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New Moon in Scorpio Eclipse: Loosening the Grip – The Saturn Sisters New Moon in Scorpio Eclipse: Loosening the Grip – The Saturn Sisters

scorpio photo


“The darker the night, the brighter the stars,
The deeper the grief, the closer is God!”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

We’re still reeling from the last Mars-fueled eclipse that took place on October 8, and now the follow-up visitation is gearing up to push us back to the total zero point. This new Moon eclipse is in the same zone as our current Mercury Retrograde that began in Scorpio back on the 4th. The night before the eclipse, we have a lineup of so many planets in Libra that we may need to sleep with a “Codependency No More” book hugged to our chest. Venus is in the Underworld, communication is at a near standstill and yet we are craving connection and deep intimacy as if our very life blood depended on it. It does, but Scorpio reminds us that the you can’t get this kind of sourcing from something as inconsistent, wounded, and equally needy as another human. What’s your Zero point? When all else fails, and there is nowhere to turn, no one is available, not even a Facebook friend… then what? Many things and people are making dramatic departures from our lives (although as Eileen McCabe says, Saturn in Scorpio is like the longest goodbye).

The theme of going backward in order to move forward has consumed us since the onset of this transformative month. We’ve all been thoroughly immersed in death-rebirth themes since the Saturn in Scorpio inception in October of 2012. This new Moon energy also heralds back to stories that have their roots in the new Moon in Scorpio eclipse of last November 2013.

This final Scorpio solar eclipse/new Moon is asking us to wrap up any unfinished karmic love business once and for all. This is the only way to ensure we start 2015 with an unrecognizably clean slate. The dramatic plots are reaching their final scenes now, and we’re really asking our souls and psyches the hard and deep questions. This is the final impasse. Let’s face it, letting go sucks and very few of us would say we’ve mastered the loose grip, especially where romantic relationships are concerned.

The Scorpio transits always bring these darker lessons home. We get to meet the lovely shadows of jealousy, possessiveness and fear of loss in all their glory. But the good news is that this new Moon reminds us that we can get the lessons and do our Scorpio stuff in a completely revamped and infinitely more empowering way. Scorpio is all about the extreme metamorphosis. Mars rules this eclipse while sitting on the powerful portal that is the Galactic Center. If ever there was support for some serious Kali-induced death to the ego, it’s NOW. This eclipse seems to require complete and utter abandonment to the mystery of the unknown. How much can we relinquish control of “knowing” what will happen. When will we clear this tunnel of transition into the new life? It may seem eternal, but trust that it’s all coming in divine timing. I know, I know–easier said than done!

To see just how far we’ve come, let’s honor this current Mercury Retrograde and go all the way back to the beginning of the Scorpio story. Within days of Saturn’s ingress into Scorpio in the fall of 2012, Hurricane Sandy quickly reminded us of the powerfully destructive forces of Mother Nature. This seems a perfect metaphor for what we are finally coming to terms with on this new Moon. When life’s storms blow in and take away so much of what we once held precious, where does this leave us? What do we make of what we have left? How do we process loss? How have we learned to embrace the inevitable death cycles of life? Do we cling fiercely to our attachments or accept change gracefully?

Use this new Moon to get really clear on what sustains you from within when it seems all else is lost. Now that you have learned the art of releasing that over which you have no control, what will you create to make life worth living again — with the kind of unconditional love and passion that knows no bounds?

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.