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Horoscopes for the Week of March 13th, 2017 – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes for the Week of March 13th, 2017 – The Saturn Sisters

Horoscopes for the Week of March 13th, 2017

March 15, 2017 0 Comments

day 10 magazine

March 13-19th


Work is your all in all this week, Aries, compliment’s of the Full Moon reverb. You’re totally on fire in every life arena but career is especially hot for yo unow. Use that fearless, innovative style to power yourself straight to the top. Competition is child’s play for you. The communication planet, Mercury moves into your stars on Monday to join Venus and Mars. In other words, you’re kind of ruling the cosmos at the moment. No wonder all eyes are on you these days. You’re also obsessed with relationships at the moment, but are miraculously finding the perfect balance between work and play.


Your romantic life is hitting some of the highest notes of the year now, Taurus. Stay in the love and stay out of your brain this week. The only downside with all of the current intensity is to overthink yourself into a headache. That’s an instant love buzz-kill for you and your honey. Plus, don’t forget that your ruling planet, Venus, is still in retrograde which requires more trust and less worry to keep your heart connections solid. You’ll be able to tap into your innovative imagination after Tuesday when Mercury moves into your dream zone. Your overall energy might dip at the end of the week, but if you spend quality time with the ones you love, you will quickly bounce back.


Your inner Hermit is dominating your mind and controlling your actions this week, Gemini. Not everyone even knows about this hidden private side and yet it exists. In fact, it’s often your default when humans get on your nerves or you just want to retreat into your own head. The current creative surge is not to be missed anyway. You love to steal away into your own private world. You’ll be back to your social, flirtatious self by the weekend. Relationships will take precedence starting on Friday. Don’t neglect your love life or you’ll start to feel lonely next week.


This is the week when you can think yourself into madness, Cancer. The trick is to refuse to indulge your thoughts. When you catch yourself spiraling down into the webs of doom and gloom, resolve to pull yourself back into positivity. If that requires a seven second rule of elevating your thoughts, by all means do it. The recent Full Moon is still stirring up everyone’s neurosis, including yours. Find your favorite healthy outlets such as inspiring flicks and books. You’ll be feeling like a total homebody during the first half of the week, but it’s the way you recalibrate and balance. Not to worry, the love comes back by the weekend.


Money is on your mind incessantly this week, Leo. If you find yourself obsessing over your finances to the point of making yourself sick with worry, you know it’s time to take a break. Or better yet, make a soothing and fail-safe action plan. Why torture yourself with worst-case scenario thinking? The Full Moon could have your mind working overtime about how and where the money is coming from. Don’t stress—all is coming. You should know from experience by now that it always works out in the end. Mid-week is excellent for networking and reconnecting with old friends and clients.


This is an epic week for you, Virgo. The Full Moon kicks off the week and puts you in your fast-paced and workaholic best. Just don’t forget to pause and breathe for the sake of your nervous system. You love being busy but your body may have other plans for you as the energy starts to wane further into the week. Give yourself options for rest and grounding by mid-week so you don’t burn out. Physical outlets are ideal to burn off the excess mental energy, but slow and deep breathing exercises are best. Extra sleep is also recommended to balance out your outrageous productivity levels.


You are feeling estranged from your normal peaceful and sweet self, Libra Blame it on lack of proper beauty sleep. Insomnia could strike hard, especially in the early part of the week. Not to worry though, darling as you will get your balance back by the middle of the week when the Moon cruises through your fair stars. By the weekend you’re even more grounded and totally re-inspired. This is actually an excellent time to get caught up on your finances, Libra. Tax session is right around the corner and procrastination only creates more stress. You’ll be in the mood to escape, so plan your next jaunt over the weekend.


Your social life is all the rage this week, Scorpio. Actually it started last week and is hitting the fever pitch now to keep you ridiculously busy and in demand. Plus, you’ve been working like a dedicated boss towards your long-term goals for the past six-months and the pay-offs are finally showing up. Never underestimate the power of passion and sheer determination. You have proven to the world that you can and will move mountains to achieve your dreams. The Moon will move into your stars towards the end of the week, putting you in your magnetic element. The weekend is perfect for grounding and philosophical inquiry.


Your career prospects are all that and then some this week, Sagittarius. Yes, all of your hard work and positivity are coming to the fruition you had been dreaming of. Doors are flinging wide open compliments of the Full Moon at the top of your chart this week. The world has your back now more than ever. If you’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to launch something major, this is it. Plus, the Moon will move into your stars just in time for a stellar weekend. Do something fabulous and expansive to celebrate your recent victories and well deserved success.


Travel fever has you jumping out of your skin and climbing the the walls this week, Capricorn. As patient as you are, even the part of you that adores routine is ready to blow now. You want something major to shift and in a dramatic way. The Full Moon is only adding fuel to the fire. Trust that you can actually make the jump and do something wild, if only to break character and change your scenery. This will help open your mind to new possibilities and options. If you stay where you are, you’ll only lament over feeling super stuck and spin your wheels some more.


Superficial makeover will no longer do, Aquarius. The stars are demanding you go deep and go all the way with the metamorphosis now. If you can’t let go of that which is holding you back, situations in your life might force your hand this week. The Full Moon lights up your house of transformation and relinquishment. It’s better to release the grip on the past rather than feel dragged out of the old dross and into the new kicking and screaming. You will be much happier and more in truth on the other side. The old ways are only holding you back and preventing joy and growth.


Everything in your life feels like it’s up for question this week, Pisces. This could either lead to complete neurosis or major epiphanies, depending on how you play it. Try not to skim the shallow or superficial feelings and go deep. You now what you want and now is the time to commit to it one thousand percent, Pisces. Don’t second guess your deeper truth by comparing yourself to others. This is the time to put your heart’a desire as top priority without exception. You have no problem putting everyone else’s needs and problems before your own, but that is shifting now. Love is why you are here.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.