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October 16, 2017 0 Comments

We start the week with Lilith conjunct the Galactic Center. Mother Nature, Mother Goddess, Ma is lit! Women will no longer be silenced. #metoo is the resounding anthem of the week! It’s time to take back our power, men and women by embracing the fierce feminine within. No more demeaning, disrespecting, or dissing the Goddess. Your horoscopes are below…. but first check out this healing retreat focused on combining body work, astrology, tarot and ritual in the mystical setting of Marrakech next month. There is still time to make this happen!

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Sherene Vismaya and Chloe Garcia Ponce, will be offering a retreat focusing on the unveiling of Self through healing rituals and sacred space. Focusing on the power of intention through mantras, creating our own mesa (altar), as well as activating them and showing you how to integrate this into your own daily life.  Each client will receive a Limpia (healing) an astrology reading and tarot. We will be discussing the healing properties of herbal remedies found in the souk, and incorporating a sacred belly dance ritual (no previous dance experience required as it is sacred ritual).

As we explore the magic of Marrakech, the “Red City” named for its’ rose stone walls, founded in 1062. We will be visiting the town of Lalla Takerkoust in the Atlas mountains, chiefly known for its nearby dam and lake and is a great place for camel riding or simply admiring view of the peaks.The valley of Ourika, in the Atlas foothills 60 kilometers to the south of Marrakech, is a popular escape to see Berber villages surrounded by waterfalls and rivers. Majorelle Garden (a 12-acre botanical creation by French painter Jacques Majorelle and later saved from development by fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent ).

The setting is a 200 year old silk traders palace, named Enija. The noise and hustle and bustle of narrow alleyways of the Jemaa El Fnaa Square in the Medina disappear as if by magic to be replaced by the gentle gurgling of the fountains and birds singing in the garden the end result of which is, of course, utter peace and a total escape from it all.This beautiful Riad has 12 spacious and enchantingly decorated rooms and suites, tropical gardens and fountains around each corner. Perfect to host a mystical retreat, the magic does not end here, as you open the doors you step into the heart of Marrakech’s humming souks, collorful alleys and bustling bazaars. There is a famous private in-house chef creating the most authentic, sensual and healing Moroccan cuisine you can imagine. The famous Moroccan tea ritual is an integral part of this paradise.

Only two spaces left at time of posting.





OCTOBER 16-22, 2017


Everything seems to get a whole lot deeper this week – and a whole lot sexier. With Mercury (the communication planet) moving into the sultry sign of Scorpio on Tuesday, you can think about only one thing for the next few weeks – and that thing involves your lover or soon-to-be-lover. Yes, Aries – your mind is in the gutter right now but that’s totally the way it should be. By the time the New Moon lands in your relationship zone on Thursday, you’re primed and ready to set intentions for your next six months of partnership, both romantic and professional.


Love and work are profoundly important for you this week, Taurus. On Tuesday, as communication planet Mercury moves into your opposite sign, you’ll begin to think about the meaning of the important relationships in your life. In fact, over the next few weeks you might become downright obsessive about this topic. Make sure you have plenty of people to talk to as you sort out your ideas and emotions. The New Moon arrives on Thursday and it’s all about work/life balance. Strategize for your next six months by getting super organized right now – what do you want to create and produce by next spring?


Love, romance and creativity, OH MY! That’s what this week is (mostly) made of, Gemini. But first, as your ruler Mercury slides into Scorpio, you’ll find yourself getting slightly obsessive about work and health. Try to find a way to balance current projects with your penchant for taking multiple yoga classes a day – overdoing either is not healthy. Thursday brings a delicious, delightful New Moon in Libra, which is to say that this lunation is in an air sign like your own – this is a very good thing. Set intentions for dating, mating, relating and art-making now and you’ll see results in six months.


This is a New Moon week, Cancer, so get ready for innovation. Before you get to the potent lunation set for later in the week, Mercury changes signs on Tuesday. This is a delightful moment for you and the pleasures will unfold over then next few weeks, as the communication planet graces your house of love, romance, and creativity. This is the perfect time for an art project or for deep, meaningful conversations (and some hot sexting) with your lover. The New Moon arrives on Thursday, and it’s all about nesting. Plan for your next six-months of making your house a true home.


Mercury moves into your home zone on Tuesday, bringing your attention to domestic matters for the next few weeks. You may start contemplating home and family matters to the point of obsession between now and early November. It’s a good time for breakthroughs with loved ones – just try not to overwhelm them with your intense feelings. The New Moon arrives on Thursday, and it’s packed to the brim with opportunity. Your communication strategy is on the table now, and your next six months of talking/texting/posting/blogging/tweeting is up for assessment. Set goals and follow through – your public relations skill set is pretty damn amazing.

This week brings an intense sign change on Tuesday, as communication planet Mercury slides into Scorpio the way certain people try to slide into your DMs, but remember – you’re totally in control. Since Mercury is your ruler, this is even more potent – and you may not even realize how powerful your words (and texts) are at the moment. The New Moon arrives on Thursday, opening doors for your financial life. The next six months can bring an array of lucrative opportunities, but it’s up to you to set goals and follow up on them. The stars will offer their unequivocal support.


It’s the last week of the Sun’s tour through your sweet stars, Libra. But you have few complaints because the stars continue to do your bidding even beyond your birthday month. Mercury moves into your money zone on Tuesday, making finances into a bit of an obsession for the next few weeks – aim for what you’re worth. Thursday is your super special day – the New Moon in your sign is like New Year’s Eve and your birthday rolled into one smashing moment of mega-opportunity. Don’t delay setting intentions – do it now, in writing, and your next six months will be simply amazing.


The cosmic dark of pre-dawn is about to turn into a gorgeous, bright morning, Scorpio. The party starts on Tuesday when Mercury, the communication planet, moves into your own sultry stars. That’s just the prelude to your soon-to-come moment in the Sun. Before you get there, there’s a New Moon on Thursday and it’s best used to seed your dreams. Sit quietly and think about the most meaningful changes you can make over the next six months – ones that will nurture your soul. On Sunday it begins: and by “it” we mean your birthday month! Even if you’re a November-born Scorpio, the fabulousness begins now.

Your cosmic depth perception is expanding this week, Sadge. With Mercury (the planet of talking and thinking) moving into your house of dreams on Tuesday, it’s wise to go deep into self-reflection and meditation for the next few weeks. But before you do, celebrate the awesome social opportunities coming at you courtesy of Thursday’s New Moon. This might simply be about honoring your friendships, but it might also indicate the potential for professional collaboration during the next six months. Whatever happens, just remember that you’re far happier when you’re surrounded by like-minded people. The Sun moves into your house of psyche late on Sunday night.


As Mercury dips into the watery depths of Scorpio on Tuesday, your connections are deepening and becoming more meaningful. Conversations with old friends and others in your social network are about to take on a deeper significance. There’s much to be learned and processed during the next few weeks. Thursday brings the New Moon, one that offers you myriad professional opportunities during the next six months. Are you ready to take the plunge and show the world what you’re truly made of, Capricorn? Strategize and set intentions now, and with the right follow up, you’ll achieve some big dreams by next April.


Your mojo is rising, Aquarius. A palpable sense that you can achieve anything begins to come through the ether on Tuesday, as Mercury moves into your career zone. The next few weeks are ideal for organizing your thoughts and communicating about the ways in which you want to drive your professional life forward. Two days later, the New Moon lands in your house of long-distance travel and mind-expansion. This is your moment to wish on your lucky stars, as this lunation is in an air sign like your own. Plan ahead for your next six months of adventure and find new learning opportunities.


The stars have much in store for you this week, starting with Mercury’s deep dive into Scorpio on Tuesday. This is your sister water sign, so you’ll love the next few weeks of mystery and depth of mind. Bonus: this is a wildly adventurous time for you as well. The New Moon arrives on Thursday and it’s ripe with transformative potential. If there’s something you’ve been afraid to change, set your intentions to make it happen during the next six months – the stars will support you, Pisces. This lunation is also made for bringing deeper intimacy and better sex into your life.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.