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Mars (Retrograde) Opposite Uranus: Passive Aggressive Lately? – The Saturn Sisters Mars (Retrograde) Opposite Uranus: Passive Aggressive Lately? – The Saturn Sisters



Although I express myself with some degree of pleasantry, the purport of my words is entirely serious.”

— Robert Louis Stevenson

Aggressive Mars has been in a quandary since the beginning of March, when it started its retrograde phase in the sign of balance and harmony. The god of war is already out of his element in the peace-making and indecisive Air element of Libra. Add the retrograde factor and you’ve got a very confused, uncommitted and uncomfortable planet.

We’re all feeling this as we try to navigate fickle relationship terrain, doing our best to negotiate our needs and individuality without losing the connection and flow with others in our lives. And when you add the wildcard energy of Uranus in the brash sign of Aries to the mix, the tension builds even more.

This opposition is part of the bigger Grand Cardinal Cross that perfects on the 24th, and is a key trigger for assessing where we’re at in terms of our relationship dance — even if this dance is only in our minds between our independent Aries energy versus our harmonizing and relationship-driven Libran energy.

Trying to assert ourselves without losing connection can often result in passive-aggressive behaviors. We don’t want to appear obnoxious and demanding and yet we’re frustrated and have needs that need meeting. We may want to appease, please or remain desirable in the eyes of the other. We may want to avoid an emotional brawl. Or we may just be too exhausted from all of the inner tug-of-war energy to simply ask for what we need directly.

Try to catch yourself in the act of slipping some unconscious aggression or frustration into your emails, texts or little digs in conversation. Telling someone to go to hell but signing off with “love and light” or “Namaste” isn’t going to conceal the bratty intention, nor will it undo the karma. Think twice and say what you really mean or say nothing at all until you can say it straight. If you’re angry, own it! So says Uranus in Aries. The situation can always be renegotiated. So says Mars in Libra!

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.