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Weekly Horoscopes for the Week of October 16th-22nd – The Saturn Sisters Weekly Horoscopes for the Week of October 16th-22nd – The Saturn Sisters


Weekly October 16th – 22nd 


The best word to sum up this week is INTENSE. It begins on early Sunday morning as you’re still being tossed and turned by the Full Moon in Aries that broke out at midnight — expect to reel from this for a few more days. Tuesday brings some relief thanks to Venus, the love planet, and she moves into a fire sign like your own. Wednesday is also rather crazy, so batten down the hatches and don’t explode when someone gets in your way. Finally, your direction changes on Saturday, when Scorpio season begins. Halloween may not be until Monday, but you’re ready to go incognito a few days early.


This is not a week for the faint of heart, Taurus – but you’re made of the toughest stock around, so you’ll be fine. On Sunday morning you’re still feeling the reverberations of the previous night’s Full Moon, so take it as easy as you can. Tuesday brings your ruling planet Venus into a new sign, bringing a recent flirtation to the next level. Date-nights can turn into sleepovers during the next few weeks. Wednesday is pretty rough-and-tumble all around, and you might find it difficult to push forward on ideas you’ve been nursing for weeks. Take a step back and revisit later. By Saturday the Sun moves into Scorpio, where it will turn your next four weeks into a 24-7 relationship-obsession session.


When you wake up on Sunday morning you’re just a few hours beyond a major Full Moon event, so don’t be surprised if you’re still dealing with some unexpected social developments and/or friendship drama. Tuesday is a lighter day, with Venus on the move into a lovely part of your horoscope, where she’ll bringing loads of sweetness and light to your relationships for the next few weeks. But Wednesday is a doozy, Gemini – tread gently when it comes to all interpersonal relationships, especially around money and creative collaboration. Later on Saturday Scorpio season begins, which is also a very productive time for you. Expect to have loads of business to take care of during the next four weeks.


Sunday morning brings the aftermath of the Full Moon from late on Saturday night, so don’t be surprised if you feel a bit out of it all day. Career obsession is a theme at the moment, and it could carry all the way through the weekend. When Venus switches signs on Tuesday, you get a major productivity boost, one that will last for weeks. Expect some extra loveliness at work, Cancer. Watch out for Wednesday, the most volatile day of the week – everyone is on edge, and your relationships are in the crosshairs. Saturday is special: it’s the start of Scorpio season, and four weeks of creative and romantic awesomeness, just for you.


When you wake up Sunday morning, you’re still feeling the reverberations of the previous night’s intensely fiery Full Moon in Aries. It happened after midnight, so it’s still rules the cosmos for at least another 24 to 48 hours. Tuesday brings yet more fire into the atmosphere, as Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and cash, begins to wake up your romantic and creative side. This amazingly inspirational phase lasts for a few weeks, so enjoy the vibe. Wednesday is super edgy, and not in a cool, indie kind of way – people are on EDGE, including you and everyone you love. Saturday is the day of big change – you’re moving into a deeply introspective phase that will last for four weeks.


On Sunday morning you’ll wake up to a strange sensation – that of the Full Moon that happened only hours before. It’s a powerful feeling, Virgo – and it can be a bit overwhelming You’ve changed a LOT during the last few weeks, and this might feel like the final release of old, negative emotions. Let yourself go there! Tuesday brings a lovely development – Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is on the move. Over the next few weeks you can expect extra sweetness on the home front – or just an urge to totally redecorate your house. Your taste is beyond impeccable right now. Wednesday is your official astrological excuse day: it’s intense on all fronts, so if you want to totally opt of social obligations, go for it. Saturday is the start of Scorpio season – four weeks of excellent progress on the talking/texting front.


It’s the last week of your birthday month, so make the most of it! When you wake up on Sunday morning you might still be reeling from the Full Moon that just took place a few hours earlier – intensifying your relationship realm in a major way. You’ll love the change in the air on Tuesday, when your ruling planet Venus moves into a new sign. The next few weeks are full of lovely opportunities for all forms of communication – via social media, email, and in-person. You’re more articulate than ever right now, Libra. Wednesday is not your favorite day of the week, or anyone else’s for that matter – stress levels could be high. Starting on Saturday, your financial prospects are phenomenal – and the positive vibes last for four weeks.


When you arise on Sunday morning you’ll notice a distinct sensation – the lingering energy of the Full Moon, which happened very late the night before. Lap up the love and luxury before Tuesday, when romance planet Venus leaves your sign after a glorious three weeks. From now through mid-November, you’re able to attract the cash you need to fuel all your ventures (and shopping excursions). Watch out for the intense vibes on Wednesday, when Pluto (your ruling planet) causes a major ruckus. You’ll be ready to push your agenda, but you might push too hard, alienating others in the process. Wait a few days and try again. When the Sun moves into your own sign on Saturday, your birthday month begins. Pop those corks and celebrate, Scorpio – all month long.


You’re going to LOVE this week, at least once you get through the rest of the weekend. The Full Moon that happened overnight between Saturday and Sunday was intense, and since it was in a fire sign, you’re feeling it in every fiber of your being. Channel any angst into creativity. By Tuesday everything gets going – and glowing. The planet of love and money is heading into your own stars and will shower you with gorgeousness over the next three weeks. This is a stunning opportunity to bask in beauty – spa visits, shopping, and hair appointments will be even more successful than usual. Not to mention – loads of romance and creativity are yours through mid-November. Lap it up.


The intensity of the weekend’s Full Moon will continue rock your world all day Sunday, especially on the home front, so lay low if at all possible. Emotional tsunamis will swirl if provoked – stay as far away from the fray as you can. Tuesday brings a meditative shift that will last for a few weeks – it’s time to put yoga and mindfulness onto your schedule. Wednesday is CRAZY intense, so breathe deep and avoid being reactive, no matter what. If you need to put on your headphones to shut out the world – you’ve got the perfect astro-excuse. Saturday brings a major development for your social life – and the busy, collaborative vibe will last for the next four weeks.


Saturday night into early Sunday morning is peak time for the Full Moon – and it could continue to put you on edge for a few days, although it’s also mega-inspiring and creative. Watch your words and don’t take other people’s projections too seriously. Tuesday brings a big change in your social scene – a kiss from Venus that will last for three lovely weeks. Wednesday is not for the fainthearted, so make sure not to overact if someone you know is freaking out. Calm yourself first, then calm them, too. Saturday starts a four-week phase of career awesomeness thanks to the Sun in Scorpio – you’re a professional rock star though late November.


You’re still reeling from the Full Moon when you wake up on Sunday, and it may in fact make you want to sleep in. Feel free, Pisces – you’re continuing to process multiple developments and dreaming can help you to do so. When Venus moves into a new sign on Tuesday, it sparks a major development for your career – three weeks of excellent vibes. You’ll definitely get loads of attention, and possibly a promotion or a raise. Wednesday is a super weird day on the communication front, so don’t take anyone’s comments personally – they’re more than likely to apologize later. The same goes for you, so hold back your harshest criticism if you can (both online and off). Saturday is one of your favorite days of the week, as the Sun moves into Scorpio. For the next four weeks you’re crazy adventurous and in your element. If you start to feel like you’re dying for an exotic vacay, you can blame the stars.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.