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Weekly Horoscopes May 2-8, 2016 – The Saturn Sisters Weekly Horoscopes May 2-8, 2016 – The Saturn Sisters



We’re in the midst of a major slow-down this week with a heavy emphasis on the Taurus stars! If ever there was a time to ground and make the inner world the priority, it’s May. Taurus rules the listening function and with the Sun, Venus and now Mercury Retrograde all grounding in the sign of the Bull, our capacity for hearing things in a new and heightened way is highlighted. It’s time to tune in to our deep inner voice.

Speaking of deep listening: he next P40: DREAM LIFE is devoted to this and breaking through our comfort zones, lackluster security blankets and other deeply embedded ruts. Freud wasn’t kidding: repetition compulsion is real. But how to unwind those deeply embedded grooves of the unconscious that keep us locked into painful patterns like choosing the same kind of dysfunctional relationships, dead-end, “means to end” jobs, and other attachments? The “just getting by” mentality that is anything but living our Dream Life. The key to unlocking your dreams is working with them on a daily basis. Even if you claim you cannot remember them, Project 40: Dream Life provides time-proven techniques that will open up the dialogue with your unconscious and help your recall illuminating dream material. We start May 9th on the lucky day of Jupiter Direct and the Sun-Mercury merger!

Check out DREAM LIFE

For more information on repetition compulsion, the art of dream work and the current Taurus infusion, check out the P40: Podcast: 

Weekly May 2nd to the 8th 2016


It’s the first week of May and Mercury, along with four other major planets, is retrograde. This can make you feel like you’re going nowhere fast, but try not to feel too frustrated, Aries – there’s a method to the cosmic madness. The Sun trines Jupiter on Tuesday, bringing a much-needed dose of astro-optimism. Tap into this and use it for all it’s worth. By Thursday the Moon slips into Taurus, opening the doors of the New Moon. While the lunation exact on Friday, you’ll feel it for the remainder of the week. This is your moment to make major financial plans, Ms. Ram.


This is YOUR week, Taurus, no matter when your birthday falls. Sure, Mercury is retrograde in your sign and four other planets are also moving backwards, but that’s not going to stop you from achieving greatness. Jupiter (planet of luck) trines the Sun in your constellation on Tuesday, delivering some major luck. But even more auspicious is Friday’s super-duper awesome New Moon in your sign. Dream big, live bigger, and make important plans for the next six months of your life. Remember that Mercury is still retrograde, and you might want to wait to take concrete steps until the last week of May.


Yes, it’s true that your ruler Mercury is retrograde (along with four other planets). But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dream big this week, Gemini. The New Moon (on Friday) is exactly the opportunity you need to focus on your biggest visions and begin to make them into a reality. The retrograde is happening in the same sign as the New Moon, which brings a major emphasis to your house of dreams and subconscious thoughts – your inner world. So the more you look within (writing in your journal or allowing yourself to go deep with a therapist or friends) the better you’ll feel.


It’s almost unimaginable that five planets are retrograde right now – including Mercury, the planet with the biggest impact on your daily life. There haven’t been this many planets in retrograde at one time for a decade. Despite that, there is amazing news this week in the form of a New Moon on Friday. This lunation is extra powerful because it is in the same sign that Mercury is moving through right now – making it a theme you can’t ignore. Friendships and group associations are key at this moment. You have a six-month window in which to manifest creative, collaborative goals.


With Mercury and four other planets in retrograde as the week begins, it’s really hard to imagine making any progress, but you’ll just have to reimagine the entire idea of progress, Leo. The New Moon is the big story right now, and it officially arrives on Friday. As you get closer to it, remember that it’s also in Taurus – the same sign that Mercury is in at the moment. This makes your professional life into a major theme. Look back at your past hopes, dreams, and decisions, and course-correct now. Within six months you can achieve hugely important professional goals.


Your ruler Mercury went retrograde just a few days before the end of April, and now it’s slowing down the universe (and your life) along with four other planets that are also in retrograde. Aside from the frustration of this rare astro-moment, there is much to celebrate, if you look hard enough. That’s because Mercury is currently in the same sign that the New Moon will be in on Friday. This gives you the chance to identify a problem (via the retrograde) and act on it to take a chance (via the New Moon). The theme, for you, is mind-expansion.


What a week, Libra! Not only is Mercury retrograde, four other planets are as well, making this a remarkably rare moment for the stars. The most potent part of your chart is your sex zone, as that’s where the planet of communication is moving backwards – and that’s where the New Moon lands on Friday. You get an amazing opportunity to look back into your past in order to revolutionize your future, especially when it comes to intimacy. An old lover may have returned to your life recently (or still might in the next few weeks) but you can be very strategic about how to handle it.


This week is nothing if not unusual. Five planets are retrograde, including Mercury, currently wreaking some interesting havoc in your relationship zone. The upside of this is that the New Moon lands in the same part of your chart on Friday, so you’ll have an opportunity to fix anything that seems broken. Use any communication breakdowns with your significant other to reset the dial as you get closer to the New Moon. Write down your #relationshipgoals in advance of the lunation, if possible, and you’ll be amazed by the ways in which your partnerships transform within six months.


With Mercury retrograde along with four other planets, you should congratulate yourself simply for getting out of bed this week. But you might want to aim even higher than that, because there is a fantastically powerful New Moon on Friday. Because this lunation is in the sign of Taurus, the same constellation that Mercury is currently retrograde in, it offers you a very special opportunity. This concerns your house of work and health, so focus on goals that will help you get organized, Sadge. This is especially helpful if you’ve been all over the map with recent projects, as you’re wont to do.


With Mercury (and four other planets) in retrograde this week, achievement is a bit hard to come by. But it doesn’t have to be that way, Capricorn, because the New Moon is offering some lovely opportunities this Friday. This is particularly potent for you in your romantic and creative realms, so plan accordingly. Note that this is also the part of your chart where Mercury is currently retrograde. Look to any problems or conflicts to locate the magic – that’s exactly where you’re likely to make the most progress in the next six months. Set goals now and take steps before the end of May.


Mercury is retrograde as of last week, and four other planets are also going backwards. Translation: LIFE IS SLOW. But there’s positivity on the horizon, specifically as you get to the New Moon on Friday. This lunation falls in the same sign as Mercury’s current retrograde, giving you an opportunity to use problems to find solutions. This is most likely to happen in your domestic life – with family, close friends, and in and around your home environment. If something goes wrong, or you want to fix an old, broken pattern, you can course-correct this weekend. Set a six-month goal for the real repair work, Aquarius.


It’s not a typical week in the stars, Pisces, so hold onto your hat. The weirdness is mainly because Mercury is retrograde along with four other planets. In other words, life feels like it’s moving at a glacial pace. But there’s good news coming at the end of the week in the form of a powerful New Moon. All of this astro-activity, including Mercury Retrograde and Friday’s lunation, is taking place in your house of communication. What this means is that you’re about to have some major breakthroughs when it comes to talking, thinking, and possibly writing.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.