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Horoscopes for the Week of July 6-12 – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes for the Week of July 6-12 – The Saturn Sisters

dreams day 1

Weekly 6 – 12 July 2015


It’s a dreamy week, and your productivity might flounder a bit. But who cares, Aries –it’s summer after all. Monday might feel a bit dark and melancholic thanks to the opposition between Pluto and the Sun, but the rest of the week is brighter and lovelier. Your peak-energy phase starts on Tuesday. On Wednesday Mercury finally moves into Cancer, the sign ruling your fourth house of home, family and early childhood. You’ll welcome the slowed down, cozy, languid pace of the next few weeks. It will feel like the ridiculously extended Mercury Retro-style havoc of the last few months is finally, truly over.


After Monday, this week should feel somewhat calmer than the last few have. Once you get over the wistfulness of the Sun-Pluto opposition that starts off the week, you should begin to feel a final sense of closure. You can thank Mercury for finally moving into your house of communication. It’s spent months in your financial zone, because of May’s retrograde – this will be a lovely fresh start. Volatility begins to return on Sunday, when the Sun and Uranus get into a bit of an argument – try to avoid stress, especially when it comes to tough conversations with friends.


It’s an important week for you, Gemini. Your ruler Mercury has spent an inordinate amount of time in your own sign this spring and summer, thanks to the retrograde that started in May. It’s finally moving on to your financial zone this Wednesday, at long last. You’ll feel a palpable shift to a calmer state of mind, and you can now begin to focus on important security issues for the next few weeks. When Mars trines Neptune on the same day, expect to feel dreamy and fantastical. Sunday brings a harsh square between the Sun and Uranus: avoid people that make you crazy.


This is a week made for daydreams, Cancer, and you won’t be at your most productive, at least during the early part of the week. The Sun and Pluto are in a harsh configuration on Monday, and your relationships are right in the crosshairs – go easy on lovers and partners now. Mercury moves into your sign on Wednesday, giving you a powerful grip on communication skills for the next few weeks. If you have something to say, either personally or professionally, you’ll be perfectly articulate now. Sunday brings the Sun in your sign into conflict with Uranus, which can cause some battles of the will.


It’s not quite Leo season, and in this lull before the party, it’s a wonderful time for deep introspection. This should be your goal this week, especially after Mercury enters your house of subconscious thought and dreams on Wednesday. This ends a long, super social phase that started in May – now it’s time to go within and explore your deeper needs. When Mars and Neptune align (also on Wednesday) it’s almost impossible to stay grounded and realistic – it’s all about dreams and fantasies now. Things get a little edgy over the weekend as the Sun and Uranus come into a harsh angle on Sunday.


Your ruling planet is on the move this week, so the astro-vibe will change markedly. Mercury has spent an extra long time in Gemini during the last few months, occupying your career zone since May, going retrograde, and slowly getting back up to regular speed. You’ve had quite an interesting review period, Virgo. Your ruler moves into your social zone on Wednesday, turning your focus to friends, goals and networking opportunities for the next few weeks. Someone knows someone who knows someone that can get you access to something that you really want. Don’t cross anyone on Sunday – the energy is very touchy.


July is well underway and this week will prove it to be quite different than the previous month. Mercury finally moves out of your house of long-distance travel – it’s been there since May, thanks to the retrograde. On Wednesday the communication planet moves into your career zone, totally shifting the vibe. Suddenly you’re feeling drive and ambition instead of obsessed with whetting your travel appetite. For the next few weeks, throw yourself into professional endeavors and work on your PR effort – people are paying attention to your hard work. Sunday is a very tricky day for your relationships as Uranus squares off with the Sun.


The Sun opposes your ruler Pluto on Monday, making power plays into a major possibility. Be careful about what you have to say and how exactly you choose to say it. Mercury finally moves on from your transformation zone on Wednesday, after a very long visit – since the beginning of May. Your new focus is expanding your mind and your travel plans – just in time for the heart of summer. Mars (your other ruling planet) comes into alignment with dreamy Neptune at midweek, setting a magical mood – it’ll be hard to tell if it’s your actual life or a Hollywood movie set.


Your relationships have been under the microscope for months already, with Mercury in your opposite sign since early May. After an intense retrograde and a slow return to normal speed, the planet of communication finally moves into a new part of your chart on Wednesday – your sexuality zone. The next few weeks are positively libidinous, Sadge – enjoy it as much as you possibly can. Also at midweek, Mars, planet of passion, comes into alignment with Neptune, making your fantasy life even more powerful. It’s all pretty magical until the weekend, when the Sun and Uranus bring the volatility meter up at least ten notches.


Monday is a pretty intense day, opening the week on a powerful note. Pluto directly opposes the Sun on this day, bringing up ego-battles and relationship insecurities. But you’ll surmount all obstacles as you always do, Capricorn. The relationship theme continues as Mercury moves into your house of others on Wednesday. The good news is that this will be a much lighter phase – it should bring plenty of fun banter and mind-expanding dialogue into your life during the next few weeks. Your domestic scene could be a bit of a battlefield on Sunday as the Sun and Mercury go to war – aim for peace.


For the past few months Mercury, the communication planet, has been hanging out in your house of pleasure and creativity – making you perhaps a little bit lazy. That’s about to change at midweek, as the Trickster planet finally shifts into a new part of your chart – your work and health zone. Suddenly you’re ready to be incredibly productive and attend to every single detail. Your plans might unravel, at least slightly, when Mars and Neptune align on Wednesday, making everything feel like a daydream. Watch what you say and to whom you say it on Sunday, when your ruler Uranus squares the Sun.


Everything changes this week, Pisces – and for the better. Monday brings a bit of sadness and/or stress as the Sun and Pluto oppose each other, but things quickly improve. You’ve been dealing with some long-term frustration thanks to Mercury’s challenging position since the beginning of May. The communication planet finally shifts gears this week, moving into your love, pleasure and creativity zone on Wednesday. It’s time to let out an extended sigh of relief! On the same day your ruler Neptune aligns with Mars, giving you a little taste of heaven on earth – but watch out for those totally melted boundaries.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.