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Weekly Horoscopes for Mercury Entering Libra – The Saturn Sisters Weekly Horoscopes for Mercury Entering Libra – The Saturn Sisters


Weekly 3 – 9 October 2016


There’s a sense of abundance in the air at midweek, especially for your relationships. With your ruler Mars in square to lucky Jupiter, “too much is never enough” is your theme song You’ll go after what you want, especially in the realm of romance and your professional life. But if you push too hard, one or the other might have to give, Aries. That’s why it’s always wise to temper your aggressive tendencies with a large dollop of diplomacy. That gets easier on Friday, as Mercury slips into your opposite sign, helping you to speak without sounding like you’re screaming.


The stars are changing their tune this week, and you’re really, truly feeling like you’re beyond September’s tumultuous temperament. It’s taken a while for the retrograde to feel fully over, but now you’ll get a taste of calm. That’s not necessarily true for Wednesday, however, when hard-driving Mars facing off with Jupiter, currently in your work zone. Try not to get into any arguments with colleagues or creative partners if they don’t at first see it your way. Mercury, the planet of talking, thinking and texting, moves into your house of work and health on Friday, bringing balance to this part of your chart.


Even though Mercury Retrograde ended close to two weeks ago, you may have still felt like it was in full effect the last few days. That’s because there’s a “shadow” period of approximately ten days after retrogrades officially end, and this one was a DOOZY. This week brings a much more manageable vibe, but watch out for Wednesday. On one hand you’ll be uber-ambitious, but you might also be too pushy, especially when it comes to romantic or creative matters. On Friday Mercury moves into your house of pleasure, bringing your mind in line with your desires – putting everything exactly where it should be.


October is here and it should be a better month than September all around, Cancer. Yet you might still feel rough around the edges, given last month’s crazy-making Mercury Retrograde and two overwhelmingly intense eclipses. On Wednesday Mars and Jupiter move into a challenging angle, creating a potential conflict relating to your significant other or your family/domestic situation. Again, don’t let it throw you off course, because it’s a temporary influence. When Mercury moves into your home zone on Friday, you can apply your intellect to a situation that’s been totally emotional – and figure out how to get to the bottom of it.


Have you ever been this glad to say goodbye to the previous month? After this September, we can’t blame you for being grateful to move on. Now that October is here you’ll be able to do a lot more than just sigh relief – you’ll be able to have some fun and make major progress. Note that Wednesday is a bit bumpy and stressful, especially when it comes to communicating your needs at work. Don’t push your luck, Leo – let it go for now. By Friday Mercury moves into your talking/texting/thinking zone, making you into a smooth operator on all levels.


You’ve been through one of the most exhausting, overwhelming, transformative birthday months in years, Virgo – but now you’re officially on the other side of all the craziness. After two eclipses and a harsh Mercury Retrograde in your own sign, life is starting to feel positive again. October brings many blessings for your financial situation, despite a challenge at midweek. You can navigate this easily if you just refuse to be reactive. Your ruler Mercury moves into the next sign on Friday, and will be in your money zone for the next few weeks – it’s time to wrap your brain around earning what you deserve.


October is your birthday month, and its first full week is shaping up to be exactly what you’ve needed, Libra. After a September to remember (not for pleasant reasons) you’re so ready for what’s next. There’s a bit of a Mars-influenced bump on Wednesday, so be wary of close loved ones who might attempt to control your feelings. Express your reservations but know that outcomes are likely to change by the end of the week, when Mercury moves into your own sign. This is when your amazing diplomatic skills are at an all-time high – you can basically negotiate anything for the next few weeks.


After a hell of a September, you’re going to adore the first week of October – a better month all around. You’re done with Mercury Retrograde and eclipse season and you’re fully coming into your own power. After all, your own birthday month is just a few weeks away. Note that your ruler Mars is in a bad mood on Wednesday, and it could make things a bit tricky on the financial front. By Friday, however, Mercury moves into the smooth and lovely land of Libra, where it will bring peace to your psyche over the next few weeks.


September is over, thank the stars, and you’re just starting to get a sense of how much better things can be for you. This will be apparent by the end of the week, but first you have to get through a bit of a bump on Wednesday. Mars, the planet of passion, is squaring off with your ruler Jupiter. This can make a situation blow up instantly and without warning – especially a social situation. Whatever explodes will cool down by Friday, when Mercury moves into sweet, diplomatic, and peaceful Libra, where it will bring loveliness to your friendships for the next few weeks.


This is a big week in your stars, Capricorn. Mars just moved into your sign early last week and you’re getting the swing of living with the planet of passion. When he squares off with Jupiter on Wednesday, your ego could flare temporarily. Luckily you can diplomatically resolve any resulting tension – especially on the work front. Just make sure not to expand anything too fast. By Friday all the stress melts away as Mercury, the communication planet, moves into your house of professional pursuits for the next few weeks. This is perfect for branding, negotiating, and getting exactly what you want at work.


The stars are bringing you what you’ve wanted for many weeks – a bit of calm in the storm. September was a crazy month, with two eclipses and a powerful Mercury Retrograde phase. October is looking a whole lot lovelier and that will be clear this week. You might not agree on Wednesday, when Mars squares off with Jupiter. This is the most stressful day, but it’s over fast enough to be of little consequence. Everything improves markedly on Friday, when Mercury moves into your travel zone. The next few weeks were absolutely made for getting on the road – or at least planning your next adventure.


The stars are giving you a major break, Pisces, and you totally deserve it after surviving September. That was a rough month indeed, with two eclipses (one in your own sign) and an oppositional Mercury Retrograde. Your relationships have been through the ringer and back, but October promises to be a much better month all around. Watch out for Wednesday of this week, when people are likely to be on edge if things don’t go immediately their way. By Friday you’re obsessing about your sex life, and you can learn to communicate better about intimacy over the next few weeks.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.