Is the astrological weather of April sending you into a panic? Some of our colleagues have been sounding the alarm about what’s coming next month, but our mission is to save you, not to scare you. Yes, it’s true that the Grand Cardinal Cross is one of the most intense astrological moments of our lifetimes, and we can already see the havoc in the headlines, and feel it in our bodies, as the energy builds. But it also holds the potential for once-in-a-lifetime breakthroughs. You don’t have to hide in a bunker — you just have to know how to manage the volatile, revolutionary energy.
The Saturn Sisters are holding a workshop called “State of Emergency: Surviving April’s Grand Cross” on Sunday, March 30th from 2 pm – 5 pm at SanaVita Center for Holistic Cleansing in New York City. Learn where all the intense cardinal energy is hitting your own chart, and how to harness it into creativity instead of chaos.
Space is limited at this $70 workshop, as we’ll be going over your individual charts, so pre-registration is recommended. ($15 additional if you pay at the event.) Bonus: all registrants can book private 1-hour readings with the Saturn Sisters for only $120, a significant discount from our regular rates.
Register via Paypal below: