim our throne and redouble our commitment to our true path (read: following our heart).

As people travel across the globe to witness the eclipses magic in person, we are coming together to experience its magic within through a very special P40- Seven (instead of 40) Day intensive. Sherene and Mistress of Magic, Katelan Foisy are teaming up to take care of you, inspire you and bring you our top seven ritual secrets merged with the magickal P40 alchemical categories.

Through a series of 7-Day rituals, Real-time email messages, Guided Meditations, Videos *, and Live chats* (*new P40 editions) we will break through the post-eclipse fog, insecurity, blocks, and fears, to clear the way for living-out-loud – limitless loving that only comes from walking our true Path.

More info and registration here: P40.7: SPECIAL ECLIPSE INTEGRATION INTENSIVE

lucky rapp full


It’s one of the craziest weeks of the month, if not the whole year, Aries! Eclipse season begins in earnest on Monday with a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in your house of friends. Some big and necessary changes are coming to your networks now – and even if it feels challenging, it will help you find your “right tribe.” Don’t hold onto those who stopped supporting your vision a long time ago. The intensity goes up about ten notches late on Saturday night, when Mercury goes retrograde in your work zone. The next three weeks are full of potential mishaps for your various projects – do your due diligence.


Eclipse season is officially here on Monday with an uber-powerful Full Moon in your career zone. This Lunar Eclipse snaps you back to attention in terms of your professional goals. It’s the height of summer and everyone is on holiday, but you should pay close attention to your ambitions – and to plans you began to make last winter. Something major is shifting now – and you just have to mold this amazing cosmic clay to your own standards. There’s SO MUCH potential. Mercury Retrograde will arrive late on Saturday night, slowing you down in some ways, but ramping up your creativity for the next few weeks.


What a week, Gemini! Hold onto your sunhat because eclipse season officially begins on Monday, and it’s not joking around this time. This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is exceptionally dramatic and emotional, so give yourself lots of space to process your feelings. Ordinarily you’d begin to normalize after a few days, but because Mercury goes retrograde late on Saturday night, you probably won’t have time to chill out. Over the next few weeks expect some miscommunication on the home front and with your family. Try to listen twice as much as you speak, and don’t take anything personally.


Monday brings the first of two intense summer eclipses, so batten down the hatches. You feel eclipses more than any other sign because the Moon is your ruling luminary, and eclipses carry the power of ten New or Full Moons. Monday’s is particularly intense and transformative – it’s begging you to open yourself up to some major changes. Think back to last February – was something developing at that time, possibly with an intimate partner? Just as you start to find your footing again, Mercury goes retrograde in your talking/texting zone late on Saturday night. The next three weeks could be rife with miscommunication.


This already insane month gets even more insane on Monday, when an intense eclipse arrives in your relationship zone. This is a hyper-emotional moment, Leo, and it’s really easy to ramp up the drama in an instant, without warning. Try not to get tripped up by what feels like an attack, and attempt to wait a few days to resolve any arguments. But aim to do so before Saturday night, because that’s when Mercury Retrograde begins to mess with all forms of communication. Over the next three weeks, everything is a lot more confusing than it needs to be – search for clarity everywhere.


Wow, Virgo – this is some week! It starts with a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on Monday, one that may rock your world temporarily, but inevitably lead to something better. Think back to last February and consider what was going on workwise – were you facing a deadline? This is coming up for resolution again now – you may be ready to move on from something stressful that had you in its grips. Speaking of stress, your ruler Mercury goes retrograde in your own sign on Saturday night. If you can be on vacation for the rest of August, but all means: GO FOR IT.


Strap yourself in, Libra – this week brings a wild and crazy ride. First up is a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on Monday – one that’s shaking up your love/romance/creativity zone. This is certainly not a bad thing, but it can feel a bit emotionally overwhelming. If your relationships are stressful, just pour your angst into art. That’s not all – by late Saturday evening the planet of communication goes retrograde and will remain in backwards motion through early September. This will have a profound effect on your dreams and psyche, and may make you long for the past.


The first of two incredibly potent eclipses is here this Monday, Scorpio. You’ve felt this coming for days, so at least you’ll be glad when the energy begins to fade on Tuesday. But if you want to make the most of this momentous astro-event, focus on your roots. That’s what this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is all about – your family and early childhood experiences. You’re healing some ancient baggage now. By late in the week you’ll know that something weird is up – and that something is Mercury Retrograde, arriving late on Saturday night. For the next few weeks, be extra careful when talking/texting with friends.


The stars are in a super serious mood this week, Sagittarius – and things are moving very, very fast. The first eclipse of the season arrives on Monday in the form of an intense Full Moon in your communication zone. This Lunar Eclipse is overpowering and can make you say something that you’ve kept inside for a long time – perhaps since last winter. Try not to be rash or take anything more seriously than you need to. Mercury Retrograde comes to your career zone late Saturday, helping you to tie up loose ends and perhaps return to a professional pursuit from the past.


The planets are bringing the intensity this week, Capricorn, so make sure you’re emotionally prepared for all the cray. It begins on Monday with the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in your money zone. Because you’re a responsible Goat, you won’t likely get caught by this one – because you’ve probably been working on shoring up your finances for a while. But just in case you’ve been spending a lot, know that this eclipse can deflate your bank account as fast as it can blow it up. That’s not even it: on Saturday night, Mercury Retrograde begins its three-week phase in your travel zone. Triple-check any planned itineraries.


Whoa, Aquarius – you should definitely read this horoscope while you’re sitting down. You’re about to experience one of the most amazing, life-changing, deep moments of your existence. On Monday a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse comes to your own sign, and it will open the doors to enormous potential, even if it seems to shut some others. Just expect to be a bit overwhelmed with intense emotion – you can’t really analyze your way out of this one. With Mercury Retrograde starting late on Saturday night, communication is super wonky for the next three weeks.


What you’ve felt for weeks is finally manifesting in the skies this week, Pisces. As one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, Monday’s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse has already been tweaking your senses for several weeks. This is no ordinary eclipse – it’s speaking directly to your psyche and your dreams. Messages are coming through in multiple forms, but the energy can also make you feel anxious and melancholy – remember that it will pass soon. By Saturday night Mercury Retrograde begins in your relationship zone, where it make communication with partners a bit weird for the next few weeks.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.