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Mars in Charge and Full Moon Mega-Virgo Scopes! – The Saturn Sisters Mars in Charge and Full Moon Mega-Virgo Scopes! – The Saturn Sisters


It’s all about Mars this week, baby!  Actually Mars is in charge for the next five months! Aggro much? Ego-crushing, death-defying, all-or-nothing Scorpio energy rages on to purify our deepest desires, fears and blast through any archaic emotional baggage! Are you ready?

To guide you through this mega-watt Mars matrix, Sherene has teamed up with my  Katelan Foisy, Mistress of Magic and Laura McLaws Helms, cultural historian, creator of Lady Magazine, and author, for a 40-Day email and online intensive through the archetypes of the Tarot for inspiration and structure!

Tarot: Images and Icons starts right on the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces on March 7th and ends April 15th. It’s going to be a game/life-changing psychic voyage out of the doldrums of winter and into one of the most radical spring awakenings we have had in years!

Plus, for this Project 40 we have paired icons from the worlds of art, music, fashion and literature with the corresponding Tarot archetypes. We will work with the stories of these inspiring icons to channel the archetypal energies into our own lives through a mix of writing, ritual, and other psychoanalytic/ esoteric techniques. You’ll get recorded meditations for each Tarot archetype that you can work with forever; rituals; journaling that you can apply to your daily life and ongoing understanding of the Tarot arts; self-portraiture work to embody the different archetypes, history, fashion, glamorous images to inspire you along your path and a lot more! Check it out: P40: TAROT: IMAGES AND ICONS


Weekly 22 – 28 February 2016


The main event of the week comes on Monday, but its reverberations will last for days. The Full Moon in Virgo hits your house of work, making you either exceptionally productive or enormously overwhelmed. Aim to breathe, pace yourself, and refuse to take on more than you know you can handle. Think back to a project that you started around the end of last summer – that’s what you’re probably manifesting now. It’s helpful to make lists of your goals now. Your health is also a bit sensitive this week – yoga, meditation, herbs and extra sleep are the cure for all that ails you.


This week is super intense but totally liberating, Taurus. It begins with a major Full Moon on Monday – a culmination of events and emotions that first began building about six months ago. Think back to late last August – what were you working on, especially in terms of creativity and romance? This is where you should see either a final countdown to greatness or a sign that it’s time to make a change. Either way – expect to feel some overwhelmingly powerful emotions all week long. Relationships rule over the weekend – you might find yourself lost in love. But don’t worry – you’ll find yourself just in time.


Monday’s incredibly intense Full Moon sets the tone for the entire week. This lunation speaks to what you were thinking, planning and building late last summer. It’s particularly relevant to your family relationships and domestic issues, as it hits your house of home and early childhood memories. Really powerful thoughts can come up now, but don’t be afraid of them – the more you feel it, the likelier it is that you’re ready to finally heal and move on. On the other end of the spectrum, you might find yourself thinking about real estate – buying, selling, or giving a set of keys to your lover.


This week’s biggest news is the Full Moon. Note that all new and Full Moons are mega-important for you, because this is your ruling luminary. This lunation arrives on Monday, so you were probably feeling it during the previous weekend – and you’ll continue to experience reverberations throughout the remainder of the workweek. The Full Moon in Virgo hits your communication zone, so think back to any plans or ideas you were working on six months ago. The New Moon in this detail-oriented sign was late last summer, and now you’re experiencing a culmination of sorts. Express yourself with your whole heart, Cancer – don’t hold back.


With an intense Full Moon starting off the week, it’s an emotionally provocative time for you, Leo. Because this lunation hits your house of money and values, you might experience a bit of anxiety about money and earning, but it’s nothing you can’t resolve. Pay close attention to all the details of your accounts, incoming payments, and spending trends. You might hear about a job you finished or applied for about six months ago – that long-awaited check could finally be in the mail. The weekend sizzles and you’re as clear as a bell about what you want: don’t hold back from your desires.


This is it, Virgo – the Full Moon in your own sign hits on Monday. This only happens once a year so it’s essential to sit up and pay close attention. If you feel out of sorts, anxious or have the sense that your whole world is changing, just blame it on this powerful lunation and take lots of notes. You ARE changing now – but totally for the better. Think back to your last birthday – what was going on in your life at that time? What were the wishes you made as you blew out your candles? You’re getting clear answers now, and they are coming true.


The stars are full of both subtlety and very obvious messages this week, Libra. This is all because of the Full Moon on Monday – the big headline of the entire workweek. This lunation hits your house of subconscious thought and dreams, awakening something that’s been dormant in your mind for the last six months. Think back to late last summer – what were you working on then, especially in terms of inner growth? You’re can get the answers you sought with crystal clear clarity now. It’s an excellent time for dream-work: keep a journal by your bedside and write down whatever you remember when you wake up.


The stars have plenty in store this week, but the biggest moment comes at the very beginning. Monday’s Full Moon colors your entire experience of the days that follow. This lunation hits your house of goals, friends, and social networking. Recall what was going on in your life late last summer – did you make any important new contacts or have any brilliant ideas that were ripe for collaboration? Now is the moment to next-level those plans, Scorpio. Connect and make it happen now. The weekend brings the Moon to your own super sultry sign – feel free to let your inner vixen out for a spin.


Your career is exploding early this week, Sadge. The Full Moon hits your house of professional endeavors on Monday, forcing open doors you tried to unlock six months ago. What you attempted to set in place or merely wished for late last summer – it can finally happen now. Truly you might have to let go of an old goal to manifest a new and improved one, but this is the time to make it happen. Over the weekend you might be in a rather meditative, dreamy mood as the Moon prepares to move into your own sign early next week. New beginnings all around.


The week begins with a powerful Full Moon that you’ll feel in your very core. In fact, you might have already begun sensing the approach of this lunation during the previous weekend. This Moon lands in Virgo, in your house of long-distance travel and adventure. It recalls the previous New Moon in the same sign six months ago – think about what you were planning or attempting to put into motion then. Whatever didn’t quite happen can blossom now – especially explorations of new philosophies and countries. If you’re jetting off on holiday soon, you can expect some important growth and transformation while you’re on the road.


This week starts off with a powerful Full Moon in your house of intimacy – it’s time to own your desires, Aquarius. Think back to late last summer, when the New Moon occupied the same part of your chart. Who came into your life at that time – were there any new lovers? If you’re in a long-term relationship, you can deepen or reignite your sexual bond now, but your primary objective is to look within and figure out what you really, truly, and madly desire at the gut level. The weekend is also drenched in sultry vibes, but you might be too busy working to notice.


It’s a profound week for you, Pisces, so pay close attention. With a Full Moon in your opposite sign on Monday, you’re feeling all the astro-vibes even more powerfully than you usually do. You might be a bit tired or cranky, so give yourself plenty of space, especially with your significant other. This lunation hits your relationship zone, making you reflect on the qualities of your one-to-one partnerships in a deep and provocative way. Six months ago something might have come up, and now you can get some healthy closure, but first you have to go deep. Don’t be afraid to feel it all, Ms. Fish.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.