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The Moon is in your own fire-tastic sign on Monday and Tuesday, giving you exclusive ownership rights to the start of the workweek. Things get murky and complicated by Wednesday, thanks the heavy presence of Neptune, the “planet of pink fog.” Nothing will be quite what it seems between now and the weekend, Aries — don’t believe the hype. Saturday brings a powerful and awesome New Moon to the astro-scene. This lunation is ideal for setting intentions around communication — talking, writing, and engaging in social media. You can reset the dialogue now and for the next six months.


This week starts off somewhat normal and goes a bit pear-shaped starting on Wednesday. That’s when Neptune, the planet in charge of illusion, delusion, and (sometimes) deception, makes its presence widely known. As it first squares the Sun and then Venus on Friday, your relationships with friends and colleagues might be confusing and fraught. Promises will be made, but they might be broken, so read all the fine print. Friday is also potentially a bit depressing, as Saturn gets into the astro-mix. But Saturday makes everything feel possible again, as the New Moon opens the doors to amazing financial opportunities.


This is a major week for you, so stay alert and attuned to your inner voice and intuition. Things get a big murky around Wednesday and the confusion lasts through Friday, thanks to a heavy dose of mystical Neptune energy. Focus on what you really want and need — not what other people expect of you. By the time the New Moon (in your own sign) arrives on Saturday, you’ll be ready to write a solid list of goals for the next six months. This is the most powerful lunation of the year for you, Gemini – don’t skip this vital ritual.


Get as much done as possible on Monday and Tuesday, when the Moon lights up your career zone — be all ambition all the time. By Wednesday things get murky, thanks to ethereal Neptune, the planet of dreams. It’s making a hard square to the Sun at midweek and then Venus on Friday — all relationships could be a bit off now. Try not to project your feelings or insecurities onto your lover or partner. Saturday brings a fantastic New Moon, one that you should wish on right away — it can make your dreams into reality (within six months).


Launch right into the week, Leo, because you’ll be super fiery and creative on Monday and Tuesday. By Wednesday your energy levels could plummet, thanks to a heavy dose of planetary action courtesy of Neptune. This weird, murky vibe can affect your intimate relationships and it lasts through Friday, so beware of making and breaking commitments. By Saturday the vibe is distinctly different, thanks to a fresh, innovative New Moon in your house of goals and networking. Set some big intentions for the next six months, and if you really want them to take off, consider collaborating.


The stars have big plans for you this week, but you might have to wait until the weekend to properly implement them. Monday and Tuesday are your best bets for pure productivity. By Wednesday, thanks to Neptune, you might find yourself in a weird, daydream-like space. Relationships could be confusing/deceptive, so try not to invest too much in what reality seems to be now — it will surely shift soon. The New Moon arrives on Saturday, and it’s pretty brilliant, so carve out time to set intentions. Your career can radically shift (for the better) if you put the effort in right now.


This week starts off low-key, gets progressively stranger, but improves steadily by the weekend. Monday and Tuesday brings your low-energy phase, when the Moon is in your opposite sign. By Wednesday things get a bit weird, as Neptune, the planet of illusion, begins to dominate the workweek. You may have strong feelings and what feels like profound instincts, but don’t take action on your intuition until you’re really sure you know the details. On Saturday the New Moon totally changes the cosmic game – the energy is instantly refreshed. You can manifest your travel dreams now, and you’ve got a six-month window to make it happen.


This is quite a watery, emotional week, Scorpio – but that’s just the way you like it, at least usually. This time though, there might be too much Neptune in the air for even you – the deepest of all the signs. There is a profound sense of intimacy in your romantic relationships now, as if you can hear your lover’s thoughts. Note that not everything is as it seems from Wednesday to Friday. Saturday brings the clarity back full force, as the New Moon settles in, helping you to see the outlines of your relationships clearly and without any illusion.


The stars are causing loads of confusion early this week, but your brain snaps back to attention by the weekend, so all is not lost. The Moon is in your romance zone on Monday and Tuesday, so there’s plenty of love and pleasure in the air – even while you’re at work. By Wednesday Neptune brings a heavy dose of illusion and delusion, so make sure not to believe everything you hear. Saturday brings one of the best and most important New Moons of the year, especially for you. This one takes place in your partnership zone, so set relationship goals for the next six-months.


Career issues are on your mind on Monday and Tuesday, but by midweek you’re feeling a bit unsure of how to move forward. Neptune, the planet of illusion, delusion, and confusion, is making strong aspects from Wednesday until Friday, making much of the week into a wash – especially when it comes to communication. It might feel poetic, but not terribly productive. Luckily this all clears up by the weekend, thanks to a whip smart New Moon on Saturday. This lunation will help you set work-goals with a six-month window – and to get super organized about everything in your life.


This is a tricky week, at least at first. You might be a bit verbally aggressive on Monday and Tuesday, so try to watch your tongue. By Wednesday mystical Neptune, the plant of deception, illusion and delusion, takes over the astro-scene, potentially causing you some financial confusion through the remainder of the workweek. This is not a great time to make commitments, especially connected to income and earnings. But everything turns around by the weekend, when an awesome New Moon hits your house of love and pleasure. Saturday is a fantastic day to set creative and romantic goals.


This is one weird and wonderful week, Pisces! It starts with the weird, and lands on the wonderful, so at least you’re ending in a better place. Your ruling planet, the magical Neptune, is very influential from Wednesday to Friday, putting your intuition upfront. You might feel like life is a dream, yet it might also be impossible to get anything done in the real world. Saturday flips the cosmic switch with a powerful New Moon in your house of home and family. Set domestic goals for the next six months now, and you’ll manifest them by fall, if you keep working at it.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.