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Venus Rx Horoscopes by Sign – The Saturn Sisters Venus Rx Horoscopes by Sign – The Saturn Sisters

Venus Rx Horoscopes by Sign

March 7, 2017 0 Comments

tarot humor


Weekly Horoscopes

March 6-12th 2017

by the Saturn Sisters


It’s time to slow your roll, Aries. Admit it – you’ve been running too fast and you’re exhausted. With both your ruler Mars and Venus in your sign all through March, you barely stopped to take a breath. Now that Venus is retrograde, and Mars heading into Taurus this Thursday, you can finally get back to inhaling and exhaling slowly and carefully. The Full Moon arrives on Sunday, asking you to get back into your body and align your mind and soul with your daily rituals. You can avoid any stress by heading into a yoga class or taking ten minutes out of your day to meditate.

You’re coming into your own this week, Taurus, in the most powerful way possible. Mars (the planet of passion, action and pure, unbridled drive) is moving into your own sign on Thursday. You’re not exactly comfortable with this kind of energy, but you’ll get used to it fast. It’s excellent for jumping on opportunities, pursuing your desires, and working out really hard – just don’t push beyond your own limits. This uber-dynamic influence lasts for the next six weeks, and it will help make Venus Retrograde a bit more bearable. Sunday’s Full Moon can bring some lusty drama to your romantic life. Yum.


Say goodbye to the energy that reigned for most of February and the first week of March – it’s about to shift drastically. The fiery vibe may have led you to rash behavior, but once action-planet Mars moves into Taurus on Thursday, your hot temper will calm considerably. For the next six weeks or so, the stars are asking you to focus within. Even if it’s hard to do, meditation is your best medicine during this phase. Sunday’s potent Full Moon could bring some drama or healing (or both) to your family life. It’s a wonderful time to forgive, let go, and get closer.


Eclipse season has been over for more than a week, but there’s still been a large amount of astro-tumult in the air. This week it all gets a bit easier. That’s thanks to Mars, the planet of aggression and action. This passionate planet is moving into your house of friends and networking on Thursday. You’ve felt extreme career pressure during the last few weeks, but after Mars changes signs you’ll be willing to ask for the help that you need to achieve your goals. The Full Moon opens the floodgates in your communication zone on Sunday: say it all, no holds barred.


The planet of passion, action and drive moves into your career zone this Thursday, powering up your professional potential for the next six weeks. You’ll be uber-ambitious and have the staying power to make your decisions stick. Since Mars will no longer be in a fire sign, you’ll also feel considerably calmer than you did through much of February. Big news comes over the weekend, when a Full Moon touches down in your financial zone. A decision you made about six months ago is coming to fruition now – and hopefully more income will be the result.


Your week of weeks has arrived, Virgo. Since the Pisces eclipse a few weeks ago, your relationships have been going through a bit of radical transformation. As Mars, planet of passion and action, moves into a sister earth sign on Thursday, you get your mojo back in a major way. This gives you energy – the right kind of energy – not the nervous, neurotic kind. As the week builds toward the Full Moon in your own sign on Sunday, the focus return to YOU – stop worrying about people and focus solely on yourself. If you were looking for an excuse to book a massage or mani-pedi – THIS IS IT.


Expect major astro-movement this week as Mars, the planet of action and passion, moves into your house of sex on Thursday. You’ve been focused on the practical realities of relationships for the last month or so, and it’s been challenging. Now that hotheaded Mars will be in Taurus, you can get back to your sensual self and connect intimately to your partner. If you’re single you’ll be very eager to swipe right. The weekend is wrought with intensity and emotion as a Full Moon hits your house of dreams. Look within for answers, Libra – your psyche knows best and your intuition is spot-on.


You’ve been a tornado of productivity with Mars in your house of work for most of February and early March, but now the vibe changes drastically, Scorpio. This Thursday your ruling planet moves into Taurus – your opposite sign and relationship zone. Prepare to be obsessed with dating, mating and relating for the next six weeks or so. The Full Moon descends on your house of friends and goals on Sunday, so try to avoid any drama with your girl squad over the weekend. Collabs you started (or just started thinking about) six months ago are coming to fruition now.


With Mars in your sister fire sign for the last six weeks or so, life has been coming at you full force – and that’s not even including eclipse season. The planet of passion and action will move into your work zone on Thursday, making you more productive than you’ve been in a long time. This dynamic phase lasts for the next six weeks, so use it well. You can also make amazing progress on your workout routines now – the stars support balanced alignment between mind and body. Sunday’s Full Moon brings closure to a professional issue that first arose six months ago.


Change is in the air this week, Capricorn – and it’s exactly the change you want and need. Mars, the planet of passion and action, moves into your sister earth sign Taurus on Thursday. This will take the pressure off of your domestic arena, where things have been a bit too dramatic recently, and bring focus to your love life. The next six weeks are also really fantastic for all kinds of creative endeavors. And that’s not all that’s going on in your element this week: Sunday’s Full Moon in Virgo brings a craving for adventure, travel, and major mind-expansion.


The planets are moving into new territory this week, Aquarius – and you’ll have to come along for the ride. Mars has been in your communication zone for the last six weeks or so – all through eclipse season – sometimes making your words into daggers. On Thursday the planet of passion and action moves into the next sign, releasing the pressure valve on your conversations. Now that intensity comes to your home zone, so expect a bit of drama on the domestic front. Sunday’s Full Moon brings a deeply transformative and sexy vibe – it falls in your house of intimacy.


The stars are calming down a bit after weeks of craziness in which you had a starring role. Eclipse season ended with a New Moon in your sign at the end of February, but the drama continued through last week. Now it’s fading, and as Mars moves into Taurus on Thursday – a more moderate sign – you’ll feel mellow and relaxed in body and soul. Your mind, however, might race a bit, so meditation could be in order during the next few weeks. Sunday’s Full Moon falls in your relationship zone – a partnership issue that first came up six months ago comes to a close now.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.