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Last Quarter Moon in Gemini Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters Last Quarter Moon in Gemini Horoscopes – The Saturn Sisters

Last Quarter Moon in Gemini Horoscopes

September 11, 2017 0 Comments



Weekly Horoscopes 11-17 September


You’re a proverbial chatterbox this week, Aries. It’s a text until you drop kind of week. The Last Quarter Moon is in Gemini, the sign of writing and communication. Now is the time to finally crank out that novella, or at least catch up on bills and correspondence. Mercury is no longer retrograde and you can finally think straight. and articulate your thoughts without constant editing. All of those mixups and misfires are thankfully a thing of the past. The second part of the week is full of feeling, so on wonder you’re more inclined to hunker down at home.


This is the week to get grounded and take care of your money, Taurus. Life is finally getting back on track and the fog is lifting now that Mercury is no longer retrograde. This week’s Last Quarter Lunar phase in Gemini puts the focus on finances, budgets and list-making. Put your attention on cleaning up your cash situation so that you can move into the new season with proper prosperity. No detail is insignificant. Your relationship with food also comes into focus. Are you eating for comfort or escape or for proper fuel and nourishment? When your creative voice feels blocked, it can affect your diet, darling.


You’re totally in your element this week, Gemini. The Last Quarter Lunar phase happens to land in your very own mercurial stars to light up your world of communication. Speaking, texting and writing are all highly favored under this lunation. Mercury, your ruling planet is clearing his retrograde shadow and transactions, travel and talks are finally less wonky. Step up your writing and public speaking game this week as well. You can tap into your Gemini genius and create something mind-blowing. The early part of the week is your incubation period, the middle part of the week is excellent for grounding and financial clean-up. Finally later in the week, you’ll be right in the zone.


It’s time to slow down and turn inward this week, Cancer. Catching up on your beauty sleep, drifting, dreaming and even book-reading marathons are favored. Solitude and retreats in nature are especially appealing now under the Last Quarter Lunar phase in your house of dreams and escape. Too much socializing can be taxing on your sensitive nervous system during a normal week, but this is a time when you need more quiet and space than usual. You’re ready for a break from taking care of others so you can recalibrate. Keep your calendar light and your downtime super spacious.


We are in the Last Quarter Lunar phase and it’s all about your social world and long term goals, Leo. Hooking up with the right people and creating a killer team is key. Building a proper structure and strategy around your bigger plans is also necessary now. As much as you tend to go solo, you know you need your tribe to back you now. Once you enlist the proper force behind you, nothing will stope you. Networking is also favored now. Enlisting help should not encroach upon your pride. Sure, you can do it all by yourself, but why?


Your career is your all and all this week, darling. Of course work is always your go-to activity of choice. Under this week’s Last Quarter Moon, you can finesse your plans into perfection with loads of lists and little details that make you ridiculously happy. Now that your ruling planet, Mercury is retrograde-free, you’re safe to plan and commit yourself silly. Travel both near and far is also less problematic now. Later in the week, you’ll be craving quality time with your peeps. Your friends are more like family— even more than family these days. Support is everything.


Get ready to jet this week, Libra. You’ve been sitting pretty and patient for far too long and you’re ready to climb the walls. Expansion, adventure and new horizons are the key to your happiness under the current stars. This week’s First Quarter Lunar phase sets the stage for proper travel. It helps that you’re feeling way less indecisive now. Mercury Retrograde is safely behind us, and life is starting to semi-work again. Career and family concerns are competing for your attention later in the week. You can’t keep all of the people happy all of the time, so don’t kill yourself trying. Balance and beauty are essential.


Another slew of changes are upon you this week, Scorpio. You’re so all or nothing that you might push yourself to an extreme that is hard to undo later. Avoid anything too radical until the dust settles next week with the New Moon. There’s so much letting go in the process, but you’ve learned the hard way to just release your grip. Plus, the clearing out is making space for the profound Jupiter in Scorpio juju on the way in next month when he blesses your stars. Success and expansion are inevitable in the coming weeks. Just stay grounded in the details of all that is coming and going now.


Relationships play the starring role this week, Sagittarius. The Last Quarter lunar phase is getting specific about what you want and don’t want in the way of partnerships or partnering in general. The details of previous conversations are kicking in in a rather obsessive way as you try to sift and sort through truth versus fantasy. The recent Mercury Retrograde brought some confusing messages to the mix. You are still untangling all of that. Actions do speak louder than words in any case, and that is case for deeper contemplation. Watch for a grumpy streak mid-week and don’t take your bad mood out on the wrong person. By the weekend, you’re feeling back in your confident and fiery best.


Nothing is clear this week and it leaves you with endless questions. Overthinking and analyzing is not good for your health or peace of mind. Write it all down and let it go. The Last Quarter Lunar phase is stirring up a non-stop stream of thoughts and potential worries. But you can also meditate, calm your mind and go Zen. You have choices, Capricorn. Planning and plotting is what you do best, so put your mind to task rather than obsession. Work is your primary focus but relationships are a close second this week. The key is let your heart inform all of your decisions now.


Love and pleasure are on the agenda this week, Aquarius. There might be a thousand distractions, but you’ll adore each and every diversion. Your love list is quite endless now. Don’t let the part of you that gets caught up in rescuing everyone you love steal you away from the fun. You have to make your own happiness top priority now to get back some balance. Abide by your heart without exception. Have strong boundaries to protect your free time or someone will definitely come and scoop you right up into their own drama. Just say no and continue on your path.


A million blessings are getting heaped upon your beautiful head this week, Pisces. The Last Quarter Lunar phase is all about home, family and roots. You are so appreciative of the support and unconditional love flowing in your life. You tend to attract the most loving people as a reflection of your own magic. The power of love never ceases to amaze you. Don’t hesitate to express your endless gratitude to all of those how support, inspire and love you the most. Write, text, call or even send a card. This is how you keep the waters of connection circulating right back around.

Sherene Vismaya Schostak

Sherene Schostak, M.A. is a Jungian analyst, author and metaphysician who specializes in helping creative artists transform their addictions and creative blocks. She is a professional astrologer in private practice in San Francisco and New York City for the past eighteen years. http://sherenevismaya.com/.