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Cancer Full Moon Horoscopes by the Saturn Sisters – The Saturn Sisters Cancer Full Moon Horoscopes by the Saturn Sisters – The Saturn Sisters



Weekly 9 – 15 January 2017


The big story of the second week of 2017 is the Full Moon. Now that Mercury is direct and your head feels like it’s finally screwed on properly, it’s time to sink down into your emotions and let yourself feel all your feelings. The lunation is exact on Thursday, but you’ll feel it all week long. Prepare to purge some old insecurities, to feel ultra-nostalgic, and to long for sweetness from your childhood. Family plays a big role this week – and all you want to do is nest. Make sure to carve out extra time for self-care and plenty of nurturing.


This week’s Full Moon brings emotions to the surface in an unprecedented way, Taurus. Just as you start to fully embrace the wonders of Mercury moving forward and begin getting your communication strategy in gear, this lunation shows up on Thursday – totally bringing the drama. Because this Full Moon hits your house of talking, thinking and texting, you might get a message or a call that gets very emotional very fast. Try to temper your wilder feelings by taking a deep breath before you unleash a tirade that you’ll regret, Ms. Bull. By the weekend, everything feels calmer.


Mercury is finally direct as of last weekend, so you’re starting the workweek off right, Gemini. However, just as you’re getting back into the groove of forward motion, the astro-scene is shaken and stirred in a major way. Thursday’s Full Moon opens up a whole world of unexpected emotion. You’ve got the feels, and you’ve got them BIG TIME. Your self-worth and your financial situation are coming up now, so try not to suppress any feelings that arise in these arenas. It’s best to process and purge them – you’ll feel better on the other side – as soon as the weekend.


This week is an emotional rollercoaster. Then again, every day is a bit of a rollercoaster for you, darling – you’re a moody Cancer after all. Mercury is now direct, and that’s a very positive development. But Thursday’s Full Moon is in your own sign. In some ways this is a homecoming for your psyche – think about what was going on near your last birthday. This is the moment when all the questions, goals, and relationships you were starting to build finally come together and make sense. Your wishes are either coming true or turning into something else now – so release them if you must.


Mercury is finally direct so you’re in a perfectly good mood early this week, and feeling particularly productive to boot. But take some time for self-care starting as early as Wednesday, because the Full Moon can knock you off your feet the next day. This lunation wakes up your house of dreams and secrets. It’s supremely emotional, so don’t expect to be able to hold it in – don’t even try. Releasing by writing in your journal, talking with friends, going to therapy or yoga – all will get you through it. If all that fails – take a nap, or five!


Congratulations, Virgo – your ruler Mercury is FINALLY headed in the right direction. After the last three weeks of chaos and confusion, this is a major gift from the stars. Yet there’s more to the week than that – there’s also an important, deeply emotional Full Moon on Thursday. This lunation hits your house of networking and goals. It’s all about the way you connect (or don’t) to various groups – your friends, colleagues, or even your Instagram followers. A collaborative project could come to fruition now – one that you began or at least started thinking about six months ago.


The workweek gets off to a fantastic start as Mercury has just gone direct for the first time in three weeks. Everything will keep coming together, but take it slow at first. Take it REALLY slow at midweek, because Thursday’s Full Moon brings up some seriously intense emotions. You’re at a pivotal moment for your career – it might seem like it’s a make-it-or-break-it kind of week. You are at a finale of sorts, a culmination of something you started about six months ago. But it might also be a chance to tweak or change your game plan if that’s what makes the most sense.


This week is as intense and emotional as it gets, Scorpio. Mercury Retrograde just ended over the weekend, so you’re still easing back into healthy communication patterns – getting completely back to normal can take from a week to ten days. Yet just as you’re starting to feel really positive about it all, along comes the Full Moon on Thursday, bringing high drama. This can affect any travel you have planned – or it might be connected to a location that you visited during the last six months. Either way, with the Full Moon in a water sign like your own, your feelings lead the way.


You’re pleased as punch that Mercury Retrograde ended over the weekend, and now that the communication planet is direct in your own sign, you’re all fired up and ready to go. Despite this, you might have to take a brief pause to air your feelings on Thursday, thanks to the powerfully intense Full Moon. This lunation opens up your house of sex and transformation, so it’s deeper than deep. Expect to experience every emotion you’ve ever had – and then some. Relationships with intimate partners are under the microscope right now, so tread gently and be careful about what you say (and text).


Mercury spent the better part of the last three weeks retrograde in your own sign. The really good news is that it went direct over the weekend, and communication is just starting to stabilize. The trickier news is that the Full Moon brings some intense emotional challenges on Thursday. This lunation breaks your relationship zone wide open. If you’re involved, it can create a breakdown that becomes a breakthrough. If you’re single you might meet someone, (or at least long for someone) who opens your heart as wide as can be. Be prepared to feel all your feelings without holding back a single, solitary emotion.


You made it through Mercury Retrograde, Aquarius – congratulations! Be forewarned, just as your starting to come out of the communication fog, you’ll have to pause for a moment to air your feelings. Thursday’s intense Full Moon will bring up your emotions and it will bring them up in the most powerful way possible. There’s no sidestepping or repressing with this lunation – you’ve got to process it all, so you can emerge free and clear on the other side. By the weekend the vibe is a lot more to your liking, thanks to the Moon in your relationship zone.


This week gets very emotional very fast, Pisces, so be ready to process your feelings endlessly. Just on the other side of Mercury Retrograde, communication is still a bit murky, so try to focus on yourself instead of working through complicated issues with others. Thursday brings an intense Full Moon in Cancer – your sister water sign, making love, pleasure and creativity into a major theme. Not only that, but Venus and Neptune, both currently in your own sign, are conjunct. Translation: romance is OFF THE CHAIN at the moment. It’s very, very easy to get lost in your fantasy world of choice.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.