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Last Quarter Moon in Leo Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters Last Quarter Moon in Leo Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters

Last Quarter Moon in Leo Horoscopes

· 6-12 November Weekly ·

November 6, 2017 0 Comments



Romance and creativity are the focus of the week, Aries. The Last Quarter Moon lights up your love zone and sets your world of dating, mating and relating on fire. It’s also ideal for self-expression and finishing up creative projects. Pleasure is another operative word now, so be sure to get more of that. Don’t lose energy on anything subpar in the joy department. Venus, the goddess of beauty and love moves into your intimacy zone for the next several weeks. Are you ready to go deep? It’s also an excellent time for paying off debt. You’re tapping into all your inner powers and matchless resourcefulness now.


Last week’s Full Moon in Taurus was incredibly intense for you on all levels. Give yourself time to still sift and sort through all of the changes and new feelings. There’s no reason to rush the process of integration. This week is all about relationships, starting with the relationship to number one—yes, you! You have so much to be excited about at the moment including any current creative projects. Deeper intimacy and connection is also on compliments of Venus moving into your opposite stars and lighting up your partnership zone for the next few weeks. If you’re still a single bull, now is the time work that magnetism.


This is the week to express yourself, Gemini. You have tons to say, text and converse about. Bringing your logical mind and your heart together proves to be especially magical. The current stars have you feeling quite revved in the realm of communication so be mindful about your choice of words both personally and professionally. Your infinitely clever ways can get you in trouble. The Last Quarter Moon highlights all forms of verbal and mental exchange. You’ll also be dealing with loads of overdue correspondence. Finally, Venus, the love and beauty goddess moves into your work and health zone for the next few weeks. Projects and daily life should be feeling all the more sweet.


Money rules your world this week, Cancer. If you can’t think about anything other than your finances, it’s because the Last Quarter Moon is fighting up your house of money. You can rework any lingering bills, or out of balance cash flow situations now. Once you get your finances in order, it will amp your self-esteem and confidence considerably. Plus, getting that out of the way allows you to focus on your love life. You’ve got lovely Venus transiting through your house of romance for the next few weeks to bring all the romance and goodness on that front.


It’s all finally starting to make sense this week, Leo. The Last Quarter Moon falling in your very own stars this Friday and putting all of the pieces together in a way that you have been needing for months. Plus, all that you have been working on since your birthday is starting to show the payoff now. Plus, you’re able to go deeper into your commitments and passions without feeling distracted, or worse—second guessing yourself. Trust that your confidence is on a major upswing and take those bigger risks. You can blaze through any and every fear that has been holding you back. You were born for big things.


This week’s Last Quarter Moon is all about introspection and downtime, Virgo. You work yourself to the bone and wonder why you have no time for fun. All that has to change this week. For starters, unplug from your electronics and keep your schedule as light or empty as possible. You need a break from the world and this is the time to do it.The last Quarter Moon is ideal for retreats, extended travel or simply so bonus beauty rest. Venus, the love and beauty planet moves into your communication zone for the next few weeks to sweeten your conversations and overall mindset. You’re also probing into deeper areas of psychology and other metaphysical pursuits under this influence. Enjoy uncovering the mysteries.


This week’s Last Quarter Moon falls in your zone of friendships and long-term goals. Express the love for your tribe and collaborations this week, Libra. You could even meet a few new mates before the week is up. It’s also an ideal time to think long-term goals, dreams and wishes. Plus, your cash flow is fabulous flow compliments of Venus, your ruling planet lighting up your financial sector for the next few weeks. The tendency to burn a hole in your wallet is also possible. Luckily balancing is your jam. Making the necessary adjustments will lift loads of stress off your shoulders.


Your popularity is soaring this week, Scorpio. The Last Quarter Moon lights up the top of your chart and puts your career on your on the map. This might mean sacrificing your privacy but the rewards are totally worth it. You’ve certainly worked hard enough for this payoff. Plus, you’re right in the midst of Scorpio season with a pileup of planets in your constellation at the moment. This is putting you totally in your passionate, watery element and making you quite irresistible. If that’s not enough fabulous news, the love and beauty goddess (Venus) moves into your stars for the next few weeks. Work your femme fatale magnetism, darling.


Your inner gypsy is taking over this week, Sagittarius. Yes, it’s that time again to pack your bags and prepare for your next exotic adventure. You’ve been trying to hold still for long enough and now you’re climbing the walls. It’s time to jet. The Last Quarter Moon lights up your long-distance travel zone and also brings opportunity to expand and elevate your consciousness. You might also attract some excellent new teachers and sage-like mentors that illuminate your world with wisdom and inspiration. You’re ready, willing and able to take new risks, expand your horizons and find new sources of wonder.


You’re a bit on work overload this week, Capricorn. Yes, even for your standards. That’s because you have the habit of working and pushing yourself to the max. You love to outdo yourself. That might sound grim to some but it actually makes you feel elated. You adore challenges the way others adore ice cream. This week’s Last Quarter Moon falls in your house of deep change and transformation. If you’re working on clearing debt or money blocks, this is the time to change the patterns. You’re so very close to a total breakthrough now. Just hang in there a little longer, darling.


Relationships take center stage this week, Aquarius. This week’s Last Quarter Moon falls in your opposite constellation of Leo and your partnership zone. This highlights both love and business matters with your significant others. You’re getting the push to move from your head to your heart under the current lunation. There’s no more rationalizing your feelings. In order to deepen your connection with loved ones, you must get vulnerable and express your love. Venus, the love and beauty planet is moving up to the top of your chart this week to bring all the sweetness and goodness to your career zone. Everyone wants a piece of you now, Aquarius.


It’s time to up your wellness game this week, Pisces. Self-care comes into the top priority spot now. Your daily scheduling is also under scrutiny. Your ideal schedule is not just a dream, it’s possible. Use this week’s Last Quarter lunar phase to create your ideal daily flow and timeline. If you dread getting out of bed, this is the week to change everything. You need glamour and creativity without exception or your enthusiasm wanes and you want to hide in bed. Finally, Venus, the love and beauty planet shows up as your cosmic ally for the next few weeks.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.