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Horoscopes the Week of June 29th – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes the Week of June 29th – The Saturn Sisters

saturn with flowers


Weekly 29 June to 5 July 2015:


Can you feel your career zone about to explode, Aries? The Full Moon arrives this Wednesday to light up your worldly status in a major way. All of your hard work since the beginning of the year is totally getting ready to pay off. The only downside to all of the excitement and success is that your heart is where your home and family are. Your ruling planet (Mars) is joining up with the Sun in the domestic zone of your horoscope all week. It’s hard to feel so many worldly demands when all you want to do is cuddle up close to base camp.


There’s so much going on in your beautiful world at the moment, Taurus. Communication is non-stop with the Sun and Mars joining up in your talk zone. You’re aiming sky-high and could easily feel overwhelmed with the amount of options pulling you towards greatness. You prefer life streamlined and uncomplicated– and yet that’s exactly the opposite of your current reality. You want to accomplish colossal things and yet you’re feeling a bit sentimental and internal all at the same time. The Full Moon on Wednesday lights up your zone of long-distance travel. This is an excellent time for expanding your horizons in every possible way.


This week is all about major transformation Gemini. You’ve been working yourself to the bone over the past month and now July will finally bring you some respite and grounding. Shed everything that stands between you and your dreams now. Let go of any self-inflicted restrictions that hold you back from greatness. You’ve still got Mercury working his magic in your stars to keep you on your mental and creative toes. Plus, now that Mars is finally giving you a break, you can take a deep exhale and get back into your body. This Wednesday’s Full Moon is ideal for intimacy and deep research.


There is a Full Moon arriving in your opposite stars and lighting up your relationship zone on Wednesday. Your love life has been heating up since last week and you’re getting ready for a peak experience, next chapter or the goodbye. It all depends on where your heart is with everything, Cancer. Venus and Jupiter are joining up in your money zone right on the Full Moon to bring some serious money-making potential. It’s all too easy to blow the bank under this influence. The beautiful things in life are just way too alluring now. The Sun and Mars tango in your stars to bring high energy and some feisty to your personality.


Big love and beauty are in the stars for you this week, Leo. There is a Full Moon on Wednesday lighting up your work and health zone. This should make daily life exciting and quite full-on. Venus joins up with lucky Jupiter right on the Full Moon to bring romance and pleasure in large amounts. It’s a highly emotional week and your mind could be working overtime to create emotional scenarios and reactions that aren’t even real. Notice they seem to have peculiar roots in the past. Try not to buy into the story, even it feels real.


This week is rather romantic and full of pleasure, Virgo. The Full Moon on Wednesday lands in your house of love. Add to this loveliness the fact that Venus and Jupiter are joining up for mega doses of creativity and inspiration. This is definitely a dreams come true kind of week—and that’s no exaggeration. You’ve got it going on in nearly all of your favorite life arenas: career, friendships, success, imagination, long-distance travel and romance. Your social world is going full blast as well, so it may be impossible to get any of your hermit time in this week.


There’s a ton of action in the home and career departments this week, Libra. Wednesday brings a bright and promising Full Moon at the base of your horoscope. This is your zone ruling family, home and your roots. Many situations and relationships are culminating now, demanding your integrity and your emotional attention. Your social life is totally thriving and competing with your domestic demands now. Plus, the Sun and Mars are powering up your career zone and pushing you to work harder and smarter in the world. Remind yourself daily that you can’t be all things to all people, darling.


Communication is reaching a fever pitch this week. Wednesday’s Full Moon is like a pop quiz around your integrity and state of mind. Hopefully you’ve been working a regular meditation practice to steady your mind because you’ll need it now. Thinking positively and avoiding negativity is no longer a luxury, Scorpio. You’re also killing it in the career department as Venus and Jupiter align right on the Full Moon. If ever there was a week to work your marketing plan and go for as much shameless self-promotion as possible, it’s this one. You may be tempted to escape all of the career demands with an impromptu vacation, but there’s too much greatness at stake that you might want to opt to stay grounded.


Money issues are coming to a rather dramatic head this week, Sadge. If you’ve been pushing your luck with your finances, it’s time to work a sensible plan. You can no longer get away with reckless spending without feeling the pinch. You could call this the week of guilt, depending on how large you’ve been living. Wednesday’s Full Moon lights up your money zone and could tempt you to blow the bank despite your financial reality. Plus, Venus and Jupiter are pushing you for more travel and adventure which never bodes well for your savings account. Reining it in has never been your forte– but consider it psychiatrist’s orders this week.


There’s a Full Moon with your name all over it this week on Wednesday, Capricorn. Can you feel several high-demanding situations converging and peaking all at the same time? This is both exciting and exhausting as your energy gets spread super thin. Venus and Jupiter are aligning in your house of resources and intimacy on the same day as the Full Moon. If you feel tapped out, don’t sweat it. You have a ridiculous amount of backup reserves and people at the ready with their generosity and willingness to help you in any way they can. Lucky you, Capricorn.


A big and generous Full Moon arrives on Wednesday in your house of retreat and dreams. Your inner world and imagination are wide awake and overflowing with inspiration and secret messages. This is an important week to tune in and pay close attention to the signs and synchronicity taking place. Your daily life is rather demanding at the moment making it challenging to find the time you crave for silence and solitude. Then again, you feel torn between staying busy and staying still. Venus and Jupiter are joining up in your relationship zone this week to make your love life sweet and abundant.


This week’s Full Moon makes for an exciting but hectic social life, Pisces. You adore the glamour but too much time spent in crowds can be rather taxing and draining unless balanced by time for yourself. Venus and Jupiter are linking up in your house of work and health to bring abundance and prosperity to your daily life and routines. However, the theme of not having enough downtime continues. You’ll have to be the one to put on the breaks, set the boundaries and say no in order to have Pisces solo time. Your world of romance and pleasure is getting an extra energetic boost from the Sun and Mars all week.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.