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Weekly Horoscopes 17-23 August – The Saturn Sisters Weekly Horoscopes 17-23 August – The Saturn Sisters

lion for love

Weekly 17 – 23 August 2015


Finally, Aries – it’s a relatively quiet week in the stars. By no means is the astro-tension totally gone, but you’re definitely getting something of a respite during the next seven days. You’ll be fully focused on relationships through at least Wednesday, with the Moon in your house of partnership. When Venus and Uranus wink at each other midweek, romance is anything but typical. Expect the fundamentally unexpected when it comes to love and lust. By week’s end the Sun heads into your house of work and health, putting you in the “back to school” spirit, even though it’s still summer.


This week is not nearly as crazy as the last few, Taurus – the stars are calming down, just for a spell. But with your ruler Venus getting together with Uranus at midweek, you’ll certainly be feeling more adventurous than usual. You’re craving experiences outside your usual comfort zone, especially when it comes to love, relationships, and your home environment. Explore the daring side of your nature. By Sunday the Sun moves into your house of romance, creativity and dating, where it will warm you up considerably during the next four weeks. Cooler weather may be coming, but you’re beyond hot right now.


It’s been quite an insane summer in the stars, but this lovely week changes the vibe just enough to give you a chance for a breather. In fact, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are fairly calm and sublime. Things get super interesting at midweek thanks to a sweet aspect between Venus and Uranus. This is one of those times when friends become lovers and perhaps become friends again – the lines are quite blurred, and that’s exactly the way you want them to be. Over the weekend the Sun moves into an earth sign, invigorating your house of home and family for the next four weeks.


You’ll be super effective this week, Cancer – plan to get it all done (and then some more). There’s a focus on both home and career during the first few days of the week. By Wednesday you’re ready to try something completely new in your professional life – color outside the lines and make a huge impact. Love and creativity rule before the weekend, but by Sunday the vibe does an about-face. With the Sun’s entry into your communication zone, the next four weeks are all about getting your message out. You’re a one-woman public relation’s machine – go master the universe (or at least the Twitterverse.)


This week brings the relief you’ve been waiting for, Leo. Soon enough, you’ll feel like you don’t have to be “on” all the time. Your break begins during the next few days. There should be a surge in communication from Monday to Wednesday — expect quite the flood in your inbox. Try to get through it relatively quickly, because you’re once again totally besotted by love and sex by midweek. This time things are not what they seem, but in a very, very alluring way. Once the Sun moves into your financial zone over the weekend, you’ll be a big-time moneymaker for at least four weeks.


Jupiter’s been in your sign for about seven days, but the fun has truly just begun. Money and spending rule during the first few days of the week, but by Wednesday, everything shifts. With Venus and Uranus stimulating your house of sex, you seriously can’t stop thinking about love and intimacy — or maybe love has nothing at all to with it. You’re drawing outside the lines — the regular old scene simply will not do it for you right now. When the Sun moves into your own sign over the weekend, you begin your reign as cosmic rock star, lasting for four weeks.


You own the first half of the week, Libra. You’re the it-girl and can use your charisma to get whatever you want and need. At midweek your ruler Venus gets into a groovy trine with Uranus, bringing some major excitement to your love and social life. Nothing will be typical, so you must not be afraid to do things quite differently now. Over the weekend the Sun moves into your house of dreams and subconscious thought, bringing you four weeks of inner quiet. You’ll crave rest and retreat, and you might want to grab a weekend to get away from it all.


You’re about to get a bit of a respite from this summer’s constant craziness, Scorpio. You’re in a sweet and quiet dream-space through Thursday, when the Moon enters your sign, beginning your peak-energy phase. Enjoy being the star of stars, because everyone will want to be around you during the next few days. Even more interesting is that Venus and Uranus are caught in a sexy tango at midweek, increasing sexual tension and bringing unexpected thrills to the scene. The Sun shifts into your social zone on Sunday, setting you up for four weeks of a major online and offline networking: work your sources.


The stars bring something decidedly different to the table this week, Sadge. The summer has been full of constant change, but you’re finally about to get something of a break. There are a few boring social obligations to deal with from Monday through midweek. Wednesday, however, is extremely fun, sexy, and totally out there. Venus and Uranus are taking you out for a fiery all-nighter — if you dare. This is one of those moments when your most irresistible ex could show up out of nowhere. The Sun moves into your career zone on the weekend, bringing four weeks of professional prowess.


As the summer starts to wind down the vibe is changing quite a bit. After all that this season has already wrought, you’re more than ready to relax. Midweek brings some super fun energy to the scene, making you feel far more daring than usual, especially when it comes to love, romance and sex. Ex-lovers are definitely thinking about you now, but whether or not you reach out is entirely up to you. By the weekend the Sun shifts into a sister earth sign, bringing the universe back to your solid, practical terms for the next four weeks.


The stars are letting you relax for a few days. Enjoy the first few days of the week because they’re the first emotional break you’ve had in a while – it’ll be smooth sailing with the Moon in an air sign through Wednesday. At midweek you’ll instantly perk up as your ruler Uranus takes it to the next level with romantic Venus. You’re totally speaking the language of love now, Aquarius – and inventing new words for intimacy. Your relationships are on fire now. The Sun moves into your house of sex on Sunday, further inspiring you in the bedroom – and beyond.


You’ve been waiting for a week like this all summer long, Pisces. With Jupiter recently setting up camp in your relationship zone, you’re beginning to think a lot about what partnership means to you, and you’ll get a sense of what a divine connection looks like later this week. When Venus and Uranus join forces on Wednesday, you’re thinking a lot about spending, saving and making money in brand new and never-before-tried ways. By the weekend the Sun moves into your house of others, setting you up for four weeks of relationship repair and plenty of joy, too.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.