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Weekly Horoscopes: Mercury Goes Retrograde – The Saturn Sisters Weekly Horoscopes: Mercury Goes Retrograde – The Saturn Sisters

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Life is getting crazier by the minute! Never before has the imperative been so urgent to get our shit together and blaze through our lives! No more auto-pilot. No more people-pleasing, co-dependent patterns that suck our life force and have us stuck in mediocre land. The upcoming Full Moon in Aries eclipse wants us to burn down all of the old tapes and fears holding us back from greatness! You were born to be a TRAILBLAZER!

Join astrologer and Jungian Analyst, Sherene Vismaya and astrologer and psychic medium, Jessica Lanyadoo for a 40-Day immersion designed to support you in embodying the Kick-ass Trailblazing Goddess you know you are!

Space is limited: Starts: September 30th: Join Here 


Weekly 14 – 20 September 2015


Relationships are crazy-making this week, Aries, so try not to become totally unhinged. First of all, your psychic “spidey senses” are on full alert thanks to the opposition between Jupiter and Neptune. Don’t be surprised if you have prescient dreams around midweek. Mercury begins its third and last retrograde of the year on Thursday, and will remain in backwards motion through 9 October. Aside from the usual warnings about backing up your data, and double-checking your appointments, pay close attention to love and partnership issues. This retrograde hits your house of relationships, causing loads of (temporary) confusion.


This week brings two major events, and both of them are likely to make you SUPER confused. Prepare to sit in the space between knowing and not knowing, Taurus. With Jupiter and Neptune in opposition on Wednesday, dreams are intense and they’re probably carrying a thread of truth. On Thursday Mercury begins its lasts retrograde of 2015, stationing in your house of work. Between now and 9 October, be incredibly attentive to details on your various projects, because they’re bound to go awry. Also pay special attention to communication with your colleagues – it’s really easy to misunderstand people now.


The big news this week concerns your ruling planet Mercury – his third and final retrograde of the year begins on Thursday. As a Gemini you’ve already been feeling this for at least a week (if not more) but it hits full throttle power now – be ready. Because this retro coincides with Jupiter’s opposition to murky Neptune, all bets are off in the focus department – expect to be a bit loopy at midweek. Mercury will be retrograde in your house of creativity, romance and pleasure until 9 October, so don’t be shocked if past lovers appear on the scene (or like your Instagram photos at least).


It’s about that time again, Cancer – Mercury goes retrograde again this week. At least this is the final time for 2015! Just as the planet of communication stations to go backwards for a few weeks, Neptune, planet of dreams, opposes Jupiter – details are scarce but dreams are intense and rather psychic now. The retro begins exactly on Thursday, but you’ll begin to feel its effects in your house of home and family a lot sooner than that. Be especially careful of conversations with close relatives or partners now. You’re more than likely to misunderstand them (and they you) if you don’t clarify first.


Mercury goes retrograde (yet again) this week, Leo – but at least it won’t happen again this year. Before the planet of communication begins his backwards journey, Jupiter and Neptune oppose each other, throwing yet more confusion into our universe. Don’t expect to know exactly what you’re doing, especially when it comes to money and debt. Mercury will be retrograde on Thursday and continue its retrograde through 9 October, so prepare for three weeks of pink fog and haze. Your communication house gets the brunt of this, so be extra careful when it comes to conversation and correspondence via email, phone, text and instant messaging.


There’s good news and bad news this week, Virgo. The good news is that Jupiter and Neptune’s opposition is mega-romantic for you – but you can’t totally lose sight of reality. The not-so-good news is that your ruler Mercury begins its third and final retrograde of the year on Thursday, lasting through 9 October. It will move backwards through your financial zone during this time, so make sure to shore up your accounts and be aware of exactly how much you owe and have available to spend. On the upside, old sources of income could return during the next three weeks.


Mercury has been in your sign since late August, but this week it will begin its third and last retrograde of 2015. When the planet of communication goes backwards in your very own constellation, you feel it more than other signs. It can be a confusing, chaotic time but the good news is that from the time it begins this Thursday to the day it goes direct on 9 October, you’ll have a chance to review your life. This is a grand opportunity to fine tune what isn’t working and let go of the past once and for all.


With Mercury going retrograde yet again (yes, it sometimes feel like Mercury is ALWAYS retrograde) you’re feeling it deep in your soul. But before you even get there, Jupiter will oppose Neptune on Wednesday, making life feel a lot more like a dream than your day-to-day reality typically does. The communication planet officially turns backwards the next day, and will remain in retrograde motion through 9 October. Watch out for messages from the deepest regions of your subconscious mind during this strange, stirring phase. Consider writing down your dreams or sharing them in therapy – and by the end of the retrograde, you’ll feel deeply healed.


Well, Sadge, it’s happening once again: Mercury is going retrograde this week. This is the third and final round of backward movement for the planet of communication. Just a day before the retrograde commences your ruler Jupiter opposes Neptune, making everything feel like it’s covered in a pink, inscrutable fog. It’s a mixture of fantastical and delusional, so mind the details carefully. Mercury retro will last through 9 October, so play close attention to your social life, as it’ll have a strong effect on your friendships and the way you network – both online and off. Old contacts might show up again out of the blue.


Mercury is just about to go retrograde again later this week, but you’ll feel pretty strange and a bit lost right from the get-go. That’s because right before the retro begins on Thursday, Jupiter will oppose mystical Neptune, magnifying the chaos and confusion quite a bit. The high point is that you’ll be more psychic. The low point is that once the retrograde starts in earnest, the next three weeks might be a bit bumpy for your career. Try to avoid launching anything major before 9 October, but you can tweak old projects in the meantime – they’ll be better than ever once the retro ends.


The stars are at it again this week, Aquarius. Jupiter and Neptune oppose each other on Wednesday, making the veils between the worlds quite porous. In other words – you’re fairly likely to know what people are about to say before they open their mouths to speak. On Thursday Mercury goes retrograde for the third and final time of the year, doing his requisite damage in a sister air sign. If you have any important long-distance trips planned between now and 9 October, make sure you check your itinerary over and over, and give yourself more than enough time to get where you’re going.


This week is about as dramatic as they come, Pisces. It’s essential to slow down and stay grounded at all times. All of the sea changes converge on Thursday. Saturn is moving into your career zone to upgrade your worldly status for the next two-pus years. You’re totally entering the big leagues now, Pisces. Aim sky-high! On this very same day, Mercury, the messenger planet is hitting one of his famous retrograde kids. This means that communication and travel will require extra time and attention to detail for the next several weeks. Don’t forget to eat and stay hydrated, darling.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.