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October 8, 2017 0 Comments

incendieary heart


The entire world seems to be burning, and many of us feel helpless as we watch the conflagration get ever higher. This is the story of the Full Moon in Aries of just a few days ago — but crisis doesn’t have to be our denouement — we are more powerful than we know, and the stars are trying to show us exactly how.


During this past week we’ve witnessed the spiraling humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico and the worst mass shooting in American history. Adding insult to injury is the abject failure and ineptitude of an executive branch that is supposed to protect us, to parent us through crisis. Instead it’s a reality tv show of buffoonery and abject cruelty.


We’re staring into the bald, raw, angry face of Toxic Masculinity. It is the reason our culture is is in constant crisis. Attacking women, the poor, the marginalized, a San Juan mayor who dared to be both strong and female at the same time — that is the MO of the toupee-wearing bully whose terror of emasculation is the reigning archetype of our times.


The latter part of the week was marked by out of control, unconscious Mars energy (the ruler of Aries) running rampant. First the story of the GOP congressman who told his mistress to get an abortion while fighting against reproductive rights. Next the decades-delayed expose of Harvey Weinstein’s disgusting sexual predation, an open secret in Hollywood and New York. He got away with this because of his money and power, just like Trump. On Friday the administration told American women that we’re too promiscuous to deserve birth control, and that by taking this right away from us, they will teach us a lesson about “risky” sex.


If you feel utterly exhausted, like you’re living in a real world Handmaid’s Tale, you’re not alone. We knew when we conceived of the next incarnation of Project 40 that we’d enter a crucible of Mars energy — starting with the Full Moon in Aries to the entry of Jupiter into Scorpio and ending with a clean slate on the New Moon in Scorpio. We knew that working with these archetypal energies would be challenging and transformative. We knew we’d be asking people to face their own traumas and transmute them into blazing creative power. But we underestimated how loud and glaringly obvious the cultural metaphors would be. It’s as if the stars are screaming LOOK AT THIS. CHANGE THIS. NOW OR NEVER.


This admonition is hitting the news cycle over and over and over like repeated rounds from an assault rifle. We need to do this work right now.


We hope you’ll join us for Project 40: 37:: Mars: Incendiary Initiation, where we’ll dance in the flames of Toxic Masculinity, making the unconscious conscious and transforming our lives and our world simultaneously.
PS: We’re donating ten percent of our earnings to relief work in Puerto Rico through the Hispanic Federation (recommended by Lin-Manuel Miranda). Last few days to jump in:


4 of cups



We begin the week with the Venus (in Virgo) Square Saturn (in Sagittarius) square. This is the “Is your love strong enough” test of tests. Depending on where the Virgo-Sagittairus axis falls in your own horoscope is where you feel the test of commitment. Overdoing it with your commitments, biting off more than you can chew in typical Sagittarius style? Working yourself to the bone in typical workaholic Virgo style? Reaching extreme burnout now and just wanting to hide under the covers with some cookies and milk in typical Cancer style? These are the competing energies of the week. Now add the dramatic and dark entrance of Jupiter entering Scorpio on Tuesday for the first time in twelve years. Are you ready for the deep dive? You won’t excavate the real riches without getting your hands dirty and digging into your very own shadow material over the next year. More for each sign and rising sign below.

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Speaking of Scorpio, if you’re craving some soul time in the desert for ritual, meditation, introspection and journaling, please join Sherene Vismaya and Shari Zollinger in the potent, Mars-like Vortex of Moab under the Taurus Full Moon next month: Nov 3-6th. There are still a few spaces left at the time of this posting.






All of last week’s super incendiary excitement is starting to wane now. This week’s Last Quarter Moon is setting off all the feels. It’s easy to get lost in nostalgia and memory lane under the current stars. Don’t fall prey to wishing you could go back to something or someone in your past. Things end for a reason and you’ve come too far. Your fiery heart is back in time for the weekend. Fall in love with your life all over again, darling. Venus, the planet of beauty and love moves into your opposite stars on Saturday to help sweeten your relationship dynamics.


It’s time to speak up and let your feelings flow, Taurus. Even if you feel uber emotional now, you can use this gushy energy to express yourself in brilliant ways. Put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and get it all off your chest while the mood is striking. Communicating your core feelings will only strengthen and deepen your connections with loved ones. The Last Quarter Moon falls in sign of feelings (Cancer). No wonder your sensitivities are at an all-time high. On Saturday, Venus (your guiding planet) sweetens up your work and health zone for the next few weeks. You’ll be loving your daily life and rituals.


Money is the focus of the week, Gemini. This week’s Last Quarter Moon is putting the pressure on your financial planning. If you feel emotional about your current money situation, it’s time to look at where you need to make those changes. Don’t let impulsive binge buys ruin your long-term objectives. With a little bit of focus and strategy you can get your budget back in tip-top shape. Food and eating habits are also highlighted under this lunation. It’s all too easy to get into your head and neglect your body. No this week. Your body demands self-care. Finally, your love life comes back into the picture this weekend when Venus moves into your romance zone for the next few weeks.


You’ve got the Last Quarter Moon landing in your very own sensitive stars this week, Cancer. That might explain the emotional storms you have passed through since last week’s Full Moon. You are simply processing through all that needs your attention both past and present. Let the future take care of itself, darling. Never forget that it’s your ability to feel everything with so much beauty that gives you so much allure. Family and domestic life gets super sweet after Saturday when Venus moves into your home zone. You can get back into harmony with your relatives and even fall in love with your domicile all over again. Put the love there.


You want off this world-weary wheel for a moment. This week’s Last Quarter Moon is all about your soul needs and creating more time to drift, dream and process your feelings. Too much stress in the news and the world is making for one very disheartened Leo. Unplug as much as possible and surround yourself with positive people and nature if possible. Your future success depends on your spirit. Negativity overload will quickly lead to burnout. It’s time to recalibrate. Venus, the love and beauty planet moves into your communication zone on Saturday to make for loving and harmonious conversations.


This week’s Last Quarter Moon puts the spotlight on friends and long-term goals, Virgo. If your heart is into your projects and collaborations now, there are no limits to what you can do. Friends feel more like family this week as you lean on them for major emotional support. That’s what they are there for, darling. Don’t feel guilty. Money is on the up and up after Saturday. Venus, the planet of beauty and love moves into your cash zone starting on Saturday. Expect the finances to flow for the next few weeks. This could mean more spending on beautiful things as well, but you can quickly replenish your funds.


Your career goals are on the radar this week, Libra. It was all relationships all the time last week, but this week shifts the focus to your professional world. The Last Quarter Moon lands at the top of your chart and brings up some emotion about your current life’s mission. If you’re not feeing totally in love with what you are doing, you may be wanting to change directions soon. It all depends on what you cherish most. Venus, your lovely ruling planet moves into Libra on Saturday to bring loads of sweetness and light to your life. Plus, relationships undergo a radical sweetening.


This week’s Last Quarter lunar phase is ideal for focusing on your feelings. This is not self-indulgent, this is necessary. You have a lot to process and prepare for as you make space for the monumental shift of Jupiter moving into your sign this week. This is the first time you’ve had this lucky influence in twelve years. Get ready for opportunities and travel galore. So many doors are flying open now, Scorpio. Show up at your very best ready for anything going forward. No more hiding. Venus, the love and beauty planet leaves your social zone on Saturday and changes priorities for the next few weeks. It’s time to relax and connect to your soul work. Your birthday season is right around the corner, darling.


This is the week when your feelings could dominate your mood, Sagittarius. The Last Quarter Moon has you feeling totally moody and nostalgic about life and the state of the world. Don’t fall into the rabbit hole of darkness and despair even when things look bleak. If anyone can find the silver lining in any dark cloud, it’s you. You are a gypsy spirt at heart, but this week your nomadic spirit is demanding you jet sooner than later. Last but not least, Venus moves into your social zone to sweeten your social life for the next few weeks. Spending time with friends and reconnecting with your favorite partners in crime/collaborators is where the love is. Relationships are a beautiful thing.


Relationships dominate the star scene this week, Capricorn. The Last Quarter Moon is putting the focus on your significant others and emotional attachments in general. You might be surprised just how emotionally charged encounters with loved ones can become under the current stars. Give yourself plenty of time to feel and process all that is coming up for you under such intense stars. The biggest planetary shift of the week is lucky and expansive Jupiter moving bringing some potent juju to your social world and long-term goals. Watch your success skyrocket over the next year, darling. Your star is on the rise.


This week’s Last Quarter lunar phase puts the focus on your work and health, Aquarius. No more shelving your self-care routine, darling. Your body is screaming at you for attention now. Your work can wait and it’s on the verge of blowing up anyway. Jupiter, planet of fame, fortune and big money is moving up to the top of your chart to shower heaps of luck on your career. You haven’t had this kind of luck for twelve years. Now for the next year, you can look forward to ample success and mega-popularity. This week is only the very beginning.


Exciting shifts are underway this week, Pisces. First off, Jupiter, your ruling planet brings a major boost to your world of travel and teachers/teachings for the first time in twelve years. This is just the beginning of an expansive and inspiring new cycle that will last for an entire year. Get ready for loads of exotic travel and adventure. The mentors and deep teachings you have been wanting are on their way. The Last Quarter lunar cycle is extremely romantic and creative to boot. Enjoy this immersion in your very own watery and emotional element. You’re a magnet for all things deep and romantic.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.