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Horoscopes for Mercury Direct – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes for Mercury Direct – The Saturn Sisters

Horoscopes for Mercury Direct

May 1, 2017 0 Comments

day 30 magazine


May, is that you?

April you’re gone?

Thank you, Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

Mercury comes out of retrograde on Wednesday in Aries after jarring our nervous systems for the past week with a slew of breakthroughs, crises in consciousness and awakenings.

We’re also on the verge of the Nodes shifting out of Virgo-Pisces into Leo-Aquarius…

expect a huge surge of creative inspiration in the coming weeks after slogging through the final “eternal limbo” vibes of Pisces.

Hang in there, we are so close to a new cycle! May 8th to be exact!

Weekly 1 – 7 May 2017


The first week of May is filled with ample cosmic delights, Aries! The best news of the week (and perhaps the whole month) is that Mercury finally goes direct after its agonizing retrograde, one that felt a lot more like 300 hundred years than just 3 weeks. Luckily, the planet of communication will return to normal motion on Wednesday, helping you to reorganize your mind, your home, and your relationships. If some major issue came up during April, you might finally get that AHA moment now – a secret that’s been concealed from you could finally come to light.

Welcome to May, Ms. Taurus! Whether your birthday took place during the final week of April or it’s coming up in the next three weeks, you have plenty to celebrate right now. That’s because Mercury finally goes direct this Wednesday, freeing you up from all the delays, mishaps, and confusing moments of the previous month. Phew! The shift won’t change everything immediately, but your mind should clear, and any weird longing for the past should begin to fade this week. Not that you’ll have to wait until mid-month to get the full story when it comes to your relationships.


It’s time to get back into the swing of things, Gemini! The beautiful news is that the stars will finally let you do just that, thanks to Mercury. Your ruler is going direct on Wednesday, allowing you to come out of the weird fog you were in for most of April. You’ll emerge with more wisdom than you had when the retrograde started, so it might make sense to spend a bit of time reflecting on what you learned later this week. This is especially relevant to your social life (online and off) and your relationship to self-care.


May is here and in the best news yet, Mercury Retrograde ends this week! To be specific, the communication planet goes direct on Wednesday, turning around in your career zone. This means that any recent professional setbacks will now begin to make sense – and you might find out that it was all a mistake. Ditto for strange miscommunications with friends and colleagues – that will start to make sense during the coming days and weeks as well. Mercury direct can make secrets come out as well – something that was swirling in April might now be revealed – to your benefit.

The stars are looking mighty fine this week, especially in light of the previous month. May is opening on a note you’ll adore, namely that of Mercury going direct. This happens on Wednesday and the effects will just get better with time, Leo. During the coming days and weeks, you’ll first notice life smoothing out generally, and communication improving markedly. You might also get a delayed message or update regarding some travel plans that were put on hold in April. If you’re looking for answers regarding a professional mishap from recent weeks, you might have to wait until mid-month to get the scoop.


All hail the month of May! The best thing about it is that it’s not April, the month of way too many retrograde planets. This week brings huge and fabulous news: Mercury, the most annoying of all the retrogrades (and your ruler) goes direct on Wednesday. This will bring you both immediate positive effects and some developments a few weeks down the road. Look to your most intimate relationships in the immediate. If there have been any snags or miscommunications with lovers, you can patch them up now. Everything that was said and done (even in anger) should start to make perfect sense.


May is here and it’s filled to the brim with awesome news. Even more exciting: the best news comes this week, as Mercury Retrograde officially ends on Wednesday. Yes, the snags, delays, weird conversations and breakdowns are about to end, finally! This retrograde season was made much worse by the multitude of planets all going backward at the same time. Happily, a few others have already turned direct, and after the communication planet does so this week, your relationships should improve immediately and markedly. In fact, if you had some kind of argument with a partner (personal or professional) you’re likely to get clarity now.


The stars are smiling on you this week, Scorpio. Not only is it a brand new month (one that you’ll like a lot more than the previous month) but there’s huge astro-news on Wednesday: Mercury is finally direct. The last three weeks of the retrograde have felt more like years, mostly because so many planets were retrograde at the same time as the communication planet. And worse, Mercury was in the sign opposite yours for most of the time it was out of phase, making it seem even harsher. Prepare to fall back in love with life, and yourself, during the coming days and weeks.


Happy May! Yes, we’re not just saying that, Sadge – May REALLY IS EXTRA HAPPY. After everything that went on in April, you’re more than ready for a bit of relief. Luckily you’ll get that this Wednesday in the form of Mercury direct. Yes, the retrograde to end all retrogrades is finally over. In the coming days and weeks, watch for mysteries to be revealed and secrets to come out. This has special resonance for your love and creative life. If you recently started dating someone and it got weird during the last three weeks, you’ll get the answers you need to set things right.


Are you ready for the huge news in the stars this week? Of course you are, Capricorn – because it’s excellent news indeed. May arrives bearing gifts: starting with the end of Mercury Retrograde on Wednesday. Yes, the hellish communication breakdowns of the past month are officially ending at midweek, and not a moment too soon. April was bonkers all around because so many planets were retrograde, but Mercury had a particular effect on your love and family life, not to mention your creativity. As the retrograde ends, tale any errors and arguments and turn them into something you can use to improve your life going forward.


Well hello there, lovely month of May. The planets (and life in general) are about to start making sense again. Mercury goes direct this Wednesday, ending an excruciating three-week phase full of communication breakdowns and tech failures. After the retrograde ends, life begins to move forward again, especially in terms of the way you talk, think and text. If you had argument with someone during the last week of April, you might finally understand where the other person was coming from, and vice versa. As the month unfolds, any issues you’ve had with family or close friends should also clear up.


Happy May, Pisces! And yes – happy this month will indeed be, thanks to the end of Mercury Retrograde. The stars give you this precious gift on Wednesday, and although it will take a few days (up to ten) to feel completely normal, it’s right around the bend. If your finances have been something of a disaster, or if there’s been a question hanging in the air about your income, you’ll get the answers you need soon. If you had to put off a transaction or stopped short of buying something you really want, you’ve got the official cosmic all-clear now.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.