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November 17, 2017 0 Comments

day 37 egypt




November 13-19,  2017


This week is rife with intense astrology from the get-go, Aries. On Monday Venus and Jupiter make everything feel exaggeratedly sexy, so get your flirting game on. You’ll be helped by Mercury and Neptune later in the day – just watch out for blurred lines in conversations. Say what exactly what you want so there’s no confusion. As you near the weekend the big story is Saturday’s New Moon in your house of intimacy. This is an amazing moment to reset your sex life. If you’re single, focus on what you want to attract (and what you’re attracted to). If you’re attached, focus on getting even closer.


You might want to officially call this Relationship Week, Taurus. That’s because everything is pointing to your seventh house of partnership, right from Monday. That’s when Jupiter (the planet of luck) gets together with your ruler Venus to drench you in so much romance you simply won’t know what to do with yourself. This is sweetness incarnate. It gets even better, if you can believe it, as you get closer to the weekend. That’s because the New Moon is directly focused on your partnership zone: set intentions and write down what you want to manifest in this area of your life.


This week starts off on a powerful note when Venus and Jupiter get together early on Monday. Then just a few hours later, your ruler Mercury squares off with Neptune. The result is mega-intense romance with a major side order of confusion. Enjoy it but don’t make any permanent decisions. The other big news of the week arrives closer to the weekend, in anticipation of Saturday’s New Moon in your house of work. This is a wonderful opportunity to map out your next six months of success. Set a course for all you want to achieve between now and the spring of 2018.


Buckle in for a bit of a wild ride this week, Cancer. It begins on Monday with two major planetary events: first Jupiter and Venus meet up in your love zone, bringing mega-romance and creativity. Later that same day Mercury and Neptune clash, bringing a bit of confusion and potential projection. By the end of the workweek you’ll be enmeshed in the New Moon energy, which will be exact on Saturday. This is your chance to plan ahead for your next six months of creative ventures and romantic encounters: wish for what you want in both arenas.


A powerful week is in store for you, Leo, and the intensity starts early on Monday morning. That’s when Venus (the planet of love) gets together with Jupiter (the planet of luck and expansion). This is mushy and romantic as it gets – and it may make you want to stay in bed with your lover all day instead of going to work. Later the same day Mercury and Neptune get into an argument causing potential misunderstandings. Saturday’s New Moon in your house of home and family can help you set intentions for your closest relationships and your overall domestic life.


This week has everything, Virgo, and it starts early on Monday morning. First Venus and Jupiter get together to bring you so much love and sweetness you’ll hardly know what to do with it all – you must express your feelings. Later that same day Mercury (your ruling planet) squares off with Neptune, setting the scene for potential confusion and even deception – don’t believe everything you hear. By later in the week you’re fully feeling the energy of Saturday’s New Moon in Scorpio. This lights up your talking and thinking zone. It’s time to set your communication strategy for the next six months.


It’s a new week and it’s time for a New You, Libra – there’s a lot of rebirth energy in the stars right now. You’ll absolutely adore Monday, when your ruler Venus joins up with mighty Jupiter in your money zone. This can create an unexpected a financial boon when you most need it. Just make sure not to spend all your cash on one decadent item – try to make it last. Making it last is what Saturday’s New Moon is all about – it gives you six months to strategize your financial plan for the remainder of the year into 2018.


This is your week of weeks, Scorpio – perhaps the best week of 2017 overall. It begins when Jupiter (the planet of luck) and Venus (the planet of love and romance) embrace in your own sign. This is everything you adore rolled into one – it’s as auspicious as all get-out. As you approach the weekend, things get even better – Saturday’s fabulous New Moon in your sultry sign is an amazing opportunity. It’s time to set your sights on the next six months: what do you want to do, who do you want to be, and what are you dreaming about achieving?


This week starts on a super high note, Sadge. Your bold, optimistic ruler Jupiter gets together with beauty planet Venus early on Monday, bringing you tons of unbridled enthusiasm for romance and creativity. Say YES to life and love. By the time you get to the weekend, things intensify considerably. It’s time to look within – Saturday’s New Moon offers the perfect opportunity to do exactly that. With this lunation opening up your house of dreams and subconscious thoughts, it’s a key moment to reflect on what your soul truly desires. You’re good at telling other people the truth: this is your moment to be that honest with yourself.


The stars are busy as can be this week, Capricorn, and you’ll be on the go from moment one. Early on Monday morning sweet Venus gets together with lucky Jupiter in your house of networking. This is an incredibly auspicious moment for friendship and collaboration. That theme continues into the weekend as you prep for Saturday’s New Moon in your social zone. This is the best moment of the year to plan ahead for all group activities. Think forward through the next six months: what are your goals? Write them down and make sure to share them, because this is definitely a “better together” moment.


Your career is having a major moment this week, Aquarius. It begins early on Monday when Jupiter (the planet of luck) intersects with Venus (the planet of love and money). This can bring a major cash infusion courtesy or recent achievements at work. By later in the week this theme gets even starker – Saturday’s New Moon speaks directly to your professional future. Think ahead through the next six months – what are your goals? This is not about your day job, it’s about your dreams – now is the time to see your name in lights. Map out your plan from now through the spring of 2018.


It’s a beautiful week in your universe, Pisces. The loveliness begins early on Monday, as Venus (planet of romance) conjuncts Jupiter (planet of expansion). This is extra special because they’re both in Scorpio, your sister water sign, bringing you endless sweetness and loads of adventure. This intensifies as the week goes on, culminating in Saturday’s New Moon in your house of philosophy and long-distance travel. Your worldview is opening and shifting now, and it’s a perfect moment to plan out your next six months – especially when it comes to long-distance travel. What do you want to see and where do you feel like you need to go?

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.