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Horoscopes for Jupiter into Libra by Sign – The Saturn Sisters Horoscopes for Jupiter into Libra by Sign – The Saturn Sisters


Justice wild unknown


Weekly 5 – 11 September 2016


This is happily an eclipse-free week, but it’s not without major astro-potential, Aries. In an otherwise jam-packed month, this might just be your favorite week of all. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is moving into your relationship zone on Friday, for the first time in twelve years. If you’ve had a romantic dry spell, prepare to dive into partnership and make a serious splash between now and next fall. That’s right — you get twelve months of help from the most auspicious planet of them all. Saturday is volatile thanks to the Saturn-Neptune square — don’t get into any political arguments.


In the midst of September’s craziness this week is a port in the storm (of sorts). There are no eclipses, so that’s a plus, and on Friday there is some FABULOUS news. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is moving into Libra — the other sign ruled by Venus. This is especially auspicious for you, because this jolly planetary player will spend the next twelve months in your work zone, filling you up with loads of lucrative projects. It’s also wonderful if you’ve been concerned about any health issues or simply need a reason to get back to the gym.


This is a relatively calmer week in the midst of a messy month, so take refuge in it, Gemini. It’s not just that this week is eclipse-free — it also has a wonderful development to boast of. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, is moving into a new sign on Friday. It will spend the next twelve months in Libra, a sister air sign, livening up your love and creative life with adventure and opportunity. This is AWESOME news for both romance and idea-generation. You haven’t experienced anything like this since 2005, so get ready for mega-pleasure.


September has been pretty intense for its short duration so far, but this is a far less crazy week. There aren’t any eclipses, to start, and that on its own makes life feel more secure. Remember that Mercury Retrograde is churning in the background — it’s still important to back up your data and double-check your appointments. Friday, however, is a very special day, and the beginning of something utterly beautiful. This is when lucky Jupiter moves into Libra for the first time in twelve years. Between now and next fall, this auspicious planet will bring endless joy to your home and family arena.


This week brings a slight break from the intensity of eclipse season, so revel in the not-completely-insane vibe, Leo. And even more exciting, there’s a super positive planetary shift that you’ll totally adore. Lucky Jupiter moves into Libra on Friday, for the first time in twelve years. This is an amazing development because air signs are a great match for you, and it’s doubly wonderful because your communication zone will be lit up for an entire year. Yes, Ms. Kitty — for the next twelve months you can launch all manner of publicity and social media campaigns to great acclaim.


In the midst of quite a birthday month, this week offers a bit of a respite. Rest now Virgo, because Mercury is still retrograde and there’s another eclipse in your opposite sign next week. There’s an excellent development on Friday. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion (which has been in your own sign for the past year) is now moving into your financial zone. This is extremely auspicious for all things related to moneymaking — earning more at your current job, moving into a higher-paying position, getting loads of freelance clients, or just saving/budgeting. Even better news: it lasts for the next twelve months.


Lovely Libra, your life is about to get radically LOVELIER this week. Yes, you’ve been waiting for this for twelve long years. Jupiter, the planet in charge of luck, expansion and adventure, is moving into your very own sign on Friday. For the next year (all the way until the fall of 2017) you’ll have all the decadent blessings of this jolly planet. If you fall, Jupiter will help you up. If you fail, Jupiter will boost your spirits and help you achieve even more the next time around. Jupiter will stoke your wanderlust. And best yet — Jupiter will keep you constantly laughing.


September is one of the most intense months of the year so far, but this week could be the safest harbor of them all. That’s because you’re past the first eclipse and the next one isn’t until next week, Scorpio. In the meantime Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is moving into a new sign – the one that comes right before your own. That will shift your focus toward your inner life – your dreams and your psyche. When it comes to staying grounded, the next twelve months bring one of the healthiest opportunities you’ve had in twelve years.


There’s plenty of reason to breathe a sign of relief this week, Sadge. Yes, Mercury continues to retrograde and it’s still eclipse season, but at least there aren’t any eclipses in the next seven days. The week starts to get really interesting on Friday, when your ruler Jupiter moves into Libra for the first time in twelve years. You’re about to get a lucky yearlong boost of positive energy in your networking zone. Between now and the fall of 2017, your friends and acquaintances are your lucky stars, and they’ll help you to achieve your goals. Don’t let the final Saturn-Neptune square shake your faith on Saturday.


This is a better week in the midst of a challenging month, Capricorn. One of the major reasons is that it’s eclipse-free, so there’s likely no immediate drama to deal with. And even better, you’ve got a major boon on Friday – Jupiter is coming to your career zone. The luck planet hasn’t been in this sector of your horoscope for twelve years, and he’ll continue to boost your professional pursuits through the fall of 2017. You’ve got plenty of time to get to the top – but why not start right away? Set goals now and take action by the end of the month.


The stars are uber-intense this month, but this week offers a temporary respite from all the craziness. Use it for all it’s worth, Aquarius – especially on Friday, when Jupiter moves into an air sign like your own. This is a truly fantastic development for your travel itinerary for the next year of your life – the luck planet will remain in your adventure zone through the fall of 2017. Get on the road as soon as you can – both for business and pleasure (or both at the same time). Saturday brings the final Saturn-Neptune square – the only potential low point in an otherwise lovely week.


September is a serious month but this week offers a sweet reprieve, Pisces. After last week’s powerful eclipse, you certainly need a bit of downtime. When Jupiter moves into Libra on Friday, you’re gifted with a year of luck – in your house of intimacy. If your sex life has been missing something vital, this auspicious planet will help you find what you’re looking for over the next year of your life. Single Fish can connect with new lovers, while partnered Pisces can bring the spark back to their love lives. Note the Saturn-Neptune square on Saturday – it can make you feel a bit melancholy.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.