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Weekly Horoscopes for the Week of July 20th: Venus goes Retro – The Saturn Sisters Weekly Horoscopes for the Week of July 20th: Venus goes Retro – The Saturn Sisters


Weekly 20-26 July 2015

Don’t go this Venus Retro alone… the next P40 promises to take you through the 40 Days of the Venus Retrograde desert to the other side of Love, Money and Magic! Check it out: Project 40::: Venus Rx


The Sun moves into your love and pleasure zone on Wednesday, where it will deepen your need for romance, play, and loads of fun for the next four weeks – go grab some, Aries! There is more major news this week, and it concerns the planet of love, beauty, romance and money. Venus is turning retrograde this weekend, something she does relatively rarely. Think back to the summer of 2007 – during the next few weeks you might relive some of the themes of that season. Yet this time you’re far more insightful, mature, and ready to deal with exes on your terms – not theirs.


From Wednesday and for the next four weeks, the Sun will occupy your house of home and family, bringing fun and love to your domestic scene. But the real news of the week comes on Saturday, when Venus, your ruling planet, goes retrograde. This is relatively rare, so pay close attention to what happens between now and mid-September – you’re apt to learn much about the way you love yourself and others. The summer of 2007 was the last time Venus moved backwards in the same part of your chart – what happened then? How can you adjust the karma in your favor now?


The Sun moves into your house of talking, thinking and writing on Wednesday, igniting a four-week phase of major communication. You’ll be even more active on social media, but more important, you’ll be able to get your message out in your private life – you’re just incredibly articulate and spunky right now. This weekend there’s a huge astrological development in the works – Venus, the planet of love, beauty and money, is stationing retrograde. This hearkens back to the summer of 2007 – think about what was developing in your life at that time, especially in terms of self-expression, and tweak it.


On Wednesday of this week the Sun leaves your own stars, shifting into new territory. Your birthday month is ending, but that by no means suggests the party is over. A new and very lucrative phase begins now and lasts for four weeks – the emphasis is on earning, spending, and saving money. Over the weekend there’s a notable event in the cosmos – Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is moving into retrograde motion. This is relatively rare, and this particular Venusian phase will bring you back to the summer of 2007 in some ways. Reflect on what you’ve lost and gained since then.

This is a major, major week in your stars, Leo! The Sun moves into your own delightfully dramatic corner of the zodiac on Wednesday, initiating your birthday month. Commence celebrating right away even if you weren’t born until later in August – you deserve it. This weekend there’s a newsworthy astro-event – Venus is stationing retrograde. This doesn’t happen often, and the love and beauty planet hasn’t moved backwards in this part of your chart since the summer of 2007. You’re revisiting those themes between now and September, for better or worse – but mostly better. Watch out because exes may soon begin calling and texting you.


The Sun moves into your house of dreams and retreat on Wednesday, so you might feel like starting your late summer holiday early. If you can’t get away immediately don’t worry – this phase lasts for four relaxing weeks. There’s even more important news arriving on the weekend, as Venus, the planet of love and beauty, goes retrograde. This is a fairly rare occurrence, and it hearkens back to the summer of 2007 – that’s the last time that Venus moved backwards through the same part of your chart. You may again grapple with some of the themes of that summer – and come out on top.


It’s perhaps the most pivotal week of the summer for you, Libra, so pay close attention to what you see and hear. The Sun shifts into your networking zone on Wednesday, bringing a deepened focus to your social life. You’ll notice an uptick in invitations during the next four weeks, and you won’t likely feel like you can refuse. Over the weekend a very special event begins – Venus, your gorgeous ruling planet, is going on a rare retrograde. The planet of love and beauty doesn’t go backwards that often. Through mid-September she’ll revisit the same territory she covered in the summer of 2007.


Your professional aspirations come into crystal clear focus on Wednesday, as the Sun moves into your career zone, brightening your prospects for the next month. It may be a lighter season full of long weekends, but you’re working hard right now, Scorpio. This weekend brings major news – Venus is going retrograde. You may have thought only Mercury took backwards breaks, but all the planets do it – just not as often. The planet of love, beauty and money hasn’t gone this particular route since the summer of 2007 – think back to that time in your life and focus on what you can do better this time.


It’s always lovely when the Sun moves into a fellow fire sign, and that’s exactly what’s on tap for this Wednesday. For the next four weeks your adventure zone will be lit up, inspiring even more crazy wanderlust to erupt within you – you probably won’t be able to sit still. Even more interesting and relatively rare is what’s on the weekend’s calendar – Venus is going retrograde. The planet of love, beauty and money has not retraced her steps similarly since the summer of 2007 – think back to that time and tweak your life accordingly. Career and long-distance aspirations are up for revision now.


The Sun is moving into your house of sex and transformation on Wednesday, bringing intimacy issues into sharper focus. Prepare to go deep, Capricorn! Over the weekend Venus, planet of love, beauty and cash, will be going retrograde, something she doesn’t do that often. Even more interesting, Venus hasn’t retraced precisely the steps she’s about to take since the summer of 2007. Think back to that moment in your life – what were you feeling and thinking and most important — who did you love? Those issues are bound to resurface between now and mid-September, but you can handle them with conscious perspective this time.


Relationships take center stage starting on Wednesday, when the Sun moves into your partnership zone, where it will brighten your one-to-one alliances for the next four weeks. Plunge into the depths of your “other half” – even if you’re currently single. With Venus going retrograde this weekend, you won’t likely be alone for long – your exes are about to begin returning in droves. Between now and mid-September the planet of love and beauty will return to the territory she covered during the summer of 2007. It’s your chance to rewind, review, and make even better decisions this time around.


When the Sun moves into your work and health zone on Wednesday, you might notice that you’re suddenly feeling a bit dramatic around the office. For the next four weeks you’ll feel a lot more driven about your fitness regimen and the daily details of your job – the keyword is precision. The weekend brings yet bigger news – the planet of love and beauty goes retrograde on Saturday, something that happens rather rarely. Between now and the middle of September, you’ll revisit the romantic themes of the summer of 2007. Don’t be surprised if you hear from ex-lovers – they’re probably about to text you right now.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.