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April 25, 2017 0 Comments

Barbara B and W

Taurus Icon: Barbara Streisand. 

This New Moon is being pegged as one of the most fertile and potentially prosperous manifestation moons of 2017. It’s influenced by exalted Venus in Pisces just before she moves back into Aries. Love, sweetness, forgiveness and connecting the earthly to the divine are all in the beautiful realms of high probability if we align ourselves to the LOVE. We’ve certainly had our fair share of lessons around playing out childhood wounds and projections (Venus Rx-Chiron-Saturn) in our most intimate relationships. Once we move through the fear and deeper into our own center with an open heart, we prepare the ground for something proper to grow. The Taurus New Moon seeds the solid foundation for lasting loyalty and devotion to our deepest values.



ana capri island

Join Sherene in Ana Capri, Italy this summer: July 9-14th, 2017… for a very special Movement & Magick Retreat with Yoga Therapist, and Communication Coach, Lillian So of SOfit. Meditate, process, move, heal, shed, eat, swim, and dig deep. Fly to Rome, we handle the rest. Snag your early bird rate before it expires on Thursday with just your deposit.

More info here: ITALY RETREAT






You’re ready to mellow and ground this week, Aries. That might require mastering the painful but necessary lesson of biding your time and letting go of control. The key is slowing down, listening and not pushing things. The New Moon on Wednesday comes to teach you patience. It also brings with it a brand new chapter in your money arena. The more you take your time and build up your resources, one step at a time without rushing or forcing anything, the more solid is your foundation. You can easily be a total money mogul when you want to be, darling.


All is ready for a major reset this week, Taurus. But first, you must clear out all of the old dross, attachments and comfort zones that were keeping you stuck in a rut. The recent Venus Retrograde helped you completely refine your values and know your worth. You will no longer settle or sacrifice for anything less. The New Moon on Wednesday in your stars is the perfect reset to and invitation to call forth your wishes for the next six months. Make a list and keep it close to you. Check back on the progress of your manifestation next October-November.


No more running around town scattering your energies, Gemini. And no more beating your head against a wall trying to finish a thousand things at once. You’re starting to learn the power of stillness and centering this week. It does wonders for your creativity too. Less is more is the lesson of the week. The New Moon on Wednesday requires extra beauty rest and dream/soul time. Get to bed earlier and let yourself have a sense of sleeping in and indulging in a little snooze button action. It’s time to get out of your head and into your body with a consistent exercise routine.


It’s all about your social world this week, Cancer. Your friends, collaborators and kindred spirits will clamoring for your undivided attention. You’ve also got your long-term goals on your mind. The New Moon on Wednesday is the ideal time for plotting and planning out your next round of five, ten and even fifteen year plans. The long range vision really helps put your present situation into proper perspective. Do you like how you are spending your time? If not, use this week’s New Moon plus the ample amounts of retrograde planets to make any necessary adjustments to your daily schedule.


Career takes top priority this week, Leo. There are some crucial decisions to make and yet you are feeling more indecisive than ever. That’s because there are still so many planets retrograde causing more of a review than a clear vision of the future. Plus, the Moon is very dark this week in her waning cycle which makes for lower energy and a sense of not quite being able to see what is on the other side of this closing cycle. Wednesday brings the New Moon and a grounded sense of new goals will slowly but surely emerge. Just be patient and don’t rush or force your bigger plans. It’s all happening at the perfect time.


Patience will get you everywhere this week, Virgo. You are the master when it comes to feeling out the right moment and not impulsively acting against your own wishes. You have that innate sense of magical timing that others are so envious of. The New Moon on Wednesday invites you to ground back into your highest truth and all that elevates and inspires you. Slow down enough to really listen to what your next path of adventures will be. You’re ready to plot your next six months of travel plans, but don’t make anything concrete until May when Mercury (your ruling planet) comes out of retrograde.


The winds of change are moving everything around you this week, Libra. But the shifts are slow, subtle and easier to integrate than the recent chaos. Just remember to breathe, eat at regular intervals and keep up with your current exercise regime, and you’ll flow right through this new chapter with ultimate grace and ease as only can do. The New Moon on Wednesday is just the beginning of a set of alterations to your current status quo. Be open, willing and ready to embrace the brand new. When resistance kicks in, just relinquish your fears and think of the beauty to come.


Recent relationship stress and drama is settling down and giving way to more sweetness and connection, Scorpio. You’ll be happy to know that you can finally relax into a slower and more grounded rhythm within your partners. The conflicts are subsiding and you’re getting really clear and what you value and where you need to be valued in return. The New Moon on Wednesday falls in your opposite stars of Taurus and reminds you how powerful it is to just mellow out and listen. Sometimes silence is golden and listening, your best friend. Try these and watch how your relationships significantly improve.


Your ready for regular routine and a steady rhythm this week, darling. The more consistent and grounded your daily schedule, the better to anchor your high-flying tendencies to take on more than you can handle. You need something to balance you and keep you somewhat rooted to reality, or nothing gets accomplished. The New Moon on Wednesday is the ideal time for setting your new schedule and creating a kind of plan that really works for you in the long haul. In other words, think of a schedule that is both viable and sustainable. Consistency is key for you now.


Your love life is your reason for living this week, Capricorn. You’re being asked to get really quiet and still and listen to what it is your heart truly desires. You’ve definitely had a big preview of what you don’t want during the recent Venus Retrograde. Now that you’ve had a chance to re-evaluate everything, you are crystal clear on what works and what doesn’t work for you both romantically and creatively. Wednesday’s New Moon asks you to make your wish list for the next six months. Write down everything you want more of between now and October, darling.


Let yourself become a total homebody this week, Aquarius. Nothing feels better than getting super mellow and kicking back in the sanctuary of your own making. Others might accuse you of being antisocial for the time being, but even the most gregarious of signs needs her time to break from the crowds. The New Moon on Wednesday sets the stage for dreaming and scheming up your next six months of home improvement or perhaps even relocation ideas. In any case, it’s hard for you to think beyond your immediate environment right now. Listen to your body as it is screaming for you to slow down and smell the flowers.


You are communication central this week, Pisces. Although Mercury is still Retrograde, you will have some amazing breakthroughs in word, thought and action. The more you slow down your speech and deeply listen with new ears, the more insights come pouring in. The New Moon on Wednesday asks you to have the conversation differently by speaking less and listening harder. What thought patterns and ruts in your texting or speech style have caused you trouble? Now is the time to create some serious traction with how you use the power of your words to heal or harm, Pisces. The choice is yours, darling.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.